New member
So my 27g hexagon reef tank has been running for 2 months or so now. I went to local fish stores.. asked on forums as im new to salt water and reef keeping but i have been doing fresh water for 20 years.
People kept cringing saying i need a sump.. i need a protien skimmer i cant do it.. nitrates will always be high... I need 0 everything to keep coral... Coral need low 70s for temps 80f wont work.. blah blah blah blah... I decided to just not bother asking anymore questions as ive been around that with fresh water and discus and people tend to have the same attitudes of you cant on those forums either... Such as you need bare bottom and you need low ph.. you need RO water you need to change water daily and so forth and i found non of that to be true.
Anyway. I resealed my childhood 27g hexagon.. Put about 50lbs of dead rock in it from amazon built up my rock wall and my archway in the center and i poured a gallon of nitrifying bacteria in the tank.. In 4 days the tank was cycled and I immediatly put coral and fish in.. I put in a bubble coral, torch coral, hammer coral, green stylophora, a type of brain coral, purple monitpora and a purple acropora, i also was given a bleached coral that looked luke a birds nest or some kind of stylophora perhaps.. Also got a sagging green tree nepthea.
I started with 4 65w power compact lights as i had no more funds... Guess what the bleached coral i was given came back to life extending polyps turning dark brown and then a neon green on its branches looks interesting.. The stylophoras also a very brighy green and they too went from whitish to dark brown on the skin.
I put in a royal gramma a azure damzel and a flame angel.. And no i dont care what anyone says on the tank size for this fish.. I wanted one and hell be fine and hes been fine very happy actually. I have tons of caves in my rock work and he likes it.
I went through the diatom phaze in 1 week.. It took over my tank.. and was gone a week later.. Now i have that green algae growing on the rock work and i just noticed coraline algae starting to grow on the glass and rocks.
I got more coral about a month in and now i habe two bubble corals.. I got a pretty big yellow poritas.. Also got some zooanthids and i got a neon green mushroom coral and one other coral i forgot the name off hand.
I havent lost 1 fish 1 coral.. in fact they are all turning proper colors and growing.. I can already see the brain monit acropora and the nepthea have grown onto my rock work now.. The nepthea looks 2x bigger already.
I did have nitrate issues.. 20ppm i couldnt keep it down and i had to change the water every 3 to 4 days... I decided to hook up my 3 to 4 liter seachem matrix.denitrate reactor up to my eheim 350 surface skimmer as it puts out very low flow... In 2 weeks guess what nitrates went down to 10ppm.
I measured them a few days ago.. nitrates are 0 to 5ppm... I havent changed my water in 3 weeks now. Although i did yesturday just because.
I purchased a 4x 24w T5HO fixture for 75$ on amazon.. individual alum reflectors.. welded a L shaped bracket with square steel and screwed it to my stand to hang my light on..
Guess i proved all the doubters wrong, oh and im using tap water btw. I have no special filtration in this tank besides a HOB with a water polishing pad i clean in the sink every few days to keep particles in the tank down.. I have that cheesy surface skimmer to just keep dust and other junk on the surface off.. I have 2 power heads for circulation and thats it. Well of course the denitrate reactor but thats it
Pretty simple.. But my readings are nitrates 0-5ppm, calcium 560, magnisium 1300, ph 8.2, alk 12, phosphates 0 to .25 as my kit only does readings for that range. Salinity is 1.025
Im using reef crystals.. I dont like it as it keeps clouding my tank even if i premix it for days.. and leaves residue on everything. So i might switch its frustrating with this cloudy water that takes like a week to go away after i do water changes.. Even my mixing bucket is cloudy when it mixes
So yea it can be done with basic filtration and without RO.. I just cant wait to see how the tank matures more and how big the coral get in the months and years to come

People kept cringing saying i need a sump.. i need a protien skimmer i cant do it.. nitrates will always be high... I need 0 everything to keep coral... Coral need low 70s for temps 80f wont work.. blah blah blah blah... I decided to just not bother asking anymore questions as ive been around that with fresh water and discus and people tend to have the same attitudes of you cant on those forums either... Such as you need bare bottom and you need low ph.. you need RO water you need to change water daily and so forth and i found non of that to be true.
Anyway. I resealed my childhood 27g hexagon.. Put about 50lbs of dead rock in it from amazon built up my rock wall and my archway in the center and i poured a gallon of nitrifying bacteria in the tank.. In 4 days the tank was cycled and I immediatly put coral and fish in.. I put in a bubble coral, torch coral, hammer coral, green stylophora, a type of brain coral, purple monitpora and a purple acropora, i also was given a bleached coral that looked luke a birds nest or some kind of stylophora perhaps.. Also got a sagging green tree nepthea.
I started with 4 65w power compact lights as i had no more funds... Guess what the bleached coral i was given came back to life extending polyps turning dark brown and then a neon green on its branches looks interesting.. The stylophoras also a very brighy green and they too went from whitish to dark brown on the skin.
I put in a royal gramma a azure damzel and a flame angel.. And no i dont care what anyone says on the tank size for this fish.. I wanted one and hell be fine and hes been fine very happy actually. I have tons of caves in my rock work and he likes it.
I went through the diatom phaze in 1 week.. It took over my tank.. and was gone a week later.. Now i have that green algae growing on the rock work and i just noticed coraline algae starting to grow on the glass and rocks.
I got more coral about a month in and now i habe two bubble corals.. I got a pretty big yellow poritas.. Also got some zooanthids and i got a neon green mushroom coral and one other coral i forgot the name off hand.
I havent lost 1 fish 1 coral.. in fact they are all turning proper colors and growing.. I can already see the brain monit acropora and the nepthea have grown onto my rock work now.. The nepthea looks 2x bigger already.
I did have nitrate issues.. 20ppm i couldnt keep it down and i had to change the water every 3 to 4 days... I decided to hook up my 3 to 4 liter seachem matrix.denitrate reactor up to my eheim 350 surface skimmer as it puts out very low flow... In 2 weeks guess what nitrates went down to 10ppm.
I measured them a few days ago.. nitrates are 0 to 5ppm... I havent changed my water in 3 weeks now. Although i did yesturday just because.
I purchased a 4x 24w T5HO fixture for 75$ on amazon.. individual alum reflectors.. welded a L shaped bracket with square steel and screwed it to my stand to hang my light on..
Guess i proved all the doubters wrong, oh and im using tap water btw. I have no special filtration in this tank besides a HOB with a water polishing pad i clean in the sink every few days to keep particles in the tank down.. I have that cheesy surface skimmer to just keep dust and other junk on the surface off.. I have 2 power heads for circulation and thats it. Well of course the denitrate reactor but thats it
Pretty simple.. But my readings are nitrates 0-5ppm, calcium 560, magnisium 1300, ph 8.2, alk 12, phosphates 0 to .25 as my kit only does readings for that range. Salinity is 1.025
Im using reef crystals.. I dont like it as it keeps clouding my tank even if i premix it for days.. and leaves residue on everything. So i might switch its frustrating with this cloudy water that takes like a week to go away after i do water changes.. Even my mixing bucket is cloudy when it mixes
So yea it can be done with basic filtration and without RO.. I just cant wait to see how the tank matures more and how big the coral get in the months and years to come