Stuns' Reef

HAH! GL my friends! I enjoy never testing and using IO salt, and poor Sara had the worst luck with the one "reef safe" genus of angelfish.

Plus, can your stick polyps do this?

I think not! :p

I guess you have never grown a colony of this :hammer:


I need to even watch Emma around the tank these days are the corals are growing so fast :D
You guys are too funny. :p Hey Austin, remember that green slimer you brought over a while back? Wait until you see it, it is growing like crazy, even after many fragging's!
LOL, no, can't say that I have... :sad1:

Oh no! Emma, look out... use your Jedi Mind Tricks!!! :strooper:

This weekends project: Figure out how I want to mount my insanely cool and expensive light fixture (I know you're jealous over there Mark! :smokin:)
Hey Austin, remember that green slimer you brought over a while back? Wait until you see it, it is growing like crazy, even after many fragging's!

Great news man! I need to get out your way soon!

See Mark, even more proof I used to grow sticks! :p
Update! With no pics...

Update! With no pics...

Alright, well lots was accomplished on the reef this weekend. Finished mounting all my coral... I had this brilliant idea to mount everything with the "pegging" system so I bought a masonry bit to drill into the rock, "Note to self: lace rock does not drill anything like live rock!" Needless to say I scrapped that idea faster than you can say @#%$ and went back to good 'ole epoxy and super glue. After coating myself with both of those I'm VERY happy with the outcome.

On an even better note, I HAVE LIGHT!!! Finished up my light rack over the weekend and got it mounted, WOW, I forgot how good corals and fish look under non ambient lighting :eek1:

I'm looking to create a more mottled appearance in my substrate, but after a botched order from Premium Aquatics that's been put on hold until later this week :rolleye1:

Pics and even a vid to come! (I swear :D)
So out of curiosity what happend when you tried to drill the lace rock? Can't wait to see the coral selection.
So out of curiosity what happend when you tried to drill the lace rock?
Nothing, nothing at all! :lol:

I literally drilled for about a minute pushing pretty good and I got, uh maybe, a 1/4" into the rock. This stuff is rock solid ;)
Pics! Albeit crappy one's...

Pics! Albeit crappy one's...

Grabbed my friends P&S tonight while I had a little free time. Turned the lights on (when they were already off) and royally ticked off my angel. He immediately retreated into his "bandit cave", you can see why it's called that. I take crappy pics, and don't set WB, so bare with me! Honestly though the color came out pretty good, but the reds in my rhizos are washed out.



Still don't have the correct substrate from PA, hopefully soon. Light rack was easy as pie to make, and only ended up being about $25! I'm very happy with how it came out. Of course, the 4" black zip ties I bought to hold the cable in place were too short :rolleyes:, so I need to go grab the 6" ones (hence the drapped cord, rather than nice and tidy ;)). Also received my new filter socks, 300 micron nylon mesh... LOVE them compared to the 200 micron felt I was using. Came up with some ideas on how to hide the ugly white epoxy too, I'll share that next pic round.
Very cool video Austin and the Bandit Hideout Cave is awesome. Are there anyother fish in there?
Have you though that the reason that the bandit hides in a cave is because there aren't other rocks for it to swim in and out of?
Mark, the lights were off prior to shooting the video, and I turned them on just a minute or so before. She almost always sleeps in that cave, or in/behind the rock on the left (there's a big hole in it she swims through all the time). When the lights are on she's out and about, generally right near the glass begging for food ;)

Is that a subtle hint that I need more rock? :p
Mark, the lights were off prior to shooting the video, and I turned them on just a minute or so before. She almost always sleeps in that cave, or in/behind the rock on the left (there's a big hole in it she swims through all the time). When the lights are on she's out and about, generally right near the glass begging for food ;)

Is that a subtle hint that I need more rock? :p

.... and some sticks :p.


On another note, I'm sure my chiller will start turning on occasionally here shortly, so I want to back it up somehow (redundancy wise). I've dealt with Rancos before, but am also considering a ReefKeeper Lite, which honestly I think would be more cost effective with their $100 deal. Mind you, I have no intention of running anything else on this. What do you guys think?
No comment Get a Neptune, better support and better products :p

I've ran quite a few ranco singles and I've never had one act up. Its usually the duals from what I have gathered. I still run my chiller by a single.
:lol: Saw that coming!

Ya know, I was sooo ready to purchase a RKL last fall for this exact reason, but I posted about it in one of their forums and got the most round about response on how I *might* need to use a high amp socket, but a seperate one not on the normal "outlet bar", but I *might* be able to get away with the normal "outlet bar". I replied, what?!? I'm telling YOU exactly what I need and what power consumption everything has and you're responding with *might* answers based on YOUR product? Are you kidding me right now?!?

Considering I would only use if to control temp I'm not too worried about their support and their "promises" about releasing new upgrades, but I'm still ticked off about what I was told. If I did that in my line of work we would be out of business!

Needless to say I was totally turned off the entire thing for awhile and knew my chiller wouldn't run much over the winter ;) It's still yet to turn on and we've had a couple 83°F days.

Do you have your heaters running on anything Mark?

On another note, I'm sure my chiller will start turning on occasionally here shortly, so I want to back it up somehow (redundancy wise). I've dealt with Rancos before, but am also considering a ReefKeeper Lite, which honestly I think would be more cost effective with their $100 deal. Mind you, I have no intention of running anything else on this. What do you guys think?

Apex has a lite version :idea:.