The Farm

Looks like that bottom left one is going to be fragged up. Sorry Biggles...your only going to get a 1inch branchlet. :lol:
Andrew I will play your hi-jack this thread game but it is unfair to suggest I could just pick one.:lolspin:
Here are the 3 likely suspects - two of what appear to be A.Spathulata (maybe mille but hard to tell from a picture) & of course the one you chose that I would guess is a.subulata.
I want the bottom left one as well. Trust Biggles to choose a poopy tiny fraglet for me...not even a colony...sheesh...some mate you are...:blown:

You never know - sometimes great things come in small poopy packages. :beachbum:
im just blown away at this system natural sunlight by day LED insane colors by night. so a question for you have you guys noticed any spawning events in the system since you guys are getting a awesome moon cycle lit over the system :)
we did have a spawning event last year, it was mostly contained to mature colonies or fresh cut frags from those colonies..
Out of curiosity, with this electrolysis set up you are using, is it something that you have to turn off every time you need to put your hands in the tank? That would be a pain and pretty risky.
I dont really want to turn this thread into a political debate but i will say this, after speaking with the marine park authority i can say they are living in the stoneage.

As for 100% recovery after bleaching events this is not entirely acurate there is a series of photos from i think Ron and Valerie taylor one photo taken in the sixties and one on the exact same spot in the nineties they look like completely different areas. The thing with bleaching events is the corals do recover but never 100% more like 80-90% the problem with this is in the 60s we had a bleaching event and lets say a 90% rebound then in the 70s another event with another 90% rebound and the 80s and so on. you may say 90% aint to bad but when you add it up thats a decline of 10% per decade so in 5 decades we have lost almost 50% of the coral coverage that existed in the 60s..

Charlie Veron has mentioned that he has seen extraordinary decline in Queensland reefs over the time he has been cataloging corals.

Article about Charlie Veron and his opinion on the worlds decline of reefs
Spslvr, can You please tell me how much ammonium (ppm) You dose? Do You dose all at once or continuously during daylight?

I didn't understand if You're administering NH4 only or also NO3.

Thanks in advance.

Ammonium is in the fertilizer we add in the form of ammonium sulfate, as for dosage thats something you need to work out for your system requirements, taking into account what methods of nutrient removal you employ, the farm is quite different as we have to dose according to the amount of sunlight on any given day, also our tanks are full of algae which is not desirable in a reeftank display, my advice would be dose very conservitavly and keep a close eye on no3 and p04, ammonium should be present in the ratios provided by the product you use.
Thank You. I'm currently adding NH4HCO3, 0,15ppm/d. I can't detect NO3 actually.
My tank is very young and has algae and cyano yet. I'm adding NH4 because I think there is nitrogen limitation. In the past I tried NO3, but with NH4 I have no experience, so I'm going very slow.

Do You use a dry plant fertilizer (N-P-K in granules) or a product spcific for freshwater planted aquarium? Do You add nitrate too?

