The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Tank is looking great! Is that PVC just a rock stand? If you could remove it and dab some small amounts of spray foam on it, then roll it in sand, it would blend in a lot better. If not, maybe you could just get some small rubble pieces and somehow cover it up without filling in the center area completely. I like the cove type rock structure, but you do need to figure out how to get that pvc hidden.
crisqueenz, I agree the tank looks great. One question, in pic 5 of the first post, are those flatworms???
crisqueenz, I agree the tank looks great. One question, in pic 5 of the first post, are those flatworms???

Yes it is, been battling that almost since the begining! I got a green mandarin to help which it hasbut still cant eradicate them. They dont really seem to harm anything

Tank is looking great! Is that PVC just a rock stand? If you could remove it and dab some small amounts of spray foam on it, then roll it in sand, it would blend in a lot better. If not, maybe you could just get some small rubble pieces and somehow cover it up without filling in the center area completely. I like the cove type rock structure, but you do need to figure out how to get that pvc hidden.

Been thinking of removing it and juat creating a bigger "wall with some extra rock and removing the PVC all together. The PVC just helps with making the wall look taller but to much of an eye soar!

chrisqueenz congratulations! It looks fantastic!

"Last batch some creative ideas to cover part of that PVC structure in middle. Such an eye soar"

You might consider super-gluing some different color frags (green, orange, purple) of Monti-Caps on it along it's length. They will grow fast (i see you already have some) and eventually they will cover the pvc and also provide a unique color combo and hiding place for shy and/or scared fish.

Just a thought. Great looking rockwork though. I also love the high flow!!:bounce3:

Best idea I have gotten so far! I might try going with a different color cap to start covering that up

Cool, there's a lot of different ways to skin a catfish. :D I saw another thread a long time ago about someone who did a similar thing and the colors turned out really neat looking. Good luck with it.

44 gal. corner tank~lighting issue???

44 gal. corner tank~lighting issue???

I had this posted somewhere elce and was advised to try here.

Hello everyone, Newbe here. So I got this cool shape tank on Craigs list, its 21 X 21 front half hex. and 24 deep. I have another tank 55 gal. african cichlids had for 5yrs. I thought my fish exp. would really help with this new tank (you can stop laughing) This is a whole new ballgame! First this corner tank is a pain. Trying to find a right size of light for it 21inches width do I go 20 or 24 long? during this time I had edjucmacate myself on lighting~fun. I decided to go with the Nova Extreme pro. 6 lights. I went with the 20 long light because they dont have a 24. Its also 12 deep one of the deepest I could find, cuz this tank has a front that sticks out. Got my light yesturday, so happy...untill I had it over my tank. I didnt think that the leg brackets were going to fit, to short. I really had to pull them out and finally they snaped down. In my mind I could just see them go snap & splash into the tank. I would really rather not put a glass top on the tank, hanging them is out~we have a high angled ceiling. Because of it being 21inch. out from the wall dont think the hook hangers will work well. Can I get extra long light mounting brackets for this light? Any advice about this tank would be great! Xcept changing it ~ it's here to stay(for now). I wanted a challenge and I got it. Thanks!
There's a few threads out there using metal conduit mounted to the stand and bent out over the tank.
Thanks Misled! Might be the only way I can do it. I wonder if homedepot will bend some pipe for me ;) The cabnet base is pretty not practacal. Going to have to give it some thought on how to attach it. Glade I dont have any fish or coral in it yet, just sand, live rock & water. I worry about the snails, crabs etc. that are in there. I do have a lid and crappy light that came with it. Really want to get my nice new light going!
Hi Vicky.

Welcome to Corner Tankers Hideout.

You could also use aluminium (yes, I know that is British, Michael will love it) for the piping. It is softer, easier to cut and easier to bent. More expensive though.

New Pics.......Here......





Wow!! Awesome tank Epstine! Im blown away, there are wonderful tanks on here! Another question....I need to move the h20 around do I go with a wavemaker or a Hydor KORALIA Pump Powerhead there is the nano (260 gph) and one up from that at 400 gph. I have 44 gal. tank. Im thinking the koralia 400 gph, but that might be to strong? I need a skimmer too! Looking at the aquac remora hob. Whats the diff. maxi jet pump or the rio-800 pump? _______________________________________________________________________ This is getting $$ and no fish or corals... yet. Gonna have to shave my head & sell my hair:0
Don't shave your head yet Vicki. There will be plenty of time for that after you've started adding livestock.

IME, I'd lean towards the stronger flow powerhead. Initially it may seem to be too strong, but your fish and corals will appreciate the added flow, especially as they grow out. This will allow you to position your corals in higher versus lower flow areas to suit their liking. :idea:
I have 3 hydor 4's and to be honest would love to mod em to get a lil more oooompf.....For my return pump Im running a mag 12.....No such thing as too much flow
Hey I just joined, and I have a 92 corner bow I just got. Trying to learn as much as possible before even doing a fill test on it. Here's a shot...


Got it all for $200