"TDS is now 0.4 based on the com-100 reading. Hopefully I'll start to see some positive results. If the source water is the problem that's easy to fix."
I could be wrong here, but I thought that anything above 0 TDS is a big problem?
Excellent question. Forgot to mention that. It had been a while since I changed my RO/DI cartridges. I used the inline meters to give me an idea of when they need to be changed and it had been quite a while since they had given a reading above 0. I took another reading with my com-100 tds meter and found it to be 8.6. I've since swapped out all cartidges and my water purified water now has a reading of 0.4 from the com-100. The first round of clean water is being made today so maybe a few water changes with cleaner water will make a difference.
Nope, by all means continue on current path. The first few pages apparently aren't enough to answer the questions, so skip the rest which do address them and remain skeptical...ive put too much work to retype it all again. Submerged spot treatment is well defined and covers how you treat the tank. There are links a plenty to other forums using it on large tanks if you want to read it.
Its highly possible that putting in a hundred more scavengers might work, really it might.
Never put anything into your tank you doubt, sounds like this isn't the treatment for you man
"TDS is now 0.4 based on the com-100 reading. Hopefully I'll start to see some positive results. If the source water is the problem that's easy to fix."
I could be wrong here, but I thought that anything above 0 TDS is a big problem?
Yes a tds of completely 0 is what were shooting for, however it would be extremely difficult and costly to achieve that. Most people use inline meters which are really quite inaccurate. They say 0 but they only read in whole numbers. My com-100 reads down to 1/10th of a point and thats a pretty small increment when you look at what we're trying to achieve with our RO/DI units. My inlines were reading 0 and the com-100 read 8+.
To achieve a TDS lower than 0.4 would be quite a feat. I run a TFC membrane and two DI resins after the membrane. I suppose if I ran a couple more casisters of DI resin I could get lower than 0.4 but that just isn't realistic. 0.4 TDS is quite good and lower than what other people say is "acceptable" (by a long shot) IMO.
Hmm. Excellent point about the decimal point (sorry for the redundnancy). My TDS after the DI resin with the inline meter is 0, but I guess it could be anywhere from 0.00 to 0.49. TDS after the membrane and before the resin is 2, but it could easily be 1.51 to 2.49. My tap TDS is 130, but no need to decimal point that one. You make me want to get a com-100!!
Just curious now, though. What's your TDS after the membranes?
If I were you I would try an ATS
Also, Santa Monica is a poster who makes ATS threads on every board on the web, search his name and ats