Sump / Fuge design


Premium Member
I'm design a 30g sump for my 150g tank, the sump will include a fuge. I understand that the flow in a fuge should be low but the sump should turn over a lot of water. To combat this my plan is to run the skimmer off some of the overflow pipe with the outlet of the skimmer being pumped straight into the return box (bypassing the fuge) with the remaining flow from the over flow falling in the fuge (via a box to reduce water movement). Also the flow control return pipe for the return pump relief valve will flow into the fuge box. How does this sound, will I need baffles between the overflow box and the fuge??


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I really don't see the skimmer performing very well setup like that. I would move it into the first section of the sump and then skip that relief valve on your return.
If the refugium does not need to be in the center I would suggest flipping the refugium and return section. That will allow the not-skimmed water to return back to the tank and then take the skimmer output and dump that in the refugium. The macro/LR in the refugium needs the cleanest water to do its job efficiently. If you have too much flow from your skimmer I would put a T and gate valve to reduce flow.

This is my suggestion from what I have read from other people ...
Thanks for the feed back,

Something like the attached?


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#3 is very close

Basically move the return pump to the middle section.
Make the section that has the skimmer output bigger (this will be your refugium)

So from left to right it will be:
Refugium (this will have skimmer output)
Single wall (refugium water will pour into return section)
Return section (this will have the pump)
Baffles (Overflow water will pour into return section)
Overflow (this will have overflow output)

I hope that makes sense.
If thats how you power your skimmer that would work. It depends on your skimmer. What type of skimmer do you have/plan to have?
Still haven't decided!! This tank is still in the planning stages so have just started the homework stage!!
I understand completely. I have a 29G that is not filled also. I haven't decided on a skimmer either. I'm either going to diy a skimmer (pvc / diy venturi powerhead) which will not be too effective. Or I am going to suck it up and buy a nice and expensive skimmer that will be upgradeable. I'm leaning toward diy because I am going to base my system on mostly biological filtration anyway so I am hoping I won't need to do much skimming. This will just remove the big stuff that will cause the big problems.

Not to get this thread off topic but what else are you planning for your tank? I am going for a very low maintenance, yet functional system. Since we both have small tanks we can use incredibly simple and effective devices.
My current tank is very low maintenance, I run a canister filter (yes with bioballs - supposed to be a no no in the SW game, but mine works), a small hang on for flow, I don't run a skimmer (water changes every two weeks and check quality). The tank is fine been running for over 12 months, happy and stable. I stopped introducing and stock once I made the decision to upgrade to a 150g tank and due to moving house in the next month or so. I too have been toying with the DIY skimmer, I love looking and the finished product when it done with your hand.
150g? Big skip, good luck with the tank. I'm stuck at 29g for a while. I will get a bigger tank after I move. I'm in grad school right now and don't want to get too big because I know this place isn't permanent.

Sounds like you know what you are doing, you probably shouldn't be taking advice from me ;o) Its actually not my advice I have just been reading many forums (about 4) and half the websites from the people on them. I have been doing this for almost a year and soon I will be putting this knowledge to good use...
Yep, 150g is much bigger, but the theory is that the bigger tanks are easier to keep!! Just more expensive!!! Like yourself my knowledge based a lot on the material I read in sites like these (and from mistakes with my own tank).

I just want to be as prepared as possible before starting to buy the coral and fish