SPS pests and treatment options

PE ext improves within days after the treatment. My friends red planet was almost white but has since started to get color again and PE is everywhere. You will be able to visually see the red bugs not on the corals after treatment as they will fall off. The consecutive treatments are to kill ones that hatch after. The eggs are protected and hard to kill.

This stuff is strong per dose but surprising easy on other inhabitants since it targets a particular body function which only certain crustaceans have.

There are different types of flatworms. I have a non coral eating variety which my wrasses eats. Search on google images for AEFW and you will get good pics of the bad ones and how to identify their coral bite marks.

I have the "SPS bug" and very addicted. Glad I can help a fellow reefer. I got red bugs 10 years ago when I had my first SPS and did not know much about pest. It scared me enough to stay away from SPS until last year. Now it is all I want to keep.
The color of this looks identical to what I saw/had. However, I cannot say if it was a Nudi positively ;9(

This is a zoa eating Nudi. Since I found the one on a zoa plug, am I safe to say that this is it? I have TONS of zoas.....YIKES!!!

It would be the sh*its if I had RB, AEFW and Zoa eating Nudi's... OMG :9(

Yikes! I have had zoa eating nudis. You can see them on zoas but look closely. They camouflage into the color of the polyp they are eating. Sometimes they roam around on rocks to fins more. I never treated mine but I had a large blue linkia and it seemed to clear them out of my tank. One day it went over all of my zoas since I kept them in one corner. I never saw another nudi from that day and started to dip new addtions.

AEFW may be harder to treat. I have no experience treating those but another friend has been battling it for over a year.
Make sure you properly identify it as being AEFW. Others here have had success.
PE ext improves within days after the treatment. My friends red planet was almost white but has since started to get color again and PE is everywhere. You will be able to visually see the red bugs not on the corals after treatment as they will fall off. The consecutive treatments are to kill ones that hatch after. The eggs are protected and hard to kill.

This stuff is strong per dose but surprising easy on other inhabitants since it targets a particular body function which only certain crustaceans have.

There are different types of flatworms. I have a non coral eating variety which my wrasses eats. Search on google images for AEFW and you will get good pics of the bad ones and how to identify their coral bite marks.

I have the "SPS bug" and very addicted. Glad I can help a fellow reefer. I got red bugs 10 years ago when I had my first SPS and did not know much about pest. It scared me enough to stay away from SPS until last year. Now it is all I want to keep.

17 SPS's are severely affected. I removed them from the 135g to the 40B because I will be able to better observe and care for them. These 17 may be lost as that's how bad they are. No or very little polyp extension, white coloration, brown out and tissue loss. Makes me sick as 3/4ths are high dollar sticks:headwalls:

I did a test of the ORA and YZ Red Planets...Lugul's for 5 minutes and then blasted them. I didn't find any flatworms, nudi's or eggs. That's good and I didn't see any signs on the other 15 SPS's. I didn't realize that RB's could reek so much havoc on them!

Stick keepers are great! :bounce1: I have been keeping them for about 5 years. I really like Milli's because of the polyps...I like movement in the tanks!:D I had just received in late September 13 new SPS's. Many of the 17 are those :( I dropped about a grand on them so.........:angryfire: But, I try to look on the positive side of things...things could be worse :o Over the years, I have had 2 tank crashes :uhoh2::facepalm: That's the worst!! Think I need to get a really good magnifying glass as my eye's just aren't what they used to be :eek2:

I will Google AEFW's. Thanks again!
Sorry to hear. It went smoothly when we dosed 3 treatments these past few weeks and did not see any issues with multiple types of corals.

It must have been the second dose in succession. I would have done a water change and ran carbon before dosing again.
Hello, how would you guys go about getting rid of those tube snails with the mucus lines? I have a full blown infestation and need help. I have mixed reef with a couple fish
Sorry to hear. It went smoothly when we dosed 3 treatments these past few weeks and did not see any issues with multiple types of corals.

It must have been the second dose in succession. I would have done a water change and ran carbon before dosing again.

No, the SPS's were in that bad of shape before starting treatment. Sorry if I was unclear. When I transferred them to the 40B, I was able to see how bad of shape they are in. I think I'm going to have to move the encrusted Green Slimer to the 40B also. I see a lot of white on a main/primary branch which hasn't changed today:9(

I still have some crabs alive. Also saw an amphipod and a mini brittle star alive. As I said, I don't think the second dose/treatment killed everything as one can tell just by having crabs, amphipod, etc alive. Anyone who has RB's should definitely do the recommended 3 treatments of Sentinel if my tanks are any indication:headwally: Six Tabs of the Sentinel was almost $90. I may do 4 treatments just as a precaution since the first seemed rather ineffective......
Want to use Sentinel to get rid of my Red Bugs. Any suggestions as to how much the dosage should be and what equipment I should turn off, add carbon, etc. Also would a clam be affected at all by the Sentinel? I have a 4 inch derasa in my tank that would make me really sad to lose. No shrimp, and few hermits in my tank so no worries there. Just need to know the dosage, equipment instructions, and the clam question.

Want to use Sentinel to get rid of my Red Bugs. Any suggestions as to how much the dosage should be and what equipment I should turn off, add carbon, etc. Also would a clam be affected at all by the Sentinel? I have a 4 inch derasa in my tank that would make me really sad to lose. No shrimp, and few hermits in my tank so no worries there. Just need to know the dosage, equipment instructions, and the clam question.


Have you read through the thread or the other one? A few users mentioned clams were fine.

Dosage ranged from 1 23g tablet for 100G-300G with good results. Remove all carbon, let anything with water run (ie all pumps and skimmer on low/no air bubbles. I am not sure about UV. Medicate for 10-12 hours and then do a 25% WC. Run carbon for a week until the next dosage. Repeat for a total of 3 times.
I figured they were just wanted to confirm. Ok sounds good to me. So for a 50 gallon I'm assuming 11.5g is appropriate.
I figured they were just wanted to confirm. Ok sounds good to me. So for a 50 gallon I'm assuming 11.5g is appropriate.

That should be more than enough. Make sure to have enough for 3 treatments spread out a week apart.
First treatment is under way. Unplugged my carbon reactor, and put the airline for the skimmer underwater. Added roughly 11.5g of Sentinel. Here goes nothing. I have enough for 2 more treatments.
Just did my water change! I had the flashlight on my phone on, and I have one piece of stag in my tank that is essentially my canary in the coal mine for red bugs. They are glued to this thing and it is always the first thing to go when they show up. This morning they were swarming it and there were probably hundreds of red bugs on this one 3 inch piece of stag. Now with the flashlight, I see none! I think the treatment worked!
I'm confused on which product to use. The website I went to has interceptor spectrum and it also has sentinal spectrum. I know people use the large pill for large dogs, but they also sell both products in large, medium, small, and very small. My total water volume is between 50-60 gallons.

So which product should I buy? Interceptor spectrum or sentinal spectrum? Also which size for 50-60 total volume.

I wish I could just use bayer and dip but some of my infected corals are encrusted on large live rocks.
You could use either. For 50-60g, a half pill for large dogs should take care of it. I had encrusting corals and they took a beating trying to get them off the rock :9( Good luck!
I don't have any experience with Sentinel treating a tank (sounds like many people have though) but it does have a growth regulator aimed at fleas that Interceptor does not called lufenuron. Intercetor went off the market several years ago for reasons I won't mention here. I talk to Novartis reps often and they honestly don't know if Interceptor will ever be made again.

hth, Chris