Thank You Harry


New member
Harry.... Thanks for the invaluable time in talks we have had discussing life and reefs!!! You are truly an asset to this reefing community and to people in general. Glad to have met you! A+++++ :beer:

Your friend,
Yeah!!!What Noel said!!! Lmao

On a serious note...
Thanks for your dedication to the hobby and the club
..sometimes we don't take the time to say a simple "Thank You"
Thank you for the time & passion that It takes to do this with a busy schedule and your family & for picking up my phone calls and for calling me back lol ..your one cool dude Harry
Dr. Harry is the man! One of the best dudes I've ever had the chance to meet!

Along with MOST of you guys in NYRC. Great group of guys & Danielle! :) hehehe
Thanks Harry for everything... If you guys don't know Harry is the type of guy that will help you out when ever he can. He is a true friend, a true hobbyist, and some one that I am very happy to know...
I gotta say that if not for Harry's warmth and hospitality and the first meeting i attended I'm not sure I would have come again. i;'m not saying that everyone else wasn;t nice. I just think Harry went out of his way to make me feel welcome.

Harry I truly appreciate it!!
