Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

BTW, i will work on the VHO tonight. Get home from work kind of late plus i have other commitment.. I hope my fish don't mind being disturb at this time...
Steve, I hope all your fish pull through for you. Thats got to be one of the biggest pains on keeping tangs is ICK.

Garlic has worked well for me in the past. I feed my Powder blue daily with garlic in her food.
Steve good luck with the ICK im sure once you have the QT up and going you should be fine! Are you going to run copper in the QT tank?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15187910#post15187910 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Znut Reefer
Steve, I hope all your fish pull through for you. Thats got to be one of the biggest pains on keeping tangs is ICK.

Garlic has worked well for me in the past. I feed my Powder blue daily with garlic in her food.

Fonda, the remain fish still eating very strong but also have ich. I hope they will pull through. I soak the food in garlic every time i feed. The QT should be up this weekend for the future use...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15188725#post15188725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooyferret
Steve good luck with the ICK im sure once you have the QT up and going you should be fine! Are you going to run copper in the QT tank?

No copper for me sir. I do not want to take a chance to get that into my reef.. I will follow the Hypo salinity method.
As long as the remaining fishes are eating, they will eventually overcome it and overtime build a resistant to Ich from my previous encounter in my old tank
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15190146#post15190146 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
As long as the remaining fishes are eating, they will eventually overcome it and overtime build a resistant to Ich from my previous encounter in my old tank

+1 Ed- add some Zoe to your food Steve if you havn't yet-garlic never helped my fish, just made me hungry smelling it =)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15191989#post15191989 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by KEEPERZ
+1 Ed- add some Zoe to your food Steve if you havn't yet-garlic never helped my fish, just made me hungry smelling it =)

I have been adding Zoe and other vitamins to help them. Even my vlamingi has ich now. I will not add any fish till the remain population fully recover...
Yeah, good move on resisting adding any more new fishy in there as it will only give the fishes more stress...
I will stop adding live stock till i got my Ca reactor dialed in and get the parameter where it should be. My PO4 still pretty high (.30) last week. I will fire up the large reactor and run Rowaphos or GFO high capacity. So far i have no algae in the tank but that could be because i have close to 2000 snail and hermit :D. I have been adding extra Zoe and Zoocon with the food as well as garlic. I also start to feed nori to all the tangs. Hopefully i could start adding more fish.

BTW, the blue eyes cardinal look real cool in a large group... :D
Forgot to mention that my protein skimmer going crazy for couple hours after i feed the fish. Does it has anything to do with the stuff i added with the food?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15195881#post15195881 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
Forgot to mention that my protein skimmer going crazy for couple hours after i feed the fish. Does it has anything to do with the stuff i added with the food?

That kind of food in my tank or, any tank for that matter, usually kills the foam production for a few hours? After it kicks back in then it usually goes kind of nuts though. Is this what yours does?
Dave, the skimmer stop foaming and go crazy for couple hours, when it gets back, i see some white stuff coming out look like the vitamin stuff..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15197578#post15197578 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DanW
Where did you order your snails from?

reefcleanersdotcom... There survival rate during shipping is really high....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15197797#post15197797 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
Sorry to hear about your ich problems.. Hopefully your fish just need some time to fight it.

Thank you Chad... once the tank fully recover, i will add a bunch of lyretail anthias...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15189690#post15189690 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jar*Head
No copper for me sir. I do not want to take a chance to get that into my reef.. I will follow the Hypo salinity method.

Why would you be worried about getting copper into the main display if your using a QT tank? You shouldn't have to worry about that at all....Copper is the best known treatment for Ich according to most studies and articles I have read.

I currently have been treating my Blue Tang with ich in a 20L with copper and have not seen any sign of ich since i put him in. :D He has been in QT for a week now. Im going to continue treatment for as long as the wife lets me.... :rolleye1:

After the copper has run its treatment I will start running media to remove the copper from the QT. Then after 0 copper reads on the test I will then reacclimate the fish dump into a fresh net then put back into the display, this should work for you as well if your able to setup the QT tanks for the fish, considering you would need a few for that many..

Good Luck and I hope they recover well! :D