TBS Rocks!


Premium Member
OK here goes my first shipment, I have had it for almost 2 weeks now totally cycled just waiting for the weather to change for next shipment


check out the size of the pieces compared to the putty knife

All 3 Pieces totalling 130lbs poor quality sorry

Placed in the tank and cycling

Remember this is a six foot tank the pieces are huge!
Hey!!!!! You stole my rock!
Just kidding...mine came the same way. 150# in 3 pieces and awesome ones at that. TBS rocks eh?
Delta , your rocks looks great!
TBS rocks really rocks!! I'm also waiting for my second shipment for my 90G the first shipment was really great I got 3 rocks that fit perfectly in my tank and a lot of hichikers including a tiger goby hopefully the weather gets better down there.. soon I'll post some pics in a new thread, good luck with your tank!
Well got the news this morning no shipment today :(

Oh Well we have waited this long whats a little longer

guess i ll have to get some new photos to post

Closed Brain


More closed brain

Not sure but open for ids


Think its a christmas tree worm

that all for now could get right now, the red open brain coral was too hard of an angle to shoot

Great ground work for the good rock to come
Great Job TBS
Xmass worm!!!

Xmass worm!!!


An xmass worm!!!!

takes 10 years to get to that size!

Richard TBS
Why, you lucky worm ;) , you got a Christmas Tree worm!!!

But to deflate you, your closed brains appear to actually be Siderastrea radians, 'lesser starlet corals.'

Your 'open for id' is one of three: (Multiple choice test for Landlord, who's supposed to get CMA for himself & 'Surprise' ;) though the answer won't be in CMA, it'll be easier to find in Borneman )
(a) Phyllangia (hidden cup coral)
(b) Cladacora (tube coral)
(c) Tubastrea (also tube coral)
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Any idea what this is there are like 6 of them next to the dying spong behind this one but they are small
If you're talking the little purple looking guys, they're tunicates.

Sorry, I can't help you with genus or species...

Where 'South of Boston?' We used to live in Lexington (and glad not to be buried by the Nor'easter!)
"south of Boston" Carver next to Plymouth and yes we have snow wet and sticky now but surposed to get colder and then it will be a real mess, frozen wet snow you know ICE

Nah the plant like thing white with pink/purple glowing limbs(filters) was what i was trying to figure out but the other id was more than welcome i will try and get a better picture
Small feather dusters? (worms, sabellid worms if I recall). Shape can be either like a leaf rake, or circular.
Cant for the life of me get a good picture of this open brain

if i don't shoot it fom above it you cant see it tucked in behind the sponges nicely


more coming
Beautiful photos! What kind of camera & settings? Macro? Auto exposure, or are you manually manipulating flash, etc.? I've got a hard time getting good focus.
sony cybershot dsc-p92
center focus
spot metering
white balance auto ISO 100
running in macro mode

more pics



not a barnical its a snail got alot of these too