The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

yeah unfortunately its for premium members guys, theres 4 of us on it so far, however im aware most of you are not premium members, so we will stick to this thread and i will also participate in the new social group as well
the other thing is, ive sent most of you guys a friend request, im not sure if i done it right though, if you havent had a request can you send me 1, im still getting used to the new soft ware haha
Here are some updated pics with some of my 54

Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]

I am going to train the cloves to grow up with side of the glass

Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]

Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]


Shot with u-miniD,Stylus V at 2009-09-28[/IMG]
FINALLY cycle is over...

FINALLY cycle is over...

Well... tank has been up and running for an eternity now (it seems like)... and my cycle has been done for about 2 weeks now... that being said I feel its time to stock it a bit... My long term goal is to setup a good looking interesting tank thats easy to maintain... I have a 44g corner with LR, BR, LS, 4 Blue Leg Hermits, 3 Nass snails, about 5 or so Colonistias, and my on;y coral to date being a metallic green star polyp. I probably jumped the gun on the coral putting it in RIGHT after the tank stopped cycling 2 weeks ago but it is doing well and has grown from about dime size to well over quarter size... I KNOW I jumped the gun on the Hermits and Nas snails (put them in about mid cycle at the recommendation of LFS) but thankfully all have survived. The colonistas were LR hitchikers and I think a few have been picked off by the Hermits...

Anywho... I want to probably stock with no more than about 6 or so fish and maybe 7-8 soft corals (or something easy to grow under t5's). Any suggestions on what would keep the tank simple, easy, and intersting? My kids have already put in an order for two clowns so that will likely be my first addition... Any suggestions would be appreciated... I have been keeping some pics so one of these days I will post a thread from the starting point...

Thanks all!

Personally I like the blue/green chromis fish... cheap, colorful, easy... some say they get aggressive, but i see them quite often with anthias (check current TOTM for example)...

4line wrasse would be another good fish, nice an utilitarian.

Um.. gobies... I love my Aurora

Blennies, how about a midas blenny...

Those are some pretty easy, and colorful fish... IMO
a yellow watchman, maybe some type of sand sifting goby. The kids will probably get a kick out of watching them scoop up the sand and shoot it out their gills. Maybe you can spin it some how and say "see the goby keeps his room clean!"
a yellow watchman, maybe some type of sand sifting goby. The kids will probably get a kick out of watching them scoop up the sand and shoot it out their gills. Maybe you can spin it some how and say "see the goby keeps his room clean!"

Yup I was definately thinking Goby... any help with the substrate I will take... My only concern about that is I have about a 2" LS base on top of about 2" 1/4" crushed coral... someone told me that the Goby (sand sifters) might choke on the coral... would the watchman be a better choice in this scenario?

I thought about Chromis... they look cool... but after having looked at them a bit I am not sure long term they are what I want... Though I do like their cost!!!

I am on the fence with the Wrasse... I think I could live with them long term though and they fit my tank size perfect!

For some reason I dont like the look of blennies... Might defer that one to the kids...

Thanks for the suggestions and keep the ideas coming... also looking for some Softies that will look cool... I am looking at the basics.... leather, RICs, Frogspawn, Zoas...
Go for worker fish first, then worry about the ornamental fish.

My two suggestions are a sailfin blenny (To eat algae) and a Diamond Watchmen goby to sift the sand. In my 92 I also have a sailfin to keep the algae at bay. The sailfin is not all that gorgeous but they are a cool fish that will watch your family, the watchment is cool because of the sand sifting thing.

I had a orange Ocellaris, so I then got a black one. It adds a nice contrast and people seem to like the black as they are something different. I like ocellaris, since the majority are tank raised and hardy. Also, do some observation when you buy each of them, and try to introduce to the tank at the same time. The last thing you want is two females.
Thats a very cool looking fixture! Is it for a 54 or 92? I was in the process of starting my wooden canopy for a 54gal, but I'd really rather make it out of aluminum or something that I can make smoother and cleaner looking. It's much easier for me to work with metal than wood as well, as I have been modding cars and engines for 6+ years now. I like the simplicity of that fixture. Can't wait to see it on the tank!
Thanks a lot. It is for the Oceanic 92g and I plan on hanging it ~ 12 inches above the water. The material has a proper name, which I forgot, but it is similar to a black plexi that has a rough texture.
Some updated pics

Some updated pics

Some pics of my new rockwork and cleaned out some coral to make room for more SPS frags so it looks a bit barren for now

Last batch some creative ideas to cover part of that PVC structure in middle. Such an eye soar
