Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15199244#post15199244 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Bring down your PO4 slowly with GFO Steve or your SPS will TN with the sudden change in water params...

My PO4 slowly going down as i only use 50% of recommended dosage and change out every couple weeks.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15200929#post15200929 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooyferret
Why would you be worried about getting copper into the main display if your using a QT tank? You shouldn't have to worry about that at all....Copper is the best known treatment for Ich according to most studies and articles I have read.

I currently have been treating my Blue Tang with ich in a 20L with copper and have not seen any sign of ich since i put him in. :D He has been in QT for a week now. Im going to continue treatment for as long as the wife lets me.... :rolleye1:

After the copper has run its treatment I will start running media to remove the copper from the QT. Then after 0 copper reads on the test I will then reacclimate the fish dump into a fresh net then put back into the display, this should work for you as well if your able to setup the QT tanks for the fish, considering you would need a few for that many..

Good Luck and I hope they recover well! :D

Thank you for the tip. I just worry the fish may have some copper inside his belly and slowly release it back into my main display plus i am not very good handling such strong chemical. I may end up killing the fish. Marc post an article about ich and the treat seem to be pretty simple. I hope the remain live stock will overcome the parasite in the next couple weeks. My temp range is between 77-79. I am thinking about bring it up to 78-80...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15202121#post15202121 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Thank you for the tip. I just worry the fish may have some copper inside his belly and slowly release it back into my main display plus i am not very good handling such strong chemical. I may end up killing the fish. Marc post an article about ich and the treat seem to be pretty simple. I hope the remain live stock will overcome the parasite in the next couple weeks. My temp range is between 77-79. I am thinking about bring it up to 78-80...

Thats true I was thinking of running carbon and media to remove the copper from the QT tank for a few days at 0 just to make sure. Hypo will work also.... :D

The tank rocks!! :cool:
Great read Steve. Beatiful tank. My wife would take a very dull (4pain) hatchet:hmm4: to me real quick if I stocked that big of a tank so quickly. Nice collection on coral and fish.:thumbsup:

I dont think you posted, but what parameters are you aiming for and are you able to keep them pretty stable? With the way you stock I didnt know if you have seen a swing in your chemistry or not.

I just completed my HYPO treatment. I lost about 8 fish out of the deal in 1 week thinking my fish would overcome it. They did for awhile but every outbreak got worse. Especially if I added another fish. Dont ask. It just naturally stress's everyone out. Its better to nip it now. If your fish are real infected with it you can lower your temp in the HT to keep the ich cycle slow and the fish's energy saved for recovery in colder temps. I kept my temp about 70 and dropped my salinity in 3 days. I dipped them in medication prior to putting them in the hospital tank. They were that bad before I broke the tank down to get them out.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15226303#post15226303 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JCR's Reef
If your fish are real infected with it you can lower your temp in the HT to keep the ich cycle slow and the fish's energy saved for recovery in colder temps. I kept my temp about 70 and dropped my salinity in 3 days.
I've always done the opposite with great success... raise the temp.

It increases the fishes metobolism allowing you to feed more which boosts the fish's immune system assiting in battling ich... my couple pennies ;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15237610#post15237610 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by stunreefer
I've always done the opposite with great success... raise the temp.

It increases the fishes metobolism allowing you to feed more which boosts the fish's immune system assiting in battling ich... my couple pennies ;)

But if the fish is really infected, lowering the temp slows down the ichs reproduction while lowering salinity. It also slows the fish down and reserves its energy for healing and fighting infections. Tank also stays a little cleaner with the slowed metabolism although my fish didnt eat a whole lot less. They actually fattend up a bit more.
Just what I did and it worked really well. Just thought I would share.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15177243#post15177243 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Leonardo, thank you. At first i thought the tank is pretty big but after awhile i seem to get used to it and it become small :D. I really like the wave action.

I feel the same way about my tank.....:)

Sorry to hear about your ich problems....seems like we have been having very similar issues with the start of our tanks. I have been taking it alot slower adding livestock and have seen quite a bit of improvement overall because of it.
Seachem Focus and Garlic Guard and Metrodizole seems to do the trick with ick, soaking it all in the above solution has done a lot for my battles. Good luck
Guys, thank you so much for the advice. All the Ich has been gone as well as the sick fish. I have not add any fish or have the time to do anything with the tank except doing water change. I will hold on to the fish till the tank getting mature and have more time to setup the QT etc. My command getting ready for a year long Deployment to the east. During prep period we have a lot of refresher traing and conference to go to. I have been working long hours in the past months.

One of the MH on the left dont seem to be lite? Are you having problems with the lighting?

Steve, what do you mean all the ICH has been gone and the sick fish? Did you take them out and give to the LFS?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15261132#post15261132 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooyferret
One of the MH on the left dont seem to be lite? Are you having problems with the lighting?

Steve, what do you mean all the ICH has been gone and the sick fish? Did you take them out and give to the LFS?

I don't have lighting problem just time for them to turn off :D. As for the sick fish they didn't make it :(. I will take a better picture this weekend...

Nick, the deployment is 12 months. If i could get my name on the list, i will arrange with a professional maintenance company to take care of my tank weekly.. I will provide water and salt. We will also sign an agreement.

Ed, i still have a good amount of fish. All my Blotchi anthias, all the new tangs did not make it.
Make sure there is a photography clause in that agreement --- Daily pictures posted to appease all the RC reefers.
Or get a live video camera so you can check up on things yourself. (and we can all see how it's going)
