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Recent vid of her behavior after returning from vet, shes "burping" or hiccuping...
Leopards and nurse sharks should be species of the past. The leopard is now listed under the Lacey act and possessing a shark under 36 inches will draw stiff penalties. The nurse shark is now listed o as a large costal shark and needs to be 54 inches to keep, which is a heavy one. Small pups possibly come in from Mexico but are best left in the ocean. They get rather large and love to consume food. They will eat you out of house and home.
Sorry to hear. Was really hoping for different news. It is difficult to say what happened. My guess was bad food. Either had a preformed toxin from bacteria, such as staphyloccus food poisoning where a toxin is made and makes you sick. It is not an infection. The only treatment is supportive measures. It could have happened before the food was initially frozen. This is the one where you get sick several hours after eating. Or it could be from ingesting a pathogenic bacterium such as listeria. This can take days to weeks to develop, the causes CNS problems, convulsions along with the common GI issues.
I do not think it came in with the tang.
hello my name is ian and i have coral banded cat shark hatched from an egg eating 15 ghost shrimp a week seems to be doing will but what else can i feed him? and what is a goo place to find sharks for sale and what is a good recommendation for a shark tank?
You are talking about two totally different sharks. The Atlantic blacktip, Carcharhinus limbatus and the blacktip reef shark Carcharhinus melanopterus. The Atlantic blacktip is much more difficult and will not be found at the LFS.