Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

Just read whooole thread
What an amazing tank! Just stunning- I love all the space so I can really enjoy the fish and the corals individually.

So interesting to see what it takes to maintain such a large system like this.

Does your baby every look at/like the tank? My kitties think my tank is a TV just for them :-)

Looking forward to watching this fill out and mature
Maybe someday I can see it in person!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15175114#post15175114 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reeferoo
Just read whooole thread
What an amazing tank! Just stunning- I love all the space so I can really enjoy the fish and the corals individually.

So interesting to see what it takes to maintain such a large system like this.

Does your baby every look at/like the tank? My kitties think my tank is a TV just for them :-)

Looking forward to watching this fill out and mature
Maybe someday I can see it in person!

Thank you for the compliment. My baby loves looking at colorful fish and tap on the tank :D. As for maintain the tank is pretty easy. I do 30g water change every 3 days basically open the valve to drain and turn on the pump to fill the tank and that is it..
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15174797#post15174797 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Felix1021
sick collection you have there fish/corals
great rock work as well.
now following...

Thank you sir...
Nice new photo's Steve! After seeing the video from a few pages back I was amazed by the dimensions of the tank. It is a lot larger and deeper then it appeared to me on photo's :eek1:
I really like the gentle wave-action too.

No, the tank is going to be 96"x 48"x 24".. Just the ext overflow will be 90"x6"x 12" tall..

I already have a 96"x24"x24" 240 gal 330 gal system. looking at selling it or doing something with it.. Haven't decided yet??:confused:
When I do a water change its 130 gal, the same way..

Open a valve drain the reservoir, run a 11/2" flex pvc pipe from the ro/di 130gal holding tank to the 130 gal reservoir and open the valve.. Fills up and done.....

I only change my water about everyother month or so.. I know, I know... people are going to b***h.. But it works for me..

I'll be useing the same setup on the 520.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15176722#post15176722 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Leonardo_
Nice new photo's Steve! After seeing the video from a few pages back I was amazed by the dimensions of the tank. It is a lot larger and deeper then it appeared to me on photo's :eek1:
I really like the gentle wave-action too.


Leonardo, thank you. At first i thought the tank is pretty big but after awhile i seem to get used to it and it become small :D. I really like the wave action. I don't want to make it any larger because my tank is only 24" tall.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15176820#post15176820 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lancepender
No, the tank is going to be 96"x 48"x 24".. Just the ext overflow will be 90"x6"x 12" tall..

I already have a 96"x24"x24" 240 gal 330 gal system. looking at selling it or doing something with it.. Haven't decided yet??:confused:

If you have the space, turn it into a large sump with refugium :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15177226#post15177226 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lancepender
When I do a water change its 130 gal, the same way..

Open a valve drain the reservoir, run a 11/2" flex pvc pipe from the ro/di 130gal holding tank to the 130 gal reservoir and open the valve.. Fills up and done.....

I only change my water about everyother month or so.. I know, I know... people are going to b***h.. But it works for me..

I'll be useing the same setup on the 520.

As long as it works for you. I don't see anything wrong with it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15177475#post15177475 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Western_reefer
Its lookin' good!! How are your fish? Do they still have ich/ick?

I am not adding anymore fish for at least another month or two... Most of my fish has ich..:(
Do you try soaking the food in garlic juice?? I had a Ich incident in my old tank before and some manage to build resistant this way.....

Some even say a little ginger juice mix in works too!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15179254#post15179254 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Do you try soaking the food in garlic juice?? I had a Ich incident in my old tank before and some manage to build resistant this way.....

Some even say a little ginger juice mix in works too!!

Ed i have use so much garlic but still didn't help... I mix garlic with the food regardless ich or not. I will let them ride it out, if i ended up losing them all, i will wait for a month or so before i add anymore fish..
Steve, you can try New Life Spectrum Thera A+ too. This is a high quality, anti-parasitic food.

I have had good result with it regarding tangs and ich.

Steve I just had the same issue and lost two fish. All my fish even the barletts were covered with ich. So I started to soak the food in Kents garlic, I also continued to feed the spectra pure awesome product. But I knew what the promblem was temp flux so I put 2 250 didnt have any before and the next day 80% of the ich gone. The day after that no signs of ich.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15179430#post15179430 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by melev
Steve, there has to be a better way to handle that situation, don't you think?

Marc, if i could catch all the fish, i would treat them in the hospital tank which i will setup this weekend 48x20x20. But they are hard to catch plus i may take a chance to stress them out even more. I will QT all my fish from now on to avoid this issue. BTW, thanks for the link Marc

Leonardo, Jose i will give that food a try. I am currently feeding the fish with frozen food mixed. Lots of garlic and vitamins..