The 480gal Fish Condo Has Begun

LNell, thanks for that advice, and I think you're right.....I hadn't thought of that......I don't have the tank drilled for a closed loop and I don't think I want to mess with it at this stage of the game...what about using a submerged pump like behind some rocks in the back? That may be my best bet.

I am building a cabinet underneath and also to the right of the tank.....also building a canopy......the steel beams will never be visible unless you opened up a cabinet door and stuck your head under there. Or did you mean paint the beams for structural reasons?
I would remove the existing rust and paint it so that no further rust forms... I personal would not want any of that dropping into my sump...
Just use some rustoleum spray paint and paint it black.They have a can that is strictly for metal surfaces.Supposed to seal the metal from rusting further.Wouldnt hurt?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9665973#post9665973 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by scarter

Painted the back of the tank on Tuesday.....moved it from the garage and into the house's on the stand.....started doing all the plumbing today......

With the submersible pump idea, is it going to be easy to service this pump when it needs to be done?. Just thinking about access and how it will affect the aquascaping.

great thread and cant wait to see more updates. :D
Here is a pic of the tank on the stand......I have the bulkheads in and I've done some plumbing underneath.....I had a 90 elbow in the return and also a 90 in the skimmer pump but I took them out and ordered a couple of wye's to reduce head loss.

Here is a pic of the back half of the canopy.....the wood standing up on the far right will go inside this part of the canopy and will be what I mount my lights to:

A side diagram of the canopy:
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I changed the design up on the canopy a are some updated pics.....I still have some trim work to do and then stain:





I'm in the process of making up my water.....lots of trashcans to fill !!!
Finished the trim on the canopy....stained it......also did most of my closed loop PVC work in the canopy. Finished all my plumbing is to make some PVC ledges/caves, make up just a little more water......then fill that bad boy up!!!!









I have just one concern. Just a heads up I noticed you have a Sequence Dart. Also I noticed that you dont have any true union ball valves to take it off temporarily when the seal needs to be replaced. Just wanted to let you know that I have a Sequence Dart and a Hammerhead pump and they require seal replacement time after time. By the way, great looking tank!!!!!!!!!!

Looking good so far. Good idea with the closed loop in the hood. Is it easy to disconnect the closed loop if you have to take it off for any reason? Just cant see from the pictures if you have allowed for this.

Keep up the good work.

Thanks Marc and Chris.....

I should be able to disassemble the CL if I needed to.....the PVC is held on by 4 plastic brackets......
wow this is gonna be one heck of a tank!
i like the fish room decor :D

fyi... not sure if someone mentioned this... but those cynderblocks on the tile... once water gets in that bad boy it will definatly crack the tiles!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9666537#post9666537 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rnelson
Painted the back of the tank on Tuesday.....moved it from the garage and into the house's on the stand.....started doing all the plumbing today......

Hi rnelson!

Nice Tank, congratiolations!

In my opinion you shouldn't have painted the backside of the tank, you have lots of natural light coming out of the window that you could use as a suplemente light to your system.


Vitor Pestana