Tang sores at base of tail


New member
My Tang has developed some sores near the base of his tail right where the scalpels are (both sides). He is a spastic fish and when the room lights are off and the tank lights are on, he is always trying to fight his reflection. I think he injures himself while trying to slash things with his scalpels. Am I way off here and what can I do about it? Its been like this for at least a month. (I keep the room lights on as much as possible now, but with it getting dark earlier, the lights are off for a while before I get home.) here are some pictures...



thanks for your help.
I would move that fish to a quarantine tank and treat with an antibiotic, probably a furan compound for starters.
ok, I only have a 10g Q setup which I doubt is big enough for him. Or is it? I will check with our club to see if they have a bigger one.
Unless that tang is pretty small, 2-3", I would think it would it would be better off in a larger quarantine tank.