I want the bottom left one as well. Trust Biggles to choose a poopy tiny fraglet for me...not even a colony...sheesh...some mate you are...:blown:
There is a laserlite roof over them
Out of curiosity, with this electrolysis set up you are using, is it something that you have to turn off every time you need to put your hands in the tank? That would be a pain and pretty risky.
We just make sure we stand on rubber mats :thumbsup:
I dont really want to turn this thread into a political debate but i will say this, after speaking with the marine park authority i can say they are living in the stoneage.
As for 100% recovery after bleaching events this is not entirely acurate there is a series of photos from i think Ron and Valerie taylor one photo taken in the sixties and one on the exact same spot in the nineties they look like completely different areas. The thing with bleaching events is the corals do recover but never 100% more like 80-90% the problem with this is in the 60s we had a bleaching event and lets say a 90% rebound then in the 70s another event with another 90% rebound and the 80s and so on. you may say 90% aint to bad but when you add it up thats a decline of 10% per decade so in 5 decades we have lost almost 50% of the coral coverage that existed in the 60s..
Oh ok that makes sense!