L98-Z- Thanks, I appreciate it.
gawf4fun-also appreciate the cudos. As for the amount of light, well I have always had much larger systems with crazy amounts of light so
it seemed only reasonable to try and once again go a bit overboard.
reefscape15Thanks. Yes you could say that I am a bit of a nut case when it comes to designing and then laying out a system. I hate to have the birdsnest of cords etc. And I really like to have everthing color coded. I strive for a nice clean uncluttered and finished look under the tank. As far as the light layout, well I have set up corner bows for customers before and I have a couple of friends that also have larger corner tanks and they all seem to have trouble getting equal light coverage. So this arrangement came about through watching others as well as myself beat our heads against the wall.
Also the pictures of the livestock is from a little less than a year ago which does not show that the stonies have taken over almost 2/3 of the tank.
Mlivvy Actually I was registered here at RC almost ten years ago under a different name, but school wife and family came along and I could not revive my inactive name once I got back into viewing the boards. As for the 2.5 years for my first post, did I mention wife and kids....hehe? They are still not trained to the point where I can hangout here at RC as long as I want....I am trying though.