I have two magnum 350's that I change twice monthly with new carbon, 36 watt UV sterilizer, phosban reactor, kalkwasser reactor, ozone generator, and in the process of upgrading skimmer to a Bullet 2
id say the calcium should come down some 550 is a lil high IMO....
bring it down to around 400....
also i agree with clkwrk.... looks like u have a nutrient issue as well which could cause issues with ur sps.... even though phosphate test claim zero on them if u see green that means u have it..... the algae is probably using most of it up....
id also try to get the temp swing to be no more than 2 degrees from day to night
RTN isnt nescessarly contageous but if ur corals is RTN'ing that means theres something its really not liking and if thats the case then some of ur other corals might have the same issues and stress out causing them to RTN also
Calcium reactor can be cause of bleaching or RTN.
As you know sudden change of environment alwyas kill some sps.
Your calcium level is little bit high and check pH in your tank.
Usually high calcium makes low pH.
If you system become stable with calcium reactor, it will be OK.
Takes time to be stable... ^^
So pretty much it's a like shooting baskets at night and stopping when you make the shot. I have a tank similar to yours, but more clams (6) and 240 gallons. Right now calcium is at 550 and ph is 8.45 dkh is 8
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