Steve's 480g upgrade 730g total Zeovit system

Some update shot of the new members and fish list :D

2 Dussumieri tang
3 Sailfin tang
1 Maculiceps tang
2 Yellow tang
2 Vlamingi tang (1 went floor surfing)
3 Chalk bass
2 Pyramid butterfly fish
1 Mystery wrasse
1 long fin fairy wrasse
1 Hawaii flame
1 fairy wrasse
1 Yellow coris
1 Twin spot coris
1 marine beta
1 Gold flake angel
5 Green chromis
5 blue eye cardinals


Nice new fishes. That Efflo is looking much better in coloration. Looks like its going to be nice green with purple rim?

Do you notice better skimmate after installing the ozone?
Nice new fishes. That Efflo is looking much better in coloration. Looks like its going to be nice green with purple rim?

Do you notice better skimmate after installing the ozone?

It was great for the first week or two but the skimmate getting lessor.
Yo Steve,

On your returns, (peductor??) - did you drill any holes for the anit-siphon? Or what is the secret from keep the water siphoned back to the sump during a power outage?

BTW, I got a 3200 gonna try on my DT. The Tunze mastercirculator is not doing it :spin2:

Yo Steve,

On your returns, (peductor??) - did you drill any holes for the anit-siphon? Or what is the secret from keep the water siphoned back to the sump during a power outage?

BTW, I got a 3200 gonna try on my DT. The Tunze mastercirculator is not doing it :spin2:


Dennis, i am using the George fisher Y check valve on the return.
Can't wait for them to get into their new home :D
16 Hawaiian Bicolor anthias


4 Baby sunburst anthias

Do you think this guy small?

New FTS under 14K
Where did you get the sunburst? They are my favorite :eek1:

Luv the FTS :D The 14k is nice..

I wasn't looking for the check value; I was looking for a 40mm 90degree bend for my skimmer.

Can't wait for them to get into their new home :D
4 Baby sunburst anthias