Simply a PGA tank Thread

Worked on my stand last night. Hard to do things like this with two kids awake, so ending up finishing around 1:30AM last night.

Got really hungry... So I drove out to get some tacos.

?????? Spend thousand and only eat tacos??????? Where u live minimum is Peking duck hahahahaha
?????? Spend thousand and only eat tacos??????? Where u live minimum is Peking duck hahahahaha

Thousands??? Have you been reading this build? So far the most expensive item was the tank at 290 dollars! That's 290 tacos! :(
Are u going natural? Using sunlight might as well right next to the window

Man... nothing escapes you Anthony! Yah, I figure the light is there, why not use it. So I'm putting in all blue tubes and letting the natural light give me the other spectrum! :beer:
Man... nothing escapes you Anthony! Yah, I figure the light is there, why not use it. So I'm putting in all blue tubes and letting the natural light give me the other spectrum! :beer:

What kind of light is that? Or is that a light rack you made?

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ummm... it's made to grow other fun things ;)

Yeah I can see 5k worth of Rainbow chalice in there hahaha by the way I just start my cheap chalice collection 5 for 250$ from TCK hahahaha. Vu say now I can keep tenius but don't have any chalice in the tank
Last update for a while. Need to let the tank mature some more before adding anything too expensive :o

Think you need more biological media in there since it's a bigger tank?

I have more cycled rock ready Mike. It's all a balance game with nutrients at this point and I'm monitoring via testing and not taking any guesses. Right now I only have 3 tiny fish and very little coral. Nitrate and Phos are already at UNLS levels. I just don't want to strip the water too quickly.

Keep the comments coming.