The BB movement

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7073897#post7073897 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by panic
hmmm, I just spent $525 on a recirc dual needlewheel. I'm already feeling a little cognitive dissonance. What hole have you been hiding in Elephen - maybe see your reef tomorrow?

Don't second guess your recirc needle wheel. They are IMO the best money can buy as long as they have the right pumps on them.:D Becketts are great to but don't let them make you think yours is inferior.:lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7074034#post7074034 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RichConley
Theres a reason all the public aquariums use nothing but big becketts.

because they are cheap and easy to build? simple design and it would take a crap load of expensive needlewheel pumps to clean that much water....

the fact that they are often used for industrial applications doesn't necessarily mean they are better than needlewheels...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7079478#post7079478 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JER-Z
because they are cheap and easy to build i imagine...

Also because it is the older technology and they have been around much longer than recircs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7079508#post7079508 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redwinger02
Also because it is the older technology and they have been around much longer than recircs.

I love my MR-2 :D maybe agenst a Deltec it would be a diffrent matter, but this thing has cleaned up my water so much my rock is now sheading.

You know Redwinger, we can't have nearly as much fun over here.

Great video NoSchwag, that is a much bigger help to people simply saying "running wet". You should post that "over there" in place of your link that no longer works.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7079688#post7079688 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Wiskey
I love my MR-2 :D maybe agenst a Deltec it would be a diffrent matter, but this thing has cleaned up my water so much my rock is now sheading.

You know Redwinger, we can't have nearly as much fun over here.


:lol: :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7079780#post7079780 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by NoSchwag
redwinger do you by any chance have a video of your skimmer skimming wet?

Nope I have better things to do than take videos of my skimmer. I know it works and that is all that matters.:)
What to take into consideration for the bottom of the tank when going bare bottom? Is cutting board the only way to go? I have a neighbor who installs protective plastic on cars, was wondering if this material would be siutable for bare bottom tanks? He is checking with the manufacturer about what they use for the adhesion and how it cures.
Sullyman, consider that there's a lot of UV from our MH - I know many choose starboard/marinaboard as it's UV protected.

Personally, I wonder about the water chemistry's interaction with stuff - which given the amount of $$ I've put into my tank - has me liking starboard [or currently 100% bare].
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7080197#post7080197 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by redwinger02
Nope I have better things to do than take videos of my skimmer. I know it works and that is all that matters.:)

cmon, please??

You did this..

What's the difference? I'm pretty sure your camera can take a 10 sec. video clip and it'll only take 5 min to upload it. We both have time to sit on a BB board waiting for new posts, don't you think a video to help people tune their skimmers is time better spent? :)

Honestly, If a recirc needlewheel can perform like that, I will sell my wonderful MR2 tomorrow and pick one up. I would happily trade in the heat, noise, and power consumption of this skimmer, but not at the cost of performance.
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Other than aesthetics and providing essential habitat for a very select number of organisms, sand serves no purpose that can't be accomplished another way.

I'm not sure I agree with this statement. Just because you can do things other ways doesn't necessarily mean they're as good or natural.

One of the reasons I like my sand bed is simply because of what it produces: lots of microfauna and food for organisms in my tank. Living creatures like 'pods, mysids, bristleworms, etc. serve the dual purpose of providing a natural food source/supplement while keeping the tank clean at the same time by consuming excess food and waste. Frozen or prepared foods just can't do that. I can't imagine that my current little group of baby Banggai cardinals would grow as fast as they are with NO feeding in a barebottom tank. At about 4 weeks most of them are right at an inch now. Prepared foods are just that-prepared-and generally add excess wastes into the water (ash, processing agents, etc.).

I also like my sand for the purpose of denitrification. I don't stock my sandbed with anything other than the natural tiny critters that inhabit it. There's a multitude of 'pods, snails, mini-stars, worms, etc. that inhabit my sand bed. Nothing larger that disturbs the bed any more than that. Nitrates and phopshates are at zero after two years with no water changes, so I believe it's really more than just a pretty face. ;)

The other tidbit of information I picked up along the way, and I honestly don't recall where I read it (but it was a reliable source from what I recall, otherwise I'd have questioned it) is that most of your nitrification and denitrification takes place in the first quarter-inch of your sand bed. Which is one reason why I don't run a deep sand bed any more. Grain size on play sand is perfect, it's cheap, it doesn't compact like aragonite can, and it's served me well for nearly 6 years now in various tanks.

If you like doing constant maintenance, lots of water changes, testing, etc etc., then more power to you. I'm lazy. :cool:
Funny that people can aesthetically ignore:
the back/side/front glass,
all sorts of things [PVC from closed loop, PVC racks, eggcrate] ...

But there's gotta be sand on the bottom, or else aesthetics are ruined. I guess I don't get how one `doesn't see' the overflow, yet cannot help but focus on the bottom.

To me, having the corals distract from whatever substrate [or lack of] is the point. I don't grow Acropora so I can look at the sandbed, so that the focus is on anything but them.

And in the tanks I find stunning, I spend about 1% of the time looking at the substrate - not something I'd miss either way.
Agreed Mark...just playing Devil's Advocate for a bit. :lol: Besides that, I've seen some great tanks with a false sand bottom as well. Acts like BB but looks like sand.

Funny that people can aesthetically ignore:

Exactly the reason WHY my next tank will either have corner overflows or will be an All-Glass 180g, so there's room for aquascaping in front of them. As it is right now, the 155 bow has piles of rock in front of both overflows, but there's simply not enough room to stack it like I'd like with the curve-in.

I don't run any powerheads in my tank, nor do I have a canopy. It's open-topped with pendants and a very nicely-decorated shelf holding them up (compliments of the gf). My plumbing is more or less invisible as it's all black and near the top of the tank in the back, so you have to really look to see it.

Of course, all the eggcrats and plastic containers with crushed coral and frags in them takes away a bit!