I have to remove all the tunze pumps to clean and decided to put them all in one end to flow toward the overflow box. I was amaze how much flow i am getting with all 4 line up on 4foot panel...
I am going to redo the return tomorrow to add 2 more 1" Penductor so i will have 4 penductors on one size handled by the ATB 4200gph and the other i will have 4 tunze 6305 hmmmm glad i went BB
Well I'll be on the look out for them then!:fun2:
Dave, i will have some picture tomorrow of the return and the wall of flow. I will also get the Ozone up and running tomorrow as well.
Did you measure your ORP before deciding to run ozone? I purchased an ozone generator, but since ORP was running 350-400, I decided not to further complicate my tank with another toy...
Looking forward to your new pics...
Poor thing =(
Hope she gets better soon.
Which controller are you hooking up?
ACIII Pro. Premium Aquatic has them on sale for really really cheap so i pick one up last week. It should arrive today. Plus i pick up the PintPoint ORP controller lastnight from a local reefer.
suprised you did not go for the apex? but i saw the price on ac 3 pro i might do the same thing.
i had a lot of head ache to installed my apex but now its all worth it!
nice sps