The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

here are some pics of my 54 corner that i use to have.



Boret nice to hear from you again! I was wondering what happened to you lately. I hope all has been going well with your tank in your time away and I'm looking forward to your pics when you return.

Nova - Those are some MASSIVE shroomz!
I found some older pictures of my tank that i thought were crazy looking compared to what it is now. This picture was about a year and four months old.

Here is my tank about a week ago with no VHO's on just my 400w 20k radium.



Holy Cow Batman, that is some killer growth and a fantastic looking tank! Congratulations on your success and thanks for sharing!!
sdoggssf- Beautiful tank. I love all of the sps. Have you always used the 20k radiums and is that what you have had all of your growth with? How would you compare it to other bulbs, growth wise? I have a 250de phoenix with 2x65pc actinic supplements on my 54 (I do get good growth) but I really like the look that the radium gives opposed to the phoenix. Any info or opinions on this would be much appreciated.
First off thanks for the complement dutchbros. Ive been running the 400 watt radium since i started the tank except for about 6 months when i went to the xm 20k. I think i get fair growth with the radium, but since my tank is only a 54 gallon i dont really care about growth as much. If you want better growth i think you should stay with the bulbs you have or switch to the 10k xm. However, to me color is the most important which is why i run the radiums. Unfortunatly they dont photograph as well as some of the other bulbs. I also run 4 24inch vho actinics which were not on in the picture which really makes the corals pop.


I have been searching for the last couple of years for information and threads dedicated to corner tanks. And finally I stumbled upon this thread just last night. I have read the thread from start to finish and I have loved soaking in all the different ideas. Much to my surprise there are sooo many wonderful corners out there that I just cant seem to contain my excitement. So I figured I would contribute to the "corner thread club" with my own 36 gallon corner bowfront.

Tank- 36 gallon non reef ready corner bowfront
drilled for drain bulkhead
Stand- Custom metal fabricated one piece stand covered
by a wood fascade
Lights-(4) 75 watt VHO (2 actinic, 2 daylight)
-powered by Icecap 660 ballast
(2) 18 watt PC (actinic)
(1) 250 watt Coralvue 10k
Cooling-provided by 2 four inch muffin fans from
Radio Shack
Circulation-Quietone 4000 (1017 GPH)
-(1) Maxijet 900 (supplemental flow)
Waterflow-Directed by an Oceans Motions Squirt (4 way)
Sump-40 gallon tall aga with added baffles
Skimmer-Original ETSS Reef Devil
Powered by a Rio 2500
Denitrator-custom 2.5 gallon by Natureef
Calcium Reactor-MTC Pro-Cal
Live Rock-over 100 Lbs in main display
-additional 12 lbs in sump



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TJM6116 - That lighting system is amazing! Congratulations on finding this thread as well as that awesome custom light set up. Nothing in that tank is starving for light I'm sure. Glad to have you in our corner of Reef Central!!!
Sdogg - I just LOVE your tank. It's definitely one of the most SPS dominated smaller tanks I've seen, not to mention by far the most SPS on the corner thread. The growth is just incredible! I'd love to take a little snip off of a few of your corals :)

TJM - Amazing setup! I love the stand and the cleanliness of how you have your sump and power wires layed out in the pic. The lighting idea is really interesting! I never would have thought of setting lights out like that before, and I second the notion that you'll never find anything starving for light in that tank. I really like the softies and LPS tanks when they are kept up nicely like yours is. Welcome to the thread and thank you for sharing your tank.
Thanks sdoggssf for the input. I think I might go to a radium20k when it is time to replace the phoenix. I like the overall appearance it gives the tank.
With all of those acros have you ever had to deal with redbugs?
L98-Z- Thanks, I appreciate it.
gawf4fun-also appreciate the cudos. As for the amount of light, well I have always had much larger systems with crazy amounts of light so
it seemed only reasonable to try and once again go a bit overboard.
reefscape15Thanks. Yes you could say that I am a bit of a nut case when it comes to designing and then laying out a system. I hate to have the birdsnest of cords etc. And I really like to have everthing color coded. I strive for a nice clean uncluttered and finished look under the tank. As far as the light layout, well I have set up corner bows for customers before and I have a couple of friends that also have larger corner tanks and they all seem to have trouble getting equal light coverage. So this arrangement came about through watching others as well as myself beat our heads against the wall.
Also the pictures of the livestock is from a little less than a year ago which does not show that the stonies have taken over almost 2/3 of the tank.
Mlivvy Actually I was registered here at RC almost ten years ago under a different name, but school wife and family came along and I could not revive my inactive name once I got back into viewing the boards. As for the 2.5 years for my first post, did I mention wife and kids....hehe? They are still not trained to the point where I can hangout here at RC as long as I want....I am trying though.
Hi all,
Havent posted here in a long time but was hoping to get some info. I just purchased a new vortech mp20 and was wondering if anyone here is using it on their corner tanks? I have the 92 corner and figured the mp20 would work fine due to the 36" in length of the aquarium sides. Any thoughts ideas?
P.S. pics of my display comming soon.
Hey FLFIREMAN. I have a 180 pentagon corner and I run both a closed loop as well as an MP40 for water movement. My pentagon has 12 inch sides and then is 60" across the front panel. I've positioned my Vortech on one of the 12" side panels about 10" from the base of the tank which directs the flow in back of my rock towers and towards my overflow 48" away. It seems to work well, but in a typical reefer's perpetual desire to add and improve, I'm shopping for another MP40 to position on the opposite 12" panel, planning to place it higher on the tank to add to the turbulence overall.

i got the mp10 in my 54 now. it sits almost center on the right wall of the tank, i have it on long pulse mode. i did get the rocking wave action in short pulse but the corals seem to do an unnatural dance because the pulse was so short.