So you want to buy a shark? (Shark primer)

Hmph...... After reading the inital post over and over, there doesn't seem to be a diurnal swimmer that stays reasonably small. Correct?
Shark Question

Shark Question

I am hoping someone may have good advice on some options or recommendations for me. I have 250g rectangular tank and a brown banded cat/carpet shark that is about 2.5 ft long. I've had him for about 2 years, and unfortunately think I will be moving to a condo downtown and can't take the tank. I just want to make sure he goes somewhere good, preferably to a larger tank. I live in North Florida. What are my best options; would he be able to survive if I released him? Would an aquarium want him?
Hmph...... After reading the inital post over and over, there doesn't seem to be a diurnal swimmer that stays reasonably small. Correct?

The Atlantic sharpnose would fit your description. I would argue however that they would require more space than the blacktip reef shark. They should also be kept in groups.
Alprazo can you talk about quarantine for new sharks. I know they do terrible with copper i use a 30 gal. Tank for quarantine and i want to quarantine before i introduce him. I want to be informed as possible. Do they do well in hypo salinity?? Will the 30 gal be ok for a newborn shark just so i can observe and make sure he is ok. Sorry i learned my lesson about not using a qt. i have a Lionfish battling ich right now from a new fish i got with using a qt. any thoughts would be appreciated.
Hypo is not the best way to treat sharks. They are very sensitive to changes in salinity. They have a different type of Osmoregulatory system than bony fish. It is said that sharks MAY be able to carry ich but not become infected, so the only solution would be to keep the shark in the QT tank for a long enough time for any Crypt cysts, free floaters or parasites to die off, if they were introduced with the shark. Sort of like letting a tank run fish-free or fallow after an Ich outbreak, only having the shark be the only resident. From what I know, Cryptocarryon irritans needs a bony fish to feed off of, I believe that the sharks dermal denticles and tough skin would prevent the parasite from feeding. This is what makes me draw the conclusion that a fallow tank with just the shark will ultimately eradicate the parasites. If some new research indicates that Crypt. can host on sharks, then you will need to use one of the following drugs: Quinine and Chloroquine. There are several public aquariums that have used Seachems Cupramine on Eppies, but with rigorous monitoring and testing. Some have experienced a complete loss of appetite whereas others had complete success!You would also be well off to use this time in the QT to treat the shark with Prazi. This will remove any ecto-parasites and or worms. Many sharks can be hosts to different types of nematodes or parasitic copepods, which this takes care of, as well as internal worms and such. Prazi can often be a shark keepers best friend.

However, do not Combine any medications! Check for Contra-Indications wherever you can. I believe there are several webpages on Manufacturers websites listing there meds and what not to ever mix with it. Its always best to do one at a time, even just for stress reasons as well.
Good luck!

Apologies if you only wanted Alprazo and Im sure he will be along shortly to help you as well. Just my experience.
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No your info is good i just needed to be prepared. So prazi pro with the shark by itself. I have never used prazi pro but is it like cupramine do less than the recommended dose. The shark was born today so im gonna get him sometime in the next couple of days after i get another qt setup. Are sharks fairly resistant to disease because of their regulatory system.
If the shark is that newly hatched, I wouldn't treat it with any medication. Its hard enough getting newly hatched sharks to eat as is. You don't want to stress such a small animal even further. I would give it weeks before even considering meds, a simple QT with just the shark in it, and observation should be fine. Use a small enough tank so that you spot feed the little guy when hes ready to eat, usually after a week of being hatched, sometimes longer, sometimes never and they starve to death.

I assume its a Brown Banded Bamboo shark, and if so, I hope you have a fairly large tank. They average above 3 feet in length as adults, if well cared for, sometimes larger. I would consider not purchasing the shark, unless you already have. These are very care-intensive animals, which require specialized set-ups and extensive Life Support Systems. Keeping them along with bony fish increases difficulty because you cant use many medications on the bony fish with shark present in the system. I would do a lot of reading, Bob Fenners website is full of baby shark Q&A's and FAQs. Browse through that site and see what many people have gone through time and time again.

If you happen to have a 1000 gallon tank, then I apologize.
No i don't have a 1000 gallon tank should i reconsider my purchase. I have a fairly nice sized tank its 130x25x25. I assumed this was big enough its newly acquired should i not go with this size
I am no expert, but if the shark grows to 3 feet and your tank is only 2 feet in depth, I dont think this will be a suitable long term home for the shark
I would not treat a newly hatched shark unless there is a problem.

Personally I use a 40 gallon breeder for the neonate pups. Your tank would provide enough room for several years, but is not big enough for the life of the shark. Your tank is also too big to best take care of the pup.

A two foot height of the water column is adequate for the life of the shark IMO. Many touch exhibits use this depth and the benthic sharks your talking about live and thrive for many years in these pools.
The Atlantic sharpnose would fit your description. I would argue however that they would require more space than the blacktip reef shark. They should also be kept in groups.

Yeah, I want a smaller species. Have your pngs bred yet? Will the neonates be for sale?
Holyhands- With the dimensions of that tank, the Atelomycterus spp. tropical cat sharks would definitely enjoy the length, and of the three trop. spp. the biggest averages 24" so the width wouldn't be as much of a problem. I believe you will enjoy their more active nature. The will love swimming that 10ft+ length!
A. marmoratus = Coral catshark - most commonly available.
A. macleayi = Marbled catshark
A. baliensis = Bali catshark

There are also better suited Bamboos and eppies.
As posted above The PNG (H. hallstromi) eppie.
The Gray bamboo (C. griseum), Arabian Bamboo (C. arabicum/confusum), Hasselt's Bamboo (C. hasselti - Not recommended), and a couple other species that are never seen in N. America for some reason, however.

So don't choose just the most popular, the Brown Banded, because of its availability. If you can find some videos of adults of that species, they get long and thick and look like Nurse sharks!! Nothing like that cute little black and white guy that comes out of that four inch egg case. lol!
Good Luck
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How well do sharks ship? From the west coast to the east coast. Its summer time here so its been in the 90's should i ask for extra ice packs things of that nature.
I am hoping someone may have good advice on some options or recommendations for me. I have 250g rectangular tank and a brown banded cat/carpet shark that is about 2.5 ft long. I've had him for about 2 years, and unfortunately think I will be moving to a condo downtown and can't take the tank. I just want to make sure he goes somewhere good, preferably to a larger tank. I live in North Florida. What are my best options; would he be able to survive if I released him? Would an aquarium want him?

I can take it off your hands if you are willing to ship or transport it down. It can go into my 5,000 gallon shark display.

Def don't release it. It's illegal and they are not native to our waters.
Another reminder.

Groups of shark

Groups of shark

I have a question regarding groups. I currently hold 2 Bamboos and are planning to expand that nummber, Is there anny fighting risk if you have 2 males and 3 females? or shoud you have 1 male and 3 females etc.. I take you have some advice to give on this matter. Goal is to start breeding them when they come of age.

Regards: Grubb