Here we are at approximately the first 30 hours. The bubbles still have no turbulence inside of the body. One noticeable difference from standard style skimmers is the bubbles seem to rise much faster towards the top of the neck. I believe this to be a benefit from the cone body. It's probably been talked about already, but I'm just learning it now, since it's my first cone skimmer. There is still foam still climbing over the sides. A little over an inch of skim mate. Very dark in color and with particles inside the foam. If this skim production maintains, I'll have to start using the drain to a jug. I had heard that cone skimmers produce more skim mate and am nowing seeing similar results. I decided to clean the cup. The cup was super easy to remove. A quick rinse and just as easy to put back on. Because the skim mate is so dark, I'm going to try and run it a little wetter this time around
I've got a Dwyer air meter coming in the mail, I'd really like to measure the air draw on this pump.
One thing that could use improvement is the pump comes separate from the union fitting. I think that the union fitting should come glued to the pump. The directions don't say what to do with the connection. It doesn't tell what type of glue works with the two plastics. I am assuming PVC glue, but will have to call SWC on that. The pump fits into the union fitting, but not tight, there is a very slight air leak, since I have not glued it yet. I'll be gluing it next week.
Agoodloe you can do a google search and you'll find a small number of online vendors that sell it. Mine was shipped straight from SWC in Canada. But I think it might be cheaper shipping wise from a dealer here in the US. They are all priced the same at around $899. Which is starting to seem like a bargain, after seeing the initial results. It's a little early, and I'd still like to see how reliable and durable this pump is. I did turn it off and on three times in a row to see if it would start with out problems. It started each time. Each time I still could not hear the pump. It's whisper quite.
Here are pictures after 30 hrs.