The Dream Tank 400 Gallon Display - IN THE WORKS - Input appreciated!!!!

dude i got bad news.... the tank project is bad ***....but there can only be one obiwan and Gobyonekanobe is here to take you down.....wussshhzzzz that was my fource that i sent to get you....tank looks awesome ... and that splinter is the handy work of said force......
by the way no i haven't really only posted twice since 05 I had another log on that i used before the force ran out so i been here a while just keep in it low key.....holy crap i just lokoed and I last visited in 07.....and my tank shows it ....
Hey guys,

Small teaser update, Ill be cleaning the glass and adding 1 fish to the tank and 2 fish to QT tommorow. Vlamingi tang into the DT, pink spotted watchman and a chalk bass to the QT.

Will take pictures!!!
Alright after many many months of not being on the radar I have some new pictures... cant say they are the best quality and my tank maintenance regimen hasnt been what it was planned but.... I scraped a tank that was probably 90 - 95% covered in coraline algae over the past week and a half and like what I see....

The bad news is that the reason for me scraping is that I finally got around to testing .... after several months.... and found my calcium down to about 340 and kh down to about 5 or 6. Ive been slowly bringing things back up...CO2 ran out on the CA RX. and other than losing a few pieces (Pink Pocillopora to mushrooms, and a greens birdsnest that seems to be recovering) everything looks pretty good.... here are the pics....





Ill post more when I get done scraping. I have about 75% of the tank scraped but need to *polish* everything up so it looks nice and not so "foggy" hoping to work on it this weekend.....

Heres an update. Ive let the tank dwindle. Ive lost a couple SPS colonies, one of my favorites an unidentified, an ice blue.mille, a purple stag and ive got.rtn on a pink.mille and purple acro. The tank is covered in corraline, and I have a cyano outbreak from lack of water changes and some calcium reactor issues. Ive been wrestling with getting.rid.of the tank as.most have you have read. I have decided not to give up but to pour some new life into.the tank per se. I have on schedule to drain the tank in two weeks. I will be cooking the rock in 2-3 batches. I am going to frag all of my coral back and keep a couple larger frags of each in my QT tank. Trade in the rest for some coral and fish. in the plans the old 120 gallon fuge will be removed from the fish room and sold.... In its place will.go the current sump. The sump,will be elevated for quick water changes and will have a dsb. This sump will drain into a 45 gallon where it will,be pumped back up to the main tank via a newly thought out plumbing system for better flow. The 45 will serve as a grow out for algae or a mixing area for dosing, have not decided yet. I will be selling the geo 818 for setting up an auto two part doser. I have fought PH issues with the tank simce start,up and I blame it partly,on the excess co2 and other issues I have discussed previously. I will also be switching to a bare botto, display and upgrading the flow with a pair of MP60s. I will post some befores and some afters in a few months and keep everyone up on the progress.
Heres an update. Ive let the tank dwindle. Ive lost a couple SPS colonies, one of my favorites an unidentified, an ice blue.mille, a purple stag and ive got.rtn on a pink.mille and purple acro. The tank is covered in corraline, and I have a cyano outbreak from lack of water changes and some calcium reactor issues. Ive been wrestling with getting.rid.of the tank as.most have you have read. I have decided not to give up but to pour some new life into.the tank per se. I have on schedule to drain the tank in two weeks. I will be cooking the rock in 2-3 batches. I am going to frag all of my coral back and keep a couple larger frags of each in my QT tank. Trade in the rest for some coral and fish. in the plans the old 120 gallon fuge will be removed from the fish room and sold.... In its place will.go the current sump. The sump,will be elevated for quick water changes and will have a dsb. This sump will drain into a 45 gallon where it will,be pumped back up to the main tank via a newly thought out plumbing system for better flow. The 45 will serve as a grow out for algae or a mixing area for dosing, have not decided yet. I will be selling the geo 818 for setting up an auto two part doser. I have fought PH issues with the tank simce start,up and I blame it partly,on the excess co2 and other issues I have discussed previously. I will also be switching to a bare botto, display and upgrading the flow with a pair of MP60s. I will post some befores and some afters in a few months and keep everyone up on the progress.
Ok here's the ugliness ......

And here's some shot from above...

Tonight I am getting the 29gallon together for some SPS. Probably put a rack in and just let the frags hang out under the T5's until everything is done being cooked and re arranged.

I might put a small fish in with the coral if someone willingly will go, other wise it will be just coral hanging out with some live rock till time comes.

Ill keep the pictures flowing.
Some looking around and Barebottom set ups... why does everyone use starboard if it floats? are there any other good "substrates" out there for bare bottom... and how do you seal it around the perimeter to keep detritus from getting under it?

Ive abandoned the water that was in the QT tank. I turned a power head on and it kicked up a ton of muck from the rock thats been in there for a year with no lights. I am going to mix up some fresh SW and drain and refill in the morning. Frag back all the coral and chisel off what I can from the rocks and place it inside the 29 tomorrow. At this point I may also take out some of the big rock and place it in a 55 gal rubbermaid garbage can Ive had a new batch of SW mixed up in for who knows how long to get a head start on the process. In the next week or so I will attempt the impossible and remove the sand bed and the large display rocks. Leave in the rubble left over and the sump rock into the display to give the fish some shelter for the next two months while the big batch of rock cooks. Ill then begin slowly building the new aquascape while the rest of the rock cooks. Once everything is cooked I will finalize the scape. Some where in there I am going to takle replumbing the system with a Remote DSB. I don't think im ready to totally abandon a sand bed and the benefits that come along with it.

Frag tank going... clearing up the little bit of muck that come off the bottom when i rinsed the tank out. The rock that is in there has been "cooking" for almost a year. When the purple fire fish passed away I left it up and running with no lights on. Only lifght it has seen is off of the display tank.

Going to move the coral colonies over a couple at a time over the next few days. Wanna make sure they dont crash as soon as I put them in since the only nutrient export will be by the hang on filter and water changes.
I now have a couple frags and a small colony i trimmed RTN off of and dipped in Revive. Pictures below. Lets see how these guys do for a day or two and then move on to the bigger colonies.




I think that for more piece of mind I may find an old 20gallon I used to have a leopard Gecko in and plumb it in maybe add the old EV120 into it for a little more piece of mind since they will be in the QT set up until sometime between thanks giving and Christmas. What do you guys think?
No over night nuke. Dipped a few more corals, and trimmed off RTN. moved over a blue echinata.... not so blue anymore, some trumpet coral, and some purple and blue digita.... got more polyp extension than I've seen in a long time already. Crossing fingers for a good out come. Going to give everyone till thursday then move some of the medium to large size colonies over.... starting to fret that I dont have enough room.... may have to clean up the old 55 and get it going instead... just place the skimmer on a platform.... may be a good idea.....




Couple pieces of coral arent looking as hot as when I put them in the fuge. I still have not moved over the big piece of Blue tort, and Larry jackson tricolor, as well as some hydnaphora, spongodes, frogspawn, and green stag. I am however filling up the old 55 gallon to move coral over to it with more room more flow and a skimmer. I have a feeling I am fighting a loosing battle though. Most of the coral had a couple spots of RTN on them and the ones who didnt are starting to fade. We'll see. Moving them probably wasnt the best idea but.... niether was leaving them in my cyano infested display. A few pictures below....





These pictures were taken with my D90 and not my phone... so the color probably looks a bit diff.

Jeremy Id love to show the tank off.... but right now its on the outs I think. Its moving faster and faster towards a crash. As you can see ive moved out frags of a lot of the corals that were starting to dwindle and show signs of RTN, the couple big colonies that are still doing well... Im going to try and get them fragged and trade the large colonies in for credit for when I get the tank re done. Once Re done I would be ok for hosting a meeting. Right now Im in the dumps about it quite frankly. Hopefully I can get it turned around without giving up.
4 colonies left to move over today. Also going to get the two tubs plumbed together tonight. One will house all the live rock it can and a skimmer. the other side will have my fish and some LR for hiding. THis will be their home for the next 2 - 3 months. while the tank is revamped and the rock cooks.

Coral in the QT tank doesnt look any worse or any better. Still hve fingers crossed. I have the 55gal with mixed up salt water in it. Going to build the racks for it tonight. and try and get the old EV120 running again. Move the coral over to the 55 and put a couple fish in with it for a little bit of "POOD".
