The BB movement

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083819#post7083819 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS

The rule of thumb I've alway gone by is to try to skim about a cup per day worth for skimmate (I think this is what Anthony Calfo suggests, and I trust his opinion).

But do you want a cup per day of skimate on a 5 gallon nano, and a cup per day out of a 4,000 gallon shark tank? I don't think that is a very good rule either.

Oh, come now, there's enough other people to throw insults at you without demeaning yourself! :lol:

I just want to take away their best lines before they get a chance to use them.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083834#post7083834 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NoSchwag
Let me ask you.. Would that skimmer cut it with a tank full of reefbuilding corals and a heavy bioload?

If you had a big, fat deep sand bed and 50 fish in a 120 gallon tank, probably not.

If you had a bare-bottom tank full of stony coral, I'm sure it would be ok.
But do you want a cup per day of skimate on a 5 gallon nano, and a cup per day out of a 4,000 gallon shark tank? I don't think that is a very good rule either.

And so what if I do!

That's why it's called a "rule of thumb" and not "the way to do things".
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083518#post7083518 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
I'm confused here. Are you saying the Beckett has more contact time, or the recirculating needle-wheel?
Didn't mean to confuse you, sorry. Generally, a similarly rated beckett will have a longer single pass (go thru skimmer pump once) contact time than a recirculating needle wheel. After all, they are recirculating so the water is supposed to recirculate thru the pump. Thats why recirculating NW skimmers can have same sized cylinders and similar ratings but be shorter.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083518#post7083518 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
Was it a fair comparison? I could put a Seaclone and a Deltec on the same tank and make the Seaclone perform better if you wanted. ;)
I'm not sure how the test could be unfair. He hooked up the deltec and BK skimmers to his 600G tank along with the barr beckett. Was there a special thing he was supposed to do with the deltec or BK? Then he invited local reefers to see them running and give suggestions on how to improve performance. The bubbles were flowing and looked great but the barr just outperformed them. He still has them all running on his tank now for anyone to see and there are a lot of reefers (using different methods) from NYC/LI that can attest to it. The thread is here but read it until at least page 10 when he got the other skimmers.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083102#post7083102 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redwinger02
I feel that if you can't "tune" your skimmer via a picture you have other problems. It isn't that hard to figure out my friend. When I get around to it I will take a video for you. After that I will write a pop up book on how to adjust a skimmer to run wet . This ain't rocket science guys.
A local reefer wanted to do a water change thru his beckett skimmer. He set it really wet and in 25mins got about 4 gals of watery skimmate. How can I do that on my deltec ap600 because I don't know how?
He hooked up the deltec and BK skimmers to his 600G tank along with the barr beckett. Was there a special thing he was supposed to do with the deltec or BK?

Not necessarily, I was just curious if he had them all tweaked and tuned to their best performance. If he were a Barr sales rep I'd have more questions to ask. I guess it's hard to judge something like that simply on output without knowing the specifics (ie: were all three broken in? how were they confirmed to be tuned optimally? was on in-line before the others?). Some skimmer don't produce their best skimmate for a while, so it would need to be a fairly long test as well. I guess my bottom line is it's likely non-scientific and I'd have a hard time saying that Skimmer A outperforms Skimmer B and C just because it produced more skimmate in a short trial.

I'll read the thread a little later though. For all I know he ran these tests in a controlled environment under lab conditions.
Which guy was it? I read through 20 pages and must have either skimmed (no pun intended) over it or something...
No offense but if you are trying to do 25 gallons in 4 minutes, why waste your time wet skimming. I would just do the water change like normal and maybe sponge the sump up to get some of the built up crud off. You would be way better off that way then super super wet skimming which imo if you are pushing that much water through, it really isn't much you are skimming.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7084849#post7084849 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
I guess my bottom line is it's likely non-scientific and I'd have a hard time saying that Skimmer A outperforms Skimmer B and C just because it produced more skimmate in a short trial.
I was geeked about getting a bk350 or deltec ap702. But this was enough for me although I saw it in person.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7084849#post7084849 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
Not necessarily, I was just curious if he had them all tweaked and tuned to their best performance.
I have an ap600 and the only tweaking I can do is with the air inlet, not sure how much more is possible.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7084849#post7084849 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
Some skimmer don't produce their best skimmate for a while, so it would need to be a fairly long test as well.
All skimmers were run for at least 6 months I believe on different systems before they were on the same system.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7084985#post7084985 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
Which guy was it? I read through 20 pages and must have either skimmed (no pun intended) over it or something...

Please read the thread, there's only one guy with a sk4220 and bk350.
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Anthony is talking about a full collection cup a day, not a cup liquid measure.

And it's 4 gallon's in 25 minutes, not 25 gallon's in 4 minutes.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7085009#post7085009 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jay24k
No offense but if you are trying to do 25 gallons in 4 minutes, why waste your time wet skimming. I would just do the water change like normal and maybe sponge the sump up to get some of the built up crud off. You would be way better off that way then super super wet skimming which imo if you are pushing that much water through, it really isn't much you are skimming.

Is it possible to wet skim 25g in 4mins, that would be something cool to see? And he did 4g in 25mins. This guy wasn't trying to skim his tank, just do a water change this way and see if there were any benefits. Which is cool to me because trying different things will hopefully further the hobby. Are you opposed to trying new things to further the hobby?

I brought this up to try to understand the limitations of my needle wheel skimmer because it would be cool do this if it can. I wouldn't want to skim 4g in 25mins but I would like to have wetter skimmate if possible.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7084744#post7084744 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kimoyo
A local reefer wanted to do a water change thru his beckett skimmer. He set it really wet and in 25mins got about 4 gals of watery skimmate. How can I do that on my deltec ap600 because I don't know how?

That's really not unusual.

I do that with my Bullet 3 on a fairly regular basis. Whenever I blast off the rocks with a maxijet, I'll turn the skimmer up real high. The water will be clear of all the particulates within a couple hours.
Kimoyoa just close you gate valve up a bit and let the water that is overflowing into the collection cup drain into a five gallon pail. There you just did a 5 gallon water change through your skimmer. I have done this also with my recirc in the past.
Allright I submit.:lol: Here are a couple videos. They will not be up long as I don't want to waste all my bandwith for this.

Wet skimming. Cup was cleaned about 5 days ago. When the wet neck gets done then the tiny bit of gunk you see on the neck will get to be even less. The cup is allways draining but I closed the drain valve 1 hour before the video was shot. So you can see the consistancy. Also so you have some background on the current state of the tank. There is no rock in it and a few fish and corals. Rock is being cooked at this moment

Now for kimoya;) close your gate valve even further and let it do this for as long as you need be. IMO not real purposefull and would rather just do the water change with a pump but you get the idea:)

Now if you don't know what dry skimming looks like, tough I can't believe I actually shot a video of how I make bubbles:lol:
Whoops. I misread. I still think 4 gallons in 25 minutes is probably not going to get as much crud as blasting the crud around and siphoning it out but I guess in the long run it is easier if you have a drain tapped into the skimmer
Here is what this skimmer has done in the past for me. Last fall I had a power outage for quite some time and the CA reactor built up a ton of air and when power came back on the reactor burped and sent a ton of aragonite dust into the tank.


After 1hr


Here is what it pulled out skimming it wet.
2 hrs later the water was crystal clear.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7083154#post7083154 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RCS
I guess my nearly 9 years (more than the previous poster) of experience coupled with the fact that I used to run a business setting up and maintaining tanks for numerous people, along with the fact I've been breeding both freshwater and marine fish, inverts and propagating corals for the last 5-6 years doesn't count for anything? :rolleyes:

Not with your attitude. Lots of us have done the same. I have 8 years with reefs. I guess that makes me 8/9 the reefer that you are. :rolleyes: I've done my time breeding and propagating and even managed a store for a year. It doesn't take a genius to do any of it and I don't wear it like a badge of respect.

I don't even know where to begin with the rest of it. You seem to know everything already, so there's not much good in my rebutting your rebuttle. Have fun at the top...
Thanks for posting that video Redwingger. I could never get my recerc to do that, you seem to have it diled in perfectally.
