SMB2415 550g (84x36x42) build

Interesting little event tonight.... I added a few snails to the tank from my established 40g fuge type tank. One of the snails looked like it was dying with its foot dissented. It wasn't totally dead as the foot wasn't totally slack but it didn't retract when touched either. SO I put it into the DT along with a few other snails. A few minutes later one of the snails was touching the "injured" one. It appears as though both are moving or perhaps on snail is eating the other? I guess if the injured ones shell is empty tomorrow I'll know.

Here is the video
I need to snap some photos tomorrow.

1st batch released on the 15th and everyone is doing well. I am amazed at the two huge piles of sand the engineer goby made the first night. The blue dot Jawfish burrowed exactly where I placed some rubble and wanted him.. where I can see and enjoy him. Clowns haven't their "spot" yet. Long nose hawkfish took a ride over the weir and spent the night in the turbulence. He's back in the tank now... perhaps he's learned his lesson.

The tank is doing well, no casualties, some CUC added too. Experiencing some diatom bloom and the fish aren't eating normally yet... they seem to not notice the food but are eating some. I'm sure they'll settle in over the next few days and go back to being piggies.

In the DT:
(2) yellow tail damsels
(1) One Spot Foxface
(2) Ocellaris Clowns
(1) longnose hawkfish
(1) engineer goby
(1) blue spot jawfish

Currently in QT until 2/15/14
(1) Lemonpeel angel
(1) flame angel
(2) yellowtail damsel
(1) green goby
(1) yellow cories wrasse
(1) lyretail anthias
(1) golden/yellow head sleeper goby

Working out list for 3rd batch...
Oh and I pulled the trigger. Ordered and installed the other (2) GHL Mitra lights. So the tank now has full lighting.

Reefbreeder will be used for the frag/quiet/fuge tank below the DT once that tank is built.

Ordering LRF Reef Frenzy food on Monday. I'm hoping this food will further entice the fish to eat. I've heard great things so I'm giving it a go.
Some photos. Not great, just iPhone snapshots.

<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Longnose Hawkfish
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Blue Dot Jawfish
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Yellow Tail Damsels
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>

Foxface and Ocellaris
<a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0"></a>
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LRF Reef Frenzy food

Received the LRF reef frenzy food, and it is amazingly fresh. I would eat it! Once you open the package you can immediately smell the difference! Fish have been enjoying it as well. I will definitely be adding this to my arsenal of regular foods.
Over the last week a few fish related events.

- all previous QT residents were added to the DT. It was a bit premature however they all looked in good health.

- Cant find my golden sleeper goby. Saw him the first 2 days in the tank and not since then.

- My blue dot jawfish made a nice home buried deep in the sand bed all reinforced with rubble.... then he had the bright idea of going surfing over the weir... I couldn't find him for 2 days until this morning when he poked his head out in the sump... He'll get put back later tonight however he is in for a surprise as his home was leveled when I send in the rescue team. He should have put up a vacancy sign.

- My green goby was MIA for about week until one night just after feeding I noticed a blur and upon a bit more inspection I found his hiding spot. Clever guy, as I had searched high and low for him and the tank is viewable from 3-sides.

- Picked up a blonde naso, (2) hippos, purple, tangs and they are in the QT. Just need to finish up with the Chevron, Achilles, and harem of bells angels. I also want a starry blenny and yellow watchman. Once I have these I 'll ease off the fish for awhile.

- Dominic dropped off 2 more Yellow tail damsels. They've met they're tribe and made friends. All six of these guys scoot around the tank endlessly, sometimes in a group but mostly in separately or in random pairs. Adds some excitement to the tank though.
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Picked up and hooked up a Tunze ATO..... whew, that should have been one of my first purchases. Also performed a 200g+ water change to lower nitrates as they were getting close to 20.
Thanks to Blitzie, Fcataudo, BfishLpond78, CTARS, and Kdocimo90 I have a few corals in the tank. Although the tank looks bare it is nice to see some coral life. Thank you guys for your patience and help.

So far theres a Galaxea, Hammer, Frogspawn, ToadStool, Birdsnest, Superman Monitpora, and a rainbow BTA is on the way shortly.
At the last CTARS meeting I won a plankton cultivator. I have been trying to get that setup going. Currently I have the green water and fluorescent light going and feeding 1x week with some miracle grow. I have been feeding the pods a bit every few days but I really need to get the 10g pod tank setup this weekend. I keep everyone posted on this project. My intent is to eventually setup a live feed farm on an auto feed. Rotifers, pods, and Amphipods. I may grow and feed brine occasionally however I am more interested in feeder/ghost shrimp but that'll be more down the road.... I have to walk before I can run.
Awesome setup I can't wait to see more! Can you show some pics of your sump and fish room? I would love to see the guts of this monster up and running...
I've been battling an algae bloom from my overfeeding and lack of nitrate export. I'll be building and piping in the rest of the fish room tank in a week or so. The tanks will be cryptic rubble and DSB and an ATS.

Flow right now is sufficient. I will need to add an additional pump or two on the side closer to the sand bed but no rush as of yet.