The inwall 380 starfire reborn

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My PBT is a total gentleman. Nail your foot to the floor...please post pics if that happens. It would make me feel better. :D

I just laid a 7' x 18" plank over my tank to see if that helps keep my stomach out of the water while I am cleaning it. :rolleyes:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9208952#post9208952 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
My PBT is a total gentleman. Nail your foot to the floor...please post pics if that happens. It would make me feel better. :D

I just laid a 7' x 18" plank over my tank to see if that helps keep my stomach out of the water while I am cleaning it. :rolleyes:

Is 7' going to be wide enough? :lol:
No. But it worked well enough and I didn't fall in. I am glad i thought of it because it let me lay in a much better position and it took much less time to scrape.
Well, something came up last night I we made zero progress on the new sumps and walls for the fish room *sigh*. But I went ahead and tool some pictures this moring to share, although they did not come out as good as I had hoped.. I guess I need to either play with the whit balance or get a better lens for our camera (or just learn to use the darned thing :)).

Since the tank is far from crystal clear (hard to expect much from a Fluval canister filter and a Remora HOB skimmer in such a large tank), so it is hard to get pictures of large areas of the tank (at least until the sump, skimmers, etc get installed).

So I just took picutres basically of one rock at a time. All of these corals have been in our prop tank for at least 3 months. They were all acquired as frags, many of them un-IDable at the time of purchase (were sold by various LFS as frags that broke off of their colonies during shipping). Some have really grown into some beatiful colors and shapes. Unfortunately the "best" ones did not photograph well, so I will give that a shot again later on this evening.

Here is the left side front rock


Here is the right front rock

and here is the center front rock

and more of a closeup of the center-right back rock


I love the colors on the corals on this rock. I will need to monitor how they hold up in this location to see if we will need to move them to be able to maintain the colors
Here is a close up of the right side and the zoa garden :


Here are some closeups of the center front rock :


This one has what was IDed by a friend as possibly being the red abrol that is going around. Most everything on this rock came from the frag rack at Atlantis Aquarium, so that is entirely possilbe. There are 2 pieces on this rock that I really need to get better pictures of to share, but as I mentioned, I will try to get thost later tonight.


Here is more of a closeup of the left side, our Birdsnest Grotto. There are 5 different birdnest over here with a 6th one waiting for us to pick it up from a local reefer. That will make 3 LEs, one ex-LE and 2 just nice birdsnests :).

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9213982#post9213982 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hawaiianwargod
Looks great Tom! How Big is that Squamosa clam?

I would have to measure him, but when I moved him from the prop tank to the new tank I had to use both hands to steady it. I honestly don't recall it having been that big when we got him from a fellow reefer a couple of months ago. :).
Here are some closeups of the front left bottom :


Here is the pavona ? and cyphastrea (sp?). Both are being nursed back to helath. The pavona (if that is what it is ?) was purchased almsot as a throw away from an LFS for $10, and most of it has died off, but over the last month it has stabilized and started to recover. Hopefully we can keep that going in the new tank. The Cyphastrea was injured by me, I had originally put it in too much light, and have been nursing it back to health ever since. The biggest challenge is that even under perfect conditions they are not the fastest growers, but we have seen improvement and growth, so ditto to what we said about the pavona, hopefully we can keep that upward trend going on the cyphastrea also.


Here is a hot pink stylo that we bought as an itty bitty frag over 2 1/2 years ago. It has managed to stay with us through the many pests, tank crashes and tank moves :)


And here is one of the clams on this side. The picture doesn't do it justice, but you can sort of see the colors and designs in it's mantle :)

and last picture for this morning is a crappy shot of the back center-left of our pocillopora forest, with 4 different poccis. I had debated on putting them in or not, mainly due to their tendency to have a poyp bailout, but we decided to go ahead anyways. A fellow RCer enlightened us that the panda goby requires a pocci host in order to survive (much like the acro crabs do), so we decided to keep the pocci and eventually try a panda goby (or two :)).


Our plans for this weekend have changed. We are going to tackle taking down our old tank and move all of the livestock over today, versus leaving it running and building the new sump and equipment setup around it. So all of the fish, corals, clams and inverts will be moved over by this evening (optimistically). This will come with it's own challenges, but it will also open the door for a much easier, cleaner implementation of the new equiptment setup that we have planned.

So if we don't get to posting any new pictures, it is becuase we are still up to our shoulders in salt water :D
Give us a good month or so, there is still a ton of work left to do to even reach a good enoigh baseline where we will feel comfortable enough to start adding fish. Right now I think we are set for corals, but we have lots of room for adding new fish :)

Thanks, we get many frag requests for that coral, but our response is always that it is too small yet to start fragging up. It is just such a slow grower that we are nervous to risk our luck with growing it so far by cutting it up. But eventually it will be big enough where we will fell comfortable sharing it around.. just not sure when that will be :). It is such a shocking and vibrant pink.. that is also whey we put it more towards the front of the tank :D

No, not hairy at all. The polyps are more or less a ring of bright, electric orange. It has healed up nicely, but I am really unsure of it's ID

Well, we started to tear into the old tank and decided to make a Starbucks run first... just got back, changed into our "work" clothes and are getting ready to tackle the task of trapping the fish out and moving over the corals. Wish us luck :D
Well, we moved 95% of the corals and inverts over and about 45% of the fish. The rest is already being posted in for sale threads in our local reef club forum, as decisions are made and pictures taken (some even before pitcures :)). Going to leave the 2 GBTAs behid and pretty much all mushrooms and zoas (just had the usual suspects in the old tank, so they are not making the trip to the new one).

One thing that sort of makes me chuckle is while we were working on getting everything placed in the new tank my wife turned to me and said those 4 words that are like music : "We need a bigger tank". :D

Of course we didn't map out the specs for this one, it was purchased used, and it is significantly larger than our current setup (tank is 4 times larger, sump(s) will be 3 times larger and skimmer will be almost 5 times larger). But she still is already looking at the wall and asking about load bearing support and "just how large an opening can we cut ?" hehehehe. I will be happy to just get this one completely setup and running :)
I couldn't agree more. Great rocks and a great guy to deal with :D. Thanks for the compliment on our usage of his rocks in our aquascaping :). I will try to take some more pictures later on, since we now have the majority of the corals moved over (and boy was it starting to get crowed with the larger pieces).

LOL :)
Best way to describe my wife is this :

The phone just rang, I was in the middle of posting one of our FS threads and could not easily get to the phone, so I hollered down to her to get it, she hollered back up that she could not because she had her hands in the tank working on coral placements :D

Although she usually only works on "her corals", and "my corals" only warrant a "Hey honey, your corals are touching again, you need to move them !!" Not to mention that she does not share my love of clams (unless they are steamed with fish sauce *sigh*). So the clams are always "taking up too much space" :). So that is where we usually compromise... that and I finally caved on the anenome for her clowns a while back. :D
well I envy the participation. my wife, God love her, just looks at my tank and asks if we can eat anything that's in it! :rolleyes:
LOL... does she sit in front of it with chop sticks and a small bowl of soy or fish sauce ? .. I told mine that she kept scaring the fish :D
Our fish seem to enjoy the sushi parties.

One time I told her to put her hand in the QT while I was holding Sherman's livestock. I wanted her to see how the cleaner shrimp will jump on. She asked if she could eat anything she caught. :eek1:
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