The Chronicles of my 250g Cube (190g display)

hmmm...heres my take...on financial issues, which can be touchy. Maybe its just me, but I myself wouldnt take out a loan to pay dor a sportscar, pool, or boat, simply because they are luxuries that i wouldnt want to be put into debt as a result of. A tank, especially one of this magnitude can certainly be put in the luxury catagory.

I really wouldnt take out a loan to pay for a tank this large. Its not an investment that will make you money ;)

So, my advice is to save for a little while, or, if you are fairly well off, take out a loan, with the condition that you will able to repay it fairly quickly. Loans can be a mistake, and I dont mean to be the bearer of bad news...that really isnt my goal :(

All I'm saying is that with an investent this big, you really dont want a loan hanging over your head. NTM its not somthing that you need, like a home, or food...etc.

If you have a fairly steady and high income, put some money away and youll have your tank in no time. Just dont take out a loan unless you have to.

If $$ is a tad tight at the moment, maybe go with a smaller tank.

Again, I dont want to tell you what to do, and if you got a big tank, I'd deffinatly be there eging you on, but for now, i'm just saying what i would do, based on the information you have provided about what you want, what youve got, and what your reasoning is. :)

Now that I think of it, we have seriously hijacked your thread zoos. Sorry buddy :(
alien, you are 100% correct. I have the same opinion exactly but there is always that thought process of "I want it and I want it now" that makes people think and do stupid things. :p Im definitely going to hold off for a while. I may go ahead and set up the room to be ready for the monster but just set up a small display or only a prop style tank. I really need to get the tank out of my main house and that would work nicely. Thanks again for all the advice.

Now zoos.... how about an update or a picture or something to get this thread back on track? :D

Oh yeah, and without looking back through the thread, what pump are you running the CL on? Could you put an OM Squirt or Super Squirt on there. They are a lot less money than the 4 way. Have you thought about ever doing that?
Hey the thread was actually getting interesting there, and you are doing the right thing by waiting reefwaters, I did this tank at a bad time, and I spend foolishly, DO NOT spend money that is not yours (loans, credit) do it with extra cash that would otherwise go towards another luxury, because this is what this is. A luxury, not a necessity. I have spent over 3000 already and my initial budget was about 1800 and then get the rest little by little, but I could not wait so I started to spend in a hurry, anyway patience is a virtue in this hobby. now back to my tank, I am using a PanWorld as my return pump, and a sequence dart for the CL
:D :lol: Yeah, I was going for the sarcasm in that!

Yeah, its definitely a luxury. I WILL NOT be doing anything stupid like leveraging a tank. I've spent about 4500 in two years. It kind of makes me cringe but it was all paid for out right and I do prefer it that way. Anyway....

I think I have decided what I'm going to do. :p As if it wont change 100 times before it gets done. Ima going to renovate my sun porch, which needs it anyway, and put my existing set up in there. Ill get rid of the 10g fuge, use my cube as the new fuge, keep the sump the same, maybe add a mangrove tank made from plywood, and probably get a 100 ish gallon tank from GlassCages. Here's the trick though, Im going to get a tank that is low and long and will some day become the prop tank for a larger display tank. See, Im planning ahead! :D

And I should be able to do all of that on spare cash over a few months. How does that sound?
Thanks for agreeing reefwaters. Finance is somtimes a difficult topic to discuss...thanks for not getting upset :)

Glad to see your planning ahead. Your setup will look great ;)

And yeah, the first time i read that, i didnt sence the sarcasm but now im in stiches :lol:
Hey felix- another question for you...

Could you comment a bit on your selection of lighting for your tank and how it seems to be working? I'm especially interested in wattage of the lights, and where you mounted them in the canopy. I'm kinda grappling with this issue right now in my plan.

I just ordered my stand and canopy, so I'm actually doing it kind of backwards- doing the tank around the stand! Lighting is really a bit of a dilemnna. I guess the footprint of the tank (40"x40") is a little tricky to figure an affordable and functional lighting array!

Thanks for your feedback!

Hello everyone sorry it has been so long since I wrote but my computer kick the bucket :( and it is actually still getting fixed, I am writing from a friends PC, anyway back to you algaeguy I have 4 3 foot 95 watt VHO in this order from front to back 2 actinic blue, 1 actinic white, and one actinic blue, in between them I have 1 250 metal halide, I did this all with the intention of having real bright light in some areas and real dim light in others, as I'm very interested in some of the non photosynthetic species and I am also interested in some of the fish that appreciate the dimmer environment like the sunburst anthias I figured I could accommodate everyone. my halides are only on for about 4 or 5 hours a day and the rest of the lighting is on for about 10-12 hours. hope that helps. BTW I redid my aquascape I do not have a way to show you guys since I need my computer to upload the pics but as soon as I get it I will. thanks
I'm in limbo land. My tank is recovering from me messing with it for the past few months. Its getting better. I'm still trying to decide exactly what I'm going to do. I know for a fact that I'm going to move the tank out of the room it is in and when I do, I will set up a larger display. I hope to use all the equipment I have and all the support tanks. I think it will be fine. I'm still pretty young and have a lifetime left in this hobby. I'm going to take it slow. Its worked for me so far.

Sorry to hear about the computer but I cant wait for some pics either! :D :rollface:
Well I just came from a friends house and to my surprise he is moving to Gainesville, and is selling his tank he needed to empty it and gave me his yellow tang, his sailfin tang, a blue tang and a true percula :) he didn't even want to take my money but I gave him some, and still got a sweet deal, also threw in 3 turbo snails :D









I knew I was going to get that, :( and to be frank I was 100% happy with the old one and I liked the design of the old one better, but I had to. It was not good for circulation, too many dead spots and I have plenty of flow, if you look at the old one it was like two walls, this way the flow is used more efficiently.
Looks good. I have to admit I liked the old aquascaping better as well, but I understand where you're coming from on flow. I have problems myself.

Just a suggestion, I would add (or move) a few rocks into a pile (or two) in front of the main structure. You have a lot of open sandbed there. It would be like a small island and you could put some cool corals on it. It would create a small valley as well. Something to give some "secret" viewing spots. Does that make sense?