and the rest:
here some comparisons shots from 10 days ago
and one of my fishes^^
tank is running on Aquaforest probiotic method, startet dosing around 5 drops of NP Pro and ProBio F in the morning just before i go to work and at night time AF Vitality, Build, Amino and Energy as recommended, always when the lights are off and the feeders are out...
as i´ve been talking to Perry we came across the next big thing to get my head in => Flow... the situation now isn´t the best and i have to get some more flow for the tank. right now i don´t know how but i´ll figure it out
other thing i´m going to change is my skimmer... i´m not happy with the coral box anymore and it´s to small for my tank anyways... looking at a Royal Exclusive Skimmer but not sure which one and which kidney i´m going to sell...
So that´s all for now...
Cheers, Flo