Tank of the Month - January '07

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8910499#post8910499 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invincible569
Fabio, the tank was presented to me by Ocean Drive which does use HGH, "Alberto uses BC method with HGH".

Ed, ti scrivo in italiano, altrimenti non riesco a spiegarti bene.Ti assicuro che Alberto NON usa il hgh. Sono stato a casa sua insieme a Leonardo (bisck) e Fra2 e abbiamo fatto una lunga chiacchierata...ci ha spiegato per bene come gestisce la vasca...e quella non è opera dell'ormone! ma solo e soltanto della sua bravura!sia nella costruzione della parte tecnica, che nel gestire la vasca.....

Se poi apri l'articolo, appena sotto la prima foto c'è scritto :"A tank maintained with the Blu Coral method without HGH (Human Growth Hormone)."


Absolutely gorgeous tank! The colors are brillant! Keep up the great work.

I would like to know the name that goes along with the solid blue color coral in the picture under inhabitants (far right column of pictures-bottom picture). The coral is also in the bottom far right side of the picture. I'm looking for blue colors to add to my tank in the future and the one in your tank is awesome!

thanks Jolene

thanks Jolene
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8910504#post8910504 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by invincible569
This is a trend in Italy as increased parameters provide increased growth. Those aquariums that have insane growth like Alberto, have these excessive parameters. Stability is key, but so is genetically as some corals may not respond well to this environment.

AAAHHHH... I see, didnt know about that, invincible. Thanks for the clarification!
Nice Tank!! I like that fact that NO HGH is used as I prefer more natural systems :)

Congratulations !
I'm wondering how he keeps the external tank water temp up, during the winter time. I know the external and internal tank are connected, however I'd think the heater would be on all the time in the winter, and a chiller would be needed all the time in the summer.
Wow, Very nicely designed setup. I like the exterior tank design, but wouldnt work good for me in Vegas!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8907683#post8907683 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by pfish
Beautiful tank:
Could you explain your oxygenation system to alleviate co2 in more detail ?

primary oxygenation is given by the skimmer's venturi.
Moreover the water coming out of the calc reactor passes in a tank full of live rocks which is connected to the sump and than goes in the main tank: by this movement the excess of Co2 is reduced when the water reaches the main tank.

by the way, my compliments to Alberto (to whom I am double obliged since he realized the technical section of my tank that works exactly as his one!)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8914665#post8914665 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bluebastion
I'm wondering how he keeps the external tank water temp up, during the winter time. I know the external and internal tank are connected, however I'd think the heater would be on all the time in the winter, and a chiller would be needed all the time in the summer.

My question exactly.
Alberto, What a wonderful and beautiful reef. I for one am very impressed!!
Thank you for sharing with us all,
Michael Mota