Have you guys noticed the need to supplement potassium only when running the stones? Or does keeping such a large amount of frags require potassium additions no matter what filtration? What is the reasoning for using the two types of potassium supplements? Do you keep it at NSW levels or higher?
What do you keep your alk at NSW levels or have you been able to keep it higher with other methods?
Thanks for the info, very helpful to me. Do you use an iron supplement to keep the alk higher or are you not truly ulns? Also do you believe the Beckett skimmers pull more potassium out than needle wheels? I have had major trouble keeping mine above 370 without dosing pumps and only use mazzei injectors with vodka and vinegar. Beautiful corals guys!
I think mazzei injectors and Beckett's take out more k in my experience. I am jot sure where I heard who who came up with needle wheels pull it out.
If your dosing po4 and no3 daily I would say your ulns they way I see it. How high do you keep the nitrates? Or do they ever even read after dosing? I am wondering how you don't get burnt tips. You are using seolite stones and a carbon source yes?
It's a lie made up by Korallen-Zucht, possibly to help hide the fact that the zeolith stones used in Zeovit selectively adsorb potassium along with ammonia, and also possibly because they don't sell needle-wheel skimmers. Skimmers work the same way (really simplified, make bubbles, pop bubbles in the collection cup) so I cannot understand how one would selectively pull one element over another.I think mazzei injectors and Beckett's take out more k in my experience. I am jot sure where I heard who who came up with needle wheels pull it out.?
Ulns... not really no, we dose po4 and no3 by day and strip it out at night, we believe that browning [although related to high nutrient] occurs at night.
How do you strip Nitrate at night?
Yea I remember that now, I am not sure wine runs low and is hard to keep up. But that's another thread which went nowhere... I have let my salt mix sit for 3 weeks and noticed it was only 320 when I tested, maybe this has something to do with why it stays so low. Maybe I could try mixing the different types like the farm does.
Spslvr, if you don't believe burnt tips is attributed to alk what do you think it is? Do you avoid it just by using the fertalizers? Thanks for answering my question!
Quite simply......we stop dosing them..
But that doesn't strip the phosphate or nitrate. There is likely uptake in the system but by no means stripped. Stripped would be if you put GFO online at night. That's why I was curious how you strip nitrate.
In a system the size of ours with literally thousands of frags and tub walls lined with algae, this amounts to a huge nitrogen uptake to the point where basically 3-4 hours after dosing nitrate is undetectable.