the 210gallon upgrade thread

well i got him out and did the dip. took him 5mins and seems to be ok now. ill post once we come back from striper fishing tonight:thumbsup:
Hi every one sorry to report I lost the blue tang. I did learn from this that when the ick appeared on the fish and the other fish cleared up in about a week and the blue tang did not, I should of took immediate action, but I was thinking it would clear up. If I took action when the fish was still strong I think it would of lived beacause the ick did die when I dipped the fish. I also learned that the tank upgrade took its toll even though I took all the precautions to prevent any fish deaths.On the other hand the new solaris has already made a hugh difference in the corals appearance and growth and Im looking foward to getting new corals and some new fish. When melev sends my new sump I'm going to add a new tunze top off and I'm going to take out the phosban reactor, I don't think it does much. I'm also adding a calcium reactor.
Shame about your lost. I also have a small ick issue of my own when I introduced a flame angel in my 60 gal tank this past Friday. Luckily the tank is well established with plenty of live rock for him to pick at. I think having a cleaning shrimp helps.

I can't imagine how long it took for you to catch him in the 210. I don't think I would have had the endurance to chase it down.
I have peppermint shrimp to eat the aptasia in the show tank, I like the idea of a cleaner shrimp, do you really think they help with ick? If so I'll try to keep 1 in the tank.
I'll be honest and tell you that I am not the most knowledgeable person on treating ick. I have my ups and downs. I think the best methods are quarantine, hypo and cooper long with a good diet and a stress free environment are needed to keep these sensitive tangs healthy and happy.

I think having multiple cleaner shrimps and even fire shrimps should at the very least help you keep down diseases and infections since the shrimps set up cleaning stations for fish. Peppermints are nice to have too since all these are reef safe and should easily get along in your 210. I plan to have multiples of these shrimps in mine once I get rolling. I currently have 1 fire and 1 cleaner shrimp. I added 2 peppermints a week ago but haven't seen them since.
I never see my peppermint shrimp, but my aptasia dissapear very quickly. I'll see them for 1 to 2 days then there gone, so I know the pepermints are eating them. I had great success with the tangs for 9 months in my 125g, as soon as I moved to the 210g they got sick. The stress definetley affected them. The rest of the tangs have recovered nicely. I'm going to get cleaner shrimps this weekend, thanks for the tip.
Sorry if I missed it mbaychuk but is that the I4 or the G4 Solaris?
I am thinking about getting the I4 but havent been able to see one in person. What are your impressons of it so far? Does it look bright in the tank with that system? My main fear is all the pictures I have seen of it so far look dim but that may be how they have it set up. Your last picture looks very bright. Is that on Max brightness?
I have the h4 series 6 foot. I have the light at about 80% right now Im going to reach 100% in about 2 weeks. I'm slowly bringing up the intensity.It doesn't seem dark at all at 80% and the corals are starting to look amazing. I'll post pictures at 100% and if I have time this weekend I'll post pictures at 80%.
its H4 not I4 lol. H4 is the 400w version if thats what your refering to. from when iv seen it its very cool. after we got the temp sensor problem worked out its been great. as you ramp up the light level it is prity bright and the coral coral has dramitly changed. blues,purples,greens look much better. yes that pic is at the higest level. at lower levles it is defently dim but as you make it higher it is defently birght. we have it at about 80% now ill ask him if he can take a shot of the tank
That wasa good discussion, I do supplement with garlic already when I feed. My big mistake was waiting for it to clear up, because all the other fish cleared up, so I assumed the blue tang would, but it didn't. I did do a hyopsalinity and the ickcame off, but I was too late. Next time I'll take swifter action. Thanks for that discussion, I learned alot from that experience. My nephew (purebullet417) keeps telling me to quarantine the fish I think I may have to.
That wasa good discussion, I do supplement with garlic already when I feed. My big mistake was waiting for it to clear up, because all the other fish cleared up, so I assumed the blue tang would, but it didn't. I did do a hyopsalinity and the ickcame off, but I was too late. Next time I'll take swifter action. Thanks for that discussion, I learned alot from that experience. My nephew (purebullet417) keeps telling me to quarantine the fish I think I may have to.
Hi every one some current pics of tank with solaris light at 80%.



Thats some pictures with the light at 80%, It looks darker in the pictures then it actually is. The tank is much brighter in person. Also some pictures of some of the fish. The ick episode looks like its over ,every one doing well. Lesson when upgrading a tank epect the worse to happen because of the strees it causes the inhabitants.