The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

12K white balance 20K light









This picture was in full auto because when I turned the pumps off the fish ran....trying to get a shot of the Christmas Wrasse

As you can see the algae IS dying back... Slowly.... Im switching to Microbakter7... I went through 10mL of Zeobak... in about 3 - 4 weeks... didnt think it would go that fast. ordered 2L of Microbakter... should keep me going for close to a year

The only thing that bothers me is my Blues have faded a little. Not sure why... is there any trace, minor or major element that we've found a correlation to blue,... Potassium? Trying to figure this out... maybe they are just adjusting to the new lights..... any body got anything chime in.
Figured out why the CA reactor was acting stupid.... The plastic check valve must of been clogged. I took it out of the CO2 loop,, let it soak in Vinegar for an hour and everything is back to normal. The CO2 was actaully building enough pressure to leak from the barb the line attatches to.... excess co2 in the room?

Added a Mandarin Drgonette today, a male. Also... I mentioned my nassarus and ceriths laying eggs... I Have a new addition to the gg laying animals,... My Bangaiis are pregnant! I dont think I will be able to pull rearing bangaiis off.... Do I just let them release into the water column when they hatch and let them get picked off???

Nice build, do you still have the low PH problem? I had the same issue with my basement tank, it would go from 7.8 at night to 8.0 with the lights on. I could open a 12"*24" window and watch the ph rise to 8.2 within a couple of hours. I was amazed that I could have such a build-up of CO2 in the room. Since then I have added a DIY kalk reactor that solved my problems.

yea the PH is stilllow. Normally in the 7.85 - 7.95 range now. Ive been using kalc top off to little effect. I did find my CO2 leaking into the room yesterday,.... but that was due to a clogged check valve and I dont think that would have been the issue over the summer but we will see.....

nice tank!

nice tank!

I've read your thread over the last few days, glad to see you didn't sell your tank. I have a small (20 gal) right now, but I'm looking to order my dream tank after that first of the year it will be 90" x 36"wide x 28"deep(simalar to yours). That is as big as I will be able to fit down the stairs, as mine will be going in the basement too.

It's nice to see you post all your issuse and feeling about how things are going. Most threads I've read the people seem like they never get upset about whats happening and that everything is always perfect. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one that get discuraged at times. The one thing I try to do is step back look at the big picture and say to myself "this is a life long hobby" I don't have to have it perfect right now. Good luck, keep the pics coming! Seeing someone else doing there first large tank by themself is inspiring. The tank looks awesome! I'll be reading along.
Cleaned off about 1/3 o the tanks "glass" today. Cleaned out the skimmer and the overflow strainers.

Daddy bangaii is brooding eggs... Too bad I dont have the time to raise them. Thought about buying a diadema urchin to take care of the algae and the bangaiis... just dont know about wanting to worry about getting stabbed.. lol.

Will execute a water change in the morning. Possibly picking up a Tomini tang and the diadema monday from the LFS to put in QT. I have noticed an explosion of coralline in the tank. I'm starting to worry about having to scrap all the time.... no fun. Especially with a black background. Im also looking at replumbing the system all over... as mentioned a few weeks ago. Drawing up plans now and will probably execute here soon... this work will also bring the 120 online... WOO HOO!!! ... time is just so short with a new one in the household and taking care of all the other everyday buisness.....


OH and I added a Green Mandarin..... Last week
Ok.... so the Korallia Magnum 8's arent wuite as strong as Id hoped theyd be they have fallen... once for each one causing sand storms in the tank. I tried getting the suction cup to enguage more this time (pressed harder... probably didnt work) we'll see what happens.

Test results for today:
Calcium 450
KH - 10.66 dKH
Magnesium - 1320
Phosphate - 0
Nitrate - 0
PH before lights came on 7.95

I will be doing a 45 gallon water change tonight and getting the QT tank in action. I have seeded it with a little bit of MB7 and a piece of live rock. Hopefully the LFS still has the tomini tommorow....

Nice tank.Hope you get rid of all the algae.

Thanks. Algae is definitely fading fast. I have to pull it out of coral branches daily and clean the strainers on the overflow about a once a week to keep the tank from overflowing. MB7 and the VSV is definitely helping. The algae is also no longer green, but a brownish green believe its all dead just slowly falling off. If I can get the time Ill probably try to pull a bunch out in the next couple of days.

Ill keep posting pics and info...

Weird that so little VSV made such a big impact on the algae. I'm sure other things you have done had more of an effect. I'm up to 16ml VSV per day and I'm raising it 1ml every 3 days. Nitrates aren't super high but PO4 is always an issue. I dose Phosphate Control every now and then to knock it down but I guess it's leeching out the LR now. I have one piece of LR with some GHA type algae but it's a bit different - and it's starting to spread. So want to nip that in the bud asap.
Yea im not completely sure on the VSV... it is weird that my dose is sooo much lower than most. I got up to 4 mls and seen an increase in cyano and dropped it back to 2. I am not at 3 again and the cyano is starting back up. Not sure where to go from here.....
Qt was set up last night using 1/3 new mixed salt (salinity was a little high when I mixed up the DT change, so I dumped it in the QT to make room for more RODI) and the rest DT water. I put a HOB filter, Korallia 3 and some PVC in. Worried about the tank cycling with a fish in it, I placed 2 softball size hunks of Live rock from a tub of rock I have had cured for years. I also added a bit of microbacter. I was tempted to place the tomini directly into the display given my track record with QT, hes been at the LFS since Sept. 30th. I did not give in and the tomini will stay in QT for a couple weeks to be sure.

Tomini was placed in QT this morning. I ALSO BOUGHT A FRAG OF oRA joe the coral, placed him in the DT after a 10 -15 min soak in flat worm exit and iodine. The LFS has had this piece several weeks so It shold be healthy.

Finally sold the coral vue PHs. Ordering 1 more Magnum 8 see how it goes. Also ordering a frag tray, and some Revive to try out. Keep posting....

Ok so the algae is fading back slower now but still going. I now am fighting brown diatoms off my glass... I think this is from source water. I havnt changed my DI in a while and havnt taken a good reading on TDS either. Coralline is quickly covering my galss as well... while this is much more welcomed I still dont like the fact Ill be spending some time scraping it off soon.

The tomini tang has been in QT for 2 weeks. He has had been at the LFS since 9/30 so I think tommorow morning or night I will drop him in.. pending nothing presents itself before then. Right now he is as beautiful as can be with no signs of anything notorious. I dont expect anything to rear its ugly head either.

Ok just some word up dates for now as I do not have any pictures as of late....

Hair algae is... "GONE"!!!!! there are still a couple hairs here and there in nooks and crannies but other than that it is GONE!!!!

It has been replaced by what appears to be brown diatom... possibly from silicates in my Top off Water. I didnt change the filters on the RO/DI for quite some time. Coralline is also speckled through the sides of the tank and across almost the entire back of the tank.

Coral growth hasn't taken off by anymeans but it has been a steady growth. Some pieces I havnt seen much of a change.

I had a yellow wrasse who was sucked up next to the grill on a power head, when he finally broke free of the current I watched him smash into a rock. He wobbled away slowly and I have not seen him again. Only additions was the Tomini Tang which is still doing good. The purple tang doesnt seem to like him much and they squabble a bit, but it is to be expected I guess.

I will try to get the sides of the tank cleaned off soon and take some pictures.... sorry for being absent... its been a busy month or two... But thanks for checking up on the tank!!
