Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

Steve, do you still have that twin spot? I bought one after seeing it in your tank. Come to find out it's not reef safe. Did yours go after your shrimp or clams?
Steve, do you still have that twin spot? I bought one after seeing it in your tank. Come to find out it's not reef safe. Did yours go after your shrimp or clams?

Why do you think i didn't add any shrimp? I still have the twin spot and he is a permanent resident because my wife love that fish. The fish will go after your shrimp and invert. Mine approx 6-7" now...
I have decided to daisy chain my controller, not sure if this is a good idea or not but i think it is pretty safe :D. For example, I have an ORP controller, pH controller and Temp controller. I connect all 3 controller to the ACIII and set the setting on the ACIII just incase something go wrong with the Controller or the ACIII one of them will shut off. BTW, the U.V and Ozone is hooked up but not running yet. I need more water :D
here is picture of the MTC PRO240D

And here is my Emperor Aquatic 150w HO U.V feed approx 1500gph and return into the protein skimmer because i do not want to dumb 1500gph into the sump full of Chaeto and Caulerpa

Here is the protein skimmer just finish cleaning and it has not run for 2 days

Here is the pump the responsible to feed the U.V, Ozone reactor, Chiller and my future Mini cryptic Zone. The ATB 4200gph using 150w

Here is the main controller. I also have the Pintpoint to control the Ca reactor, Ozone reactor. Everything run off the ACIII
Good morning Bob, it is too soon to say if i like the Ozone system or not because it has only been up and running for less than 24hrs. This morning at 4:30am the ORP reading were 385. It went from 350 - 385 in a few hours. By the time i get home today the Ozone should be off if not my fish will by nuked...
Hey Steve,

How's it going??? Just had a quick minute and was checking out your pics. noticed you took your stones out of your Zeo RX? So you have completely dropped the zeolith stones and any ULNS then?

Everything looks good... need to see some updated tank shots!
Whoa nice new equipment! I really wanna see all of it in person, it looks good. Is your water more clear? Did the cyano go away? Are you going to RAP?
Hey Steve,

How's it going??? Just had a quick minute and was checking out your pics. noticed you took your stones out of your Zeo RX? So you have completely dropped the zeolith stones and any ULNS then?

Everything looks good... need to see some updated tank shots!

Dave, i really don't have any time for bacteria dosing system. I will depend on Ozone and U.V and heavy skimming from now on. After less than 24hrs of running the Ozone and U.V my tank is crystal clear. I will post some picture later.
