Smokers and Non-Smokers Id like PH readings!


New member
I am trying to figure out if smoking indoors has a significant effect on PH readings. I posted this here, because SPS keepers are most likely to have a more accurate method of measuring PH (Ph controllers/monitors etc,...)

Please include:
1. Are you a smoker who smokes in the room with the tank?
2. Your Ph values and how you got the reading (test kit, monitor etc,..).
3. If you do anything to raise the PH (Kalk, Ph raising 2 part etc,..)
4. If you have a Ca reactor.
5. If your house is well ventilated, (keep windows, doors etc open)

Thanks for your help,
Hey, this is a study, don't mess with the variables :p

Ill start:
1. I smoke in the room with the tank
2. Ph ranges from 7.7 to 8.0, via a Ph controller
3. I use Kalk
4. No CA reactor
5. No, due to outside temps of 110

Well you knew that was coming Wiskey. :lol:

Me and my wife both smoke in the same room as the tank.
WHen house is opened up PH between 8.2 and 8.3
When house is closed up PH 7.8 to 7.9
Just use kalk when house is closed up
Measured by pH meter to the one-hundreth
No reactor.

Side note - we both work and no appreciable difference when we are home or not.

Although nicotene is bad for us and them, I doubt the actual smoking of cigarettes contributes much to elevated CO2 levels in the home. I suppose I could be wrong. :D
I am a smoker. At 34 years old, I actually won an underwater breath holding contest last weekend.

Anyways, my pH is about 8.3 using a test kit, I have a Ca reactor and limewater topoff. I keep the fuge lit 24/7 and the main lights 12 hours a day. House is closed up for the summer (A/C on 77 degrees). Not much of a pH drift at all. Certainly none that can be measured with a test kit.
1. Both me and my wife smokes but rarely where the main tank is at. However I smoke a bit in the room where my sump and all the equiptment is at since my PC is in the same room.
2. Ph range from 7.9 to 8.3 via Ph controller with the probe calibrated every 3 months and replaced every year.
3. No kalk or any calcium additive.
4. I have a 2 chamber calcium reactor with the effluent dripping in a container with an airstone. With this method it raises my effluent from the second chamber of my CaRx from 6.9 to 7.8.
5. The window of the room where my sump is at is always open and the ceiling fan is on 24/7
1. i dont smoke nor do i let anyone smoke in my house tank is in the front room with all equipment

2. Ph ranges from 8.0 in the morning to 8.3 in the evening using a Pinpoint monitor

3. i add a lil reef builder for alk about once a week to help boost it up

4. i have a MRC-CR2 dual chambered reactor it runs between 6.5-6.7 outta the first chamber

5. house is mainly closed up until the evening hours

hope this helps!
Man, being in California so long made me kind of have a "shocked" response that people still smoke that much (the nicotine type) haha. I know of like one or two people TOPS in my dorm that smoke cigs. Anyone that is practically within the 25 foot radius gets harassed for breakin the law heh.
I think that whatever results you may get or imply will be skewed given that the CO2 from smoking is a lot less than CO2 from respiration and a lot less than cooking or baking.
I smoke right next to my tank quite frequently. My ph is 8.3 using a salifert test kit. I dont do anything to raise or lower it, it's always been 8.3. I dont have a reactor and I normally dont open any windows in the summer, its way to hot here.
the biggest thing i noticed is that when the house is closed up the ph is lower due to co2 build up in the house.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7766895#post7766895 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prodman
I have an easy solution. Quit smoking. That way you and your corals will be healthier. :cool:

I Agree !!!
I sit in front of my tank and smoke a cigar every night. By the way on this graph you can sure see the effect of cleaning an ORP probe!

I have an easy solution. Quit smoking. That way you and your corals will be healthier.

I am a smoker. At 34 years old, I actually won an underwater breath holding contest last weekend.

And the other contestants? smokers?
Like to see you do that in 10 years!

I find it funny that alot of people in this hobby smoke.
I suppose because of their stressfull lifestyles they smoke, and also keep fish because it is calming also...

Which is sad because people who smoke are not only hurting themselves but others around them, the environment, and any pets they have in their home.

I think Bush, or WHOEVER needs to BAN smokeing on this PLANET!

Smokers need to get a grip and find alternate HEALTHIER ways to deal with stress.