Well, something came up last night I we made zero progress on the new sumps and walls for the fish room *sigh*. But I went ahead and tool some pictures this moring to share, although they did not come out as good as I had hoped.. I guess I need to either play with the whit balance or get a better lens for our camera (or just learn to use the darned thing
Since the tank is far from crystal clear (hard to expect much from a Fluval canister filter and a Remora HOB skimmer in such a large tank), so it is hard to get pictures of large areas of the tank (at least until the sump, skimmers, etc get installed).
So I just took picutres basically of one rock at a time. All of these corals have been in our prop tank for at least 3 months. They were all acquired as frags, many of them un-IDable at the time of purchase (were sold by various LFS as frags that broke off of their colonies during shipping). Some have really grown into some beatiful colors and shapes. Unfortunately the "best" ones did not photograph well, so I will give that a shot again later on this evening.
Here is the left side front rock
Here is the right front rock
and here is the center front rock
and more of a closeup of the center-right back rock
I love the colors on the corals on this rock. I will need to monitor how they hold up in this location to see if we will need to move them to be able to maintain the colors