start of a new adventure 265gal starphire

Very nice. That makes sense! Did you already find out that one of the probes has a short wire? I had to get an extension to reach my sump.
I will mount the controller to the right side of the stand and the sum is locate right next to it. I think I have enough length for both temp and PH the rest are power and ethernet cable.
Wow, that look very nice Anthony. The delay of your tank could be a good thing. At least you made some progress. Hey, the tank is being made, pick up in Fed.
awesome Jarhead but it's too bad you will be in CO. But by that time my coral will be mature enough to frag....:-)
well finally my tank have arrived safely thank God.

I just have enough time to put it on the stand and tomorrow the plumbing will start and hopefully by the weekend I can transfer my current tank over.

some picture of the tank


picture of H&S skimmer A200-1260

I will run 2 skimmer 1 wet skim and 1 dry skim. I still need to figure how to fit the hayward bulkhead into the drill hole since Leemar doesn't have the right drill bit for the Hayward bulkhead. It miss like 1mm :-(
That tank looks sweet. Can you file out the hole a bit?

Also, I wouldn't dream of setting up a tank and making the transfer that quickly. I know guys do it all the time, but I really like to see things settle out first. Test everything over a longer period, intoduce some rock first, then some fish, then when it has stabilized, move corals. I have seen several systems crash and burn because of these quick transfers.
Well I sold my old tank already. I have save some water when I do water change so I have almost 3/4 of the total volume in old water and I only have to mix the rest. I know the coral will stress out a little but I will try tokeep the same parameter as far as temp,cal,alk and mag. The glass is touch to grind but I sand down the bulk head just a little and it fit through.
problem solved. do you have a QT tank or some kind of tub you can house sensitive corals in while the new tank comes online?
yeah I have a 50 gal refugium that I can put some corals in there when I transfer.
This is my plan. I have 3 section in my current tank.
I will move the coral on the right side to the refugium then I can move the live rock to the new tank and aquascape the right side of t new tank.
Then I move the coral in the middle to the empty rightside of the current tank. Then I will move the live rock in the middle of current tank to new tank and aquascape.
Last I will move the coral of the left side to the middle of current tank and move the live rock to new tank and aquascape. After satisfy with aquascape I will start to pump the water of the old tank to new tank and fill it up. Start the close loop for water circultaion and move corals over. After corals move over then fish will come. Corals and fish will stay in the old tank until the last moment so less stress for them.
haha steve better take your nap cause you will be working hard on Friday...3 bulkhead done 5 more to go.....:-)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11236007#post11236007 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invincible569
Very nice Anthony! Keep the pics coming!

thanks Ed after this weekend I will post some more pictures and hopefully with water.....:-) I can't wait until I finish the transfer so I can concentrate on growing corals. My fauna marine regiment are kicking in ....
Well thanks to Steve(Jarhead) my tank is ready for test leak. I still have to clean up the wire under the stand but most of the plumbing work have completed.

Here are some pictures please excuse for my amateur camera skill.
Tank filling with RODI


AC3 mount

Skimmer and Zeovit reactor

Dart for return and Baracuda for CL

Procal reactor still need to set up

We use a combination of spa tube and sch 80 pvc to run the plumbing. On the day of transfer the light ,chiller and the extra H&S skimmer will complete the set up.
Anthony, i am sorry for the mess in your stand :). Thanks god the plumbing got done yesterday. Must the the heineken... don't you agree?

I see H2O... any leak?

You are the first person whoever complain about me moving too fast...