This is hardly an awesome picture, it's actually quite depressing. But, you get what you pay for (or in this case, my scoly got what I paid for).
So a while ago, I bought a neon goby and was in a hurry, so for the first time ever I decided to not dip the fish prior to putting him in the tank. I figured id never seen a neon goby with ick so whatever. In the words of Gob Bluth, "I made a huuuge mistake."
Sure enough, what followed was probably the most intense ick outbreak I'd ever had. It killed one flasher wrasse, one gramma, and last but not least, it disabled this black ice clown enough so that the scoly was able to take him down when he swam by.
I'm sure it was the equivalent of a lobster dinner for the scoly. Poor little guy. He looks sad in the pic.