Stream Cleaning Procedure


Got Reef
Premium Member
Sorry for a repeat question - search isn't doing so well, at the moment.

My streams are ready for their first cleaning. They're full of the usual - coralline, algae, etc. User manual is not too clear - what is the accepted procedure. Straight vinegar or water and vinegar mixed. How long can they be soaked without damage.

I use straight vinegar for tough spots, like the hole in the pump where the drive unit is inserted and the front cover, in general I would mix vinegar 50/50 with water and I would not soak the motor long term in more than 50/50 as I have seen the cords swell and deform in strong acid and concentrated vinegar can do this over a couple days. In general it will take a couple baths of 4-6 hours in 50/50 vinegar mixed fresh to really get the pumps clean if they have a lot of build up.
Yeah. I've had both my pumps for over 3 years, they where coralline covered and looking old. I put them in a 5 gallon bucket with a 2 gallons of water and about .5 gallon of vinegar. Just pop'd them off tank and put in bucket running (mag holder and all) overnight (12hrs or so). They both look like new after I toke them out and gave them a quick scrub. Was easy and fast way to clean them, as long as you don't mind the smell of vinegar all over your house!