The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Jangarang - For any projects that you are looking for help on, the "Do It Yourself" forum on this site has tons of info. Most of it is very high quality, and you wouldn't believe that people just messing around with a tank of water could come up with such great engineering. Your lighting plan sounds a bit like mine, and if I ever get it completed i'll post my build on here with a bunch of pics. I'm going to run a 250watt SE MH in a DIY "Lumenbrite III" style reflector, dual 24" T-5's on each back side with individual reflectors and a 30" or 36" T-5 across the front of the tank. I already have 4 Current Lunar Light/Links as LED moonlight, but i'll be adding 8-12 automotive 12volt blue and white LED's. I have the top cut and a bunch of bracing, but haven't had much time to get things done on it.
I wanted to post some before and after pictures of my tank. I had a guy from one of the local rochester stores (Stephen from the Ocean Connection) come aquascape my tank for me. I had tried a few different times but it never looked as good as I thought it could. I had to bring in the professionals.

and after:

it's so much more open! I love it! and I have lots of room so put stuff (when I'm not a poor student anymore)
Thanks for the positive info, i appreciate it. The vivid teal acro colony did get broken up due to lack of flow. It was in the center of a couple other colonies and all of them started suffering due to flow issues. Its a shame because that peice brought alot of color to the middle of the tank; however, its also a good thing because it free's up some space for new corals. As wrasses go, I only have the yellow coris and the radiant wrasse as of now. My Clown mysteriously died one day, which was unfortunate since i had her for a total of ten years. The leopard wrasse jumped out when i was on vacation, which was a bummer. I plan to put another wrasse in there to keep the Acro Eating Flatworms at bey.
Kelso - I like the new setup. looks like you have a lot more room for coral placement and you'll get better flow through the rocks like that. I still have that Chalice piece if you are up for a trade.

Sdogg - that sucks about the Acro and the Wrasse! I think those were my two favorite things in your tank! Do you know what the name of that acro was?
I'd love to trade for it reefscape, but I bought a tiny piece of a challice from ARC and it's not doing so hot. Let me make sure I know what I'm doing with them before I get a peice from you and kill it! thanks though
anytime. Just let me know when you'd like it. I have a very nice chunk that I am going to break off and i'll get it mounted. It's about 1" x 2"
Have you got any pics Charles?
I wasn't able to find any AGA corner pentagon shaped tank, and they told me they dont custom make them. They also told me that they won't drill a 36gallon bowfront for an overflow:mad2:

Did you purchase the pentagon for $150 new or used? If new, from where?

I wonder if an L shaped sump would add more volume and fit through the doors on the stand, if you "snake" it in just right and the dimensions were well calculated.

I'd like to run a hood for the lighting fixture and was wondering if anybody has used a stagered bulb system with perhaps two T5HO 24" bulbs with a bit of overlap at the front, maybe a CF 17" in the middle, and a small MH in the back corner with a reflector? Perhaps a ring of LED actinics/moonlights/etc around the perimeter of the hood?

Does anybody know how to or who can design a closed loop system for a tank? Where could I find info on learning how to plan such a setup? One of the people in Melbourne, FL that I found willing to quote me for a glass corner pentagon didn't know how to plan out a CL system?

Can a CL use a sump/skimmer/ATO etc? And How?

I'm a nooob, I KNOW!:o

Here's a picture...

I think it was actually a Perfecto brand tank. I purchased in from a LFS who had to order it new.

If you are going to go through the trouble of making a custom sump I would make one that is also pentagon shaped and drop it in from the top. The wood stand that I have has a thin piece of wood on the top that could easily be popped off to allow the sump to be dropped in. You'll just want to have it made and leak tested before you ever put water in the tank of coarse.

As far as lighting the 44g pent it is pretty difficult. you could use two 24" T5's from corner to corner and maybe put a couple short 17" PC's next to them. It's hard to say because space get's pretty tight. Don't spend too much time looking for a hood for the pent. I looked pretty hard and nobody makes one. I custom made mine based on the stand design.

A CL system would not technically work with a sump/skimmer/ato because that would eliminate the 'closed' part of the system. you could run a larger pump with multiple outlets to achieve what I think you're going for.
Amazing tanks guys!!! I love the rockscape M.L.Fish.
Is it me or do we have a great influx of new Corner Tank Owners in here? I mean new to the thread :)
This is awesome. Somehow my "Subscribed" to the thread feature was disabled and I have not received emails about the last 20+ posts.

I have successfully battled Red Bugs with Interceptor. My corals are back to full polyp extension.

fazio92 good to see you here fellow WAMAS member. Go VA Corner tanks!!! LOL
Great tank, I need to take a tour to your place, and you are welcome anytime.

Ocean Mang you have extremely nice colors!! You probably already mentioned it but, what temp lights do you use? 10K? My tank is dominated by the color green, regardless of the sick amount of blue color that my lights are supposed to produce. I just can get the blue to come out. Even my BLUE matrix SPS is green! he he he

sdoggssf your tank is SICK!!! With so many corals in there what are you down to, 10 gallons of total water volume?? LOL :)
Now seriously, have you been extremely careful about coral placement or are they just getting along? I am getting to a point that my SPS are touching each other and battling it out. How do you manage that healthy growth?
Thanks Michael. Traveling all over the place... work related though. I have a few deadlines before the end of the year on a couple of work projects, and I haven't had a chance to stop by. I wasn't getting the email alerts with new posts, so I didn't even check. Now I have to catch up to a bunch of threads.
My tank is doing great, but I still haven't purchase the DSLR I wanted to... so no new pics.
I need to update here and in my tank thread.

This weekend I am going over to a friend's house to check on an Ozone reactor we've been working on. I will let you guys know as soon as I start testing it in my system.

Other than that and my battle with the fricking Red Bugs (I won!! woohoo) not much has happened reef related.

I am just happy to see an influx of people in the hobby, as opposed to the beginning of the year when a bunch of folks where dismantling systems left and right! I guess the economy is finally picking up.
At least we know that whenever we are out of the loop for a while reefscape15 will keep the thread going! :)
Thanks Charles,

Thanks Charles,

Here's a picture...

I think it was actually a Perfecto brand tank. I purchased in from a LFS who had to order it new.

If you are going to go through the trouble of making a custom sump I would make one that is also pentagon shaped and drop it in from the top. The wood stand that I have has a thin piece of wood on the top that could easily be popped off to allow the sump to be dropped in. You'll just want to have it made and leak tested before you ever put water in the tank of coarse.

As far as lighting the 44g pent it is pretty difficult. you could use two 24" T5's from corner to corner and maybe put a couple short 17" PC's next to them. It's hard to say because space get's pretty tight. Don't spend too much time looking for a hood for the pent. I looked pretty hard and nobody makes one. I custom made mine based on the stand design.

A CL system would not technically work with a sump/skimmer/ato because that would eliminate the 'closed' part of the system. you could run a larger pump with multiple outlets to achieve what I think you're going for.

That setup is just perfect for that spot. It looks like the back of your tank is the longest dimension, which make me think it's even harder to manage plumbing and space issues:eek1: I was thinking the the rear corner was a 90 degree like the one I'm planning. Dropping the sump in from the top sounds like a great idea.

I'll look into "Perfecto" brand and see if their still around.

Just for a bit of a reality check, I got a quote from a custom tank manufacturer for the tank, stand, filtration, and lighting for.............................................................................................................wait for it...............................................................................................wait....................$9800.00!!!!!!:eek1::eek1::eek1::eek1::eek1:

WAY TO RICH FOR MY BLOOD!!! Much less trying to get my wife to swallow that kinda number! I need to do this on a reasonable budget.
Wow, i'm inspired after reading this thread!! I might be looking to downsize from my 125 to a 92 corner if I end up moving, and had a few questions for the corner experts if you guys dont mind.

I'm thinking I can use a lot of stuff from my 125 but just want to make sure before I pull the trigger and buy the tank. Would a pair of Koralia 4's be too much for a mixed tank with mostly LPS? is a 20 tall a good size sump for a 92 corner, or should I be on the look out for something else? would a mag 18 be too much as a return pump if it was also feeding my skimmer and phosban / carbon reactors? I saw a few details on how to DIY stand doors and light racks, but are there any other threads that go into more detail?

And lastly, lighting. I have 6 60" T5's over my 125 and i LOVE them. I saw a couple neat ideas on how to cram in bulbs, but how would you all recommend I go about this . . . if at all? It seems like the easiest thing to do for these bad mamajammas is stick a 14k 400w halide with a beefy reflector over it and call it a day, but I have never used halides before.


Boret - I've been trying to keep it going, but my wife and I have been having some difficulties lately :( . So..................i've been trying to figure out whats going on with my marriage and all, so getting on and keeping the thread going has been the least of my worries lately.
Aside from that, my tank has been doing great. Having my tank go for over a month without my hands getting in and disturbing things has really helped stabalized my system. I only have about 8 SPS pieces, but they are all coloring up very nicely and have been encrusting the rocks quite a bit. They have almost doubled in size, and polyp expansion has been very good. I have been posting on my local forum on RC, and at this time I have about 25 frags that going to be ready to trade up in a few weeks. A few quick snips and some glue should get me ready just in time for a re-opening of a great LFS that is about 35 minutes from my house. I have 3 people lined up for a swap, but then i'll be hopefully trading in the rest of my frags to the renewed LFS for some more SPS frags.
On a good note, i've moved back into my house after about 3 weeks of bumming around from couch to couch at friends houses, so I feel like there is still some hope for my wife and I to get things right again.
iLLwiLL - I'm not sure on the length of the back sides of a 92, but i know that you could fit at least 2 or 3 30" T-5's on each side. Also you can do 1 or 2 T-5's butted right up against the front of the canopy, and still put a 250 or 400watt MH in the center. If you are going the DIY route with lighting, you really need to talk to boret and use the automotive style LED's for a little extra sparkle. I've had my canopy build started for a while, but i haven't really had much time lately to work on it. I have planned on using up to 10-12 of the automotive LED's with 4 24" and 1 30" T-5 along with a 250watt MH.