The Chronicles of my 250g Cube (190g display)

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7113161#post7113161 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zoos
Hey alien I was just looking at your gallery and I see that you have a pearly jawfish, I was considering one, but I'm afraid my dottyback and goby might terrorize it. they're so cool


The first sw fish i ever had. :(
He jumped after 2 days in my tank. :(

Anyway.......:smokin: .......I really like that pic you found of those anthias. Thats sick. :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7120717#post7120717 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zoos
Yeah they're notorious jumpers, but they are great.


He was a really fun fish...for the brief period I had him :lol2:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7127210#post7127210 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zoos
I was surprised, not something you see everyday at a LFS

Cool little guy

Yeah, that is nice.

Have you ever seen the skinny cardinals that look alot like the rubre. I think they might be "candy striped." Im not sure though. Anyway, I would like a nice little school of 7 to 10 of those little guys. I think that would be cool. I think I read that the rubre is a solitary fish. Any thoughts?
Yes he's a loner, they had 3 of them at the shop, and I was tempted to buy 2, but I remembered reading somewhere "one per tank", and I think I know what cardinal you're talking about, but I'm not exactly sure if they're candy striped, anyway I'm looking for the threadfin cardinal and can't find them anywhere.


BTW great cube, I love that shot.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7130296#post7130296 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zoos anyway I'm looking for the threadfin cardinal and can't find them anywhere.

-Felix [/B]

Have you tried getting some of the more reputable online stores to try and special order them for you?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7130322#post7130322 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zoos

BTW great cube, I love that shot.

Thank you very much. :rollface: I've don't a little rearranging lately so it looks a little different on the other side. I also did some major pruning on that cap and the acro to the far right.

I'm in the initial planning stages of a 36x36 semi cube or a 48x36 but I have to do some work to my house before I can really get started. Some tank related, some not. But either way, I'm in desperate need of an upgrade or a prop system or something to handle the growth of my corals. I'm considering going with almost no rock in the display to give the corals all the room possible to grow out for a few years without pruning.

Anyway, your tank is coming along nicely and I'm looking forward to seeing it mature.
Well some new shots, and I got a new star, the so called "purple linkia" but from the research I have done it is most likely Tamaria stria. It was a gift from a friend of mine he has had it in his tank for over a year and I have been eyeing it for a while, so he decided to give it to me :rollface:


So I was working on my pond today and I was rudely interrupted by what I believe is a baby mocking bird :D I noticed one of my cats awfully concentrated on something under the bushes and when I look this is what I find



So I called the local wildlife and spoke to someone who knows a lot about birds and told me to build it an artificial nest place it back on the tree around the parents.


Well I know it was out of topic but it was interesting

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7113137#post7113137 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Zoos
Yeah I know what you mean, but I'm one of those people that really doesn't like to overcrowd a tank, and I still think my tank is pretty small. I would love about 7 or 8 female squamipinnis and 1 male, but they grow and can get pretty aggressive, and think about the food that 8 or 9 large fish are going to consume, and the waste they're going to produce. It is so difficult for me to buy fish, and I am so picky about what I buy because I'm so conscience about the responsibilities that follow, know what I mean?

I have 5 Lyretails in QT and they don't seem that aggressive......