The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Dang I was wondering if those things were still in action. I am happy they are working for you boret. I do not have a moving pic of these but do have a pic of the newest units I have made.

This is a take from the last post that I made on them.

Along with the mods I did with the old units I have done more. I have removed the grey pvc and installed clear 3/4 inch O.D. acrylic tube. I was going through my stuff and remembered that I had a solid piece of 3/4 inch acrylic rod. The bearings that I am using are 3/4 inch I.D. This allows me to do minimal machine work. The problem with the rod is, I want to pass the cord through the tube. Then it came to me that I have about 4 feet of the tube that I used for my calcium reactor bubble counter. It turns out it was pretty close to 3/4 O.D. but just a bit too big for the I.D. of the bearing. So I took my dremmel, with a sanding drum, to it and with a little work I was able to fit the bearing snugly to the tube. It looked a little rough so off to work and I cut them smoothly on the lathe. If I did not have it I would have just used the dremmel, the portion that is machined is covered anyway.

I also removed the pivoting knuckle; we kept the K-4's pointed up about 5 degrees to keep the sand from blowing around. Off I went to the miter saw, and I cut 5 degrees to the bottom of the tube.

The first one is up and running, what a difference. They are much smoother and cleaner looking. I am very happy.

Here they are.


I like using the Tunzes attaching the U shaped support of the powerhead because it allows you to point the powerhead up or down.

I can tell you guys that dngspot's design works very well. Some of them have been in use for 2 years without a problem.
It allows for that up and down direction of the flow. I have both of mine facing down about 15-20 degrees from the horizontal plane.

The powerhead in the picture is the modded tunze reaching 1200 gph. That is quite a bit of force and still the swirler-stein works without a problem.

You can get a Tunze Turbelle Nano Stream 6025 for about $70 new, and the Swirler-stein for $75 plus shipping. The mod to the tunze is very simple and all you do is dremel some plastic from the front plastic piece. For about $150 you get a great device that provides very good/random flow into the tank. For the corner tank its just fantastic. I added it after I already had the tank setup. If I was starting over I would drill a 1" hole in the top corner plastic of the tank and have the swirler-stein 1-2" closer to the side.
I have Koralia 4's mod'ed to 3000 gph. One on each side of my 210g tank. The swirlers are set up to swing 90%, one moves from the front to back and the other swings from back to front. The flow in the tank is strong and very random. My ritteri loves it. Here is a very recent pic.



Well, after several months and countless rock arrangements to satisfy both me and my girlfriend the rock is set in place. If you remember I started with 250#'s of rock from a friends tear-down and it took several attempts just to make it through all the rock. Got the sand in Monday, surprisingly wasn't cloudy that long.




Any idea what this is???I found it attached to a rock. It doesn't seem to have a central mouth. Its in the center of the picture just to the left of the algae growth.

Thanks for looking everyone,

Nice rockwork Thomas! I believe that in the pic is a Blue/Green Rhodactis. It looks as though it's either been damaged or it's starting to split.
A fellow club member is selling his 92 Corner Tank.
It is a great deal. HERE it is.
He upgraded to a bigger tank, so if anyone interested in a 92 and is close to the Wash DC metro area, its worth a look.

Woohoo!! New look!! :celeb1: