The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

thanks for the welcome . and no i dont think we've yet spoken. im still muddling through all this new info. theres soooo much to learrn... and soooo much too read.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14116277#post14116277 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
i have not looked through all 200 posts on this thread to see if we have met before, and if so i apologise, however if not reefswinger id like to say welome to our corner club, please consider your self a member and a very warm welcome

<img src="/images/welcome.gif" width="500" height="62"><br><b><i><big><big>To Reef Central</b></i></big></big>
Nice tank gawf

Light works!!!

wow sdoggssgf, what a fantastic looking tank, i like the way you are making the most of the space in there, just brilliant, does the rock touch the back wall? is there flow down behind it?can we see some spec please, ie lighting flow, sump yes or know dosing schedule etc, and thankyou for posting
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14125031#post14125031 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Husky_1
Not the best pic, the colors are washed out, I did not shut off the pumps, etc, but here it is.


very nice FTS, personally i dont allow corraline to grow on the sides, but after seeing your tank i think it wouldnt bother me now, it just looks so healthy, great photo, and nice open look to the tank as well:)
Thanks for the kind words Michael, I appreciate it. I cant find the picture of the structure i made for my rock work, but it was made out of egg crate and PVC pipe. My rock work doesn't touch the back of my tank it's just open space behind the rocks.

I am running 1 400w radium (Galaxy ballast) with two (24inch) 75w VHO actinics.
Im using a MAG 12 as my main pump and two 6105 tunze pumps on a multi controller for in-tank circulation.
Precision Marine calcium reactor, carbon, phosphate, Euro Reef skimmer, refugium.

I located my sump on the other side of the wall of the tank. We all know it's dam near impossible to fit anything under a corner tanks cabinet.
outstanding set up, really, im very impressed, i love the calcium reactor placement, im struggling with space, in fact its ridiculous, my sump is in the left side and i have a water resevoir in the right next to all the electrics:lol: and not much room for anything else, im seriously considering keeping the ro-resevoir outside the tank when i set it back up and then i will have a bit of space under the right hand side then, im thinking about a seperate refugium under there, but havent quite worked out how to feed it yet:D oh the fun we have with these corners and lack of space:)
sdoggssf; Very nice... FULL. Everything looks healthy and growing. How long have you been running this setup? Did you start with the Tunze Controlled pumps? If not, did you notice any major improvements once you installed them? The tank looks rich!

one more, is it a 92gal or the smaller 54gal?
Thanks guys...
Michael I know what your talking about when it comes to space and these tanks. There is not enough space for lighting, sump, or circulation within the tank which is very frustrating.

Hookup, my tank is a 54 gallon corner and has been running for about year and a half. I did use 4 6025 tunze pumps for about a year and everything looked great, but as coral grows it gets harder and harder to keep direct flow off of the corals so I switched to the 6105's. I do notice much more polyp extension due to the random flow of the tunze's on the multi-controller. it's still very hard to get the current the whey i want, but i finally positioned them in a place that works. I really wanted a tunze nano wave box but everyone i talked to said it wouldn't work on a corner tank. Bummer...
well its a pleasure to have you on here sdoggssf, you have 7 years experience and mislead(jesse)20 years, plus the aquascapes from bernie and epstien and the input from flipside and all the other guys, sorry if i didnt mention you personally i think this thread is a really good information thread for all of us, i actually use 2 tunze 6025 s myself and find them invaluable for a corner, if you want some input on flow just ask, ive 5 powerheads and a return and have moved them about at least 10 times over the last year or so and still struggle to get it right, ive decided my aquascape is pretty crap now after seeing all you guys tanks and will have to get more rock and improve it
Thanks Misled, those lights are gonna rock and I love the false corner canopy you've built for them.

sdoggssf: That tank looks awesome! I am absolutely amazed with that ricordia colony rock. I've got several distributed around my reef, but a ricordia garden is so beautiful. Your behind-the- wall sump looks very functional. That would be a vast improvement for my system which, like most others here, is limited by space. I wish I could add a refugium, but there's no where that I can see to fit one. (and the Mrs. won't tolerate any other equipment outside the stand, the chiller and closed loop have maxed out her acceptance) Here's a picture of my lighting and stand with equipment. If someone has a suggestion, I'm all ears.
Some very nice systems on this thread, I enjoyed reading abou thtem. I'm a little late to the party, just snapped some pics of my 92 corner system. Had this one for about a yr, before that it was a 24G nano for a about 3 yrs.

Shot of tank in the corner of living room:

Actinic shot (earlier pic slightly different scape than above):

Here's the sump/fuge (in the garage on other side of wall, has skimmer, about 25 gal running, with ATO, heater, kalk drip). I plan to set up a frag tank / rearing tank for my clowns if/when they spawn. (been playing slow jazz in the display room, but no success yet. Maybe vodka dosing would help :) :

Here's my fuge (20 gal, stuffed with LR / macro, it was a wet dry I had, added it to increase total system vol):

Here's the lighting 1x250 HQI (Reef Optix III), 2x24 VHO Actinic(apologies for under exposure, just taking quick snaps), photo of one of my clowns in the bta (hard to get, usually he comes out begging for food when he sees me):

Orange cap, zoos, hairy shrooms, etc:

Close shot of Ric (I don't have a macro lens, but this is close to glass):

Birds nest (grown from 1" frag in about 6 mo, almost tennis ball size):

tubs, etc.:
I love your guys 92 corners I wish i had the room for something like that.. The canopy that you guys set up for your lighting look great. My lighting set up isn't as nice as your guy's but i was just looking for way to spread light to the whole tank.
I used a lumenarc reflector because it seems like it spreads light evenly throughout my tank.
This is an older picture but shows my light setup:

I use to run a lumenmax reflector from sunlight supply and it was significantly brighter the the lumenarc, but the light wasn't distributed as well throughout the tank.

I do appreciate this thread because i use to look for info on corner tanks and it was nowhere to be found...
WOW! sdoggssf! I LOVE that ric garden! I saw one at a LFS in buffalo, NY and i just fell in love with it. I have never seen one before and then you posted. It's just incredible. Now I can think of nothing else but building myself a ric garden. Any tips for me? How should I go about it?
My family came to visit for the weekend and I just spent the last hour catching up because I'm afraid to miss out on anything. ha ha.
so Cheers to my fellow Cornerownerians ;)

Here's a camera phone pic of the ric garden in buffalo.
Hey everyone, thanks for the kind words. I especially enjoy hearing the open space comments. For those of you that have seen my build thread, you will see that it was not always that way. Over the past year I removed as much rock as possible.

I also wanted to give my appreciation to the thread starter. This is a great thread and gives us corner owners something to shoot for. We always hear how hard our tanks are to maintain and photo, but this thread shows that it can be done with a lot of planning, hard work, and above all devotion.

Hookup, The frags are for a frag swap we have coming up. The rack its on is one of those expensive fake rocks, but I think it looks ok compared to the eggcrate I had before. In the future I hope to replace with an open brain and maybe a clam. I definitely understand the sand thing, but for me its convenience since i like to have about 60x+ Flow. I did have the one sized down magnet and felt like it did not work well so I bought and kept the big one, adding the razor blade thing to it.

They are the modded maxijets, I had a closed loop before but pulled it out after a failure. Right now I have 3 MJ mods, the two in the front and once behind the bigger acro colony that points straigt down to get the detritus. As for future, I hope they provide enough flow. I hate seeing them there hope to get a pair of vortec's this year, but price to value ratio of the MJMods is unbeatable.

Looking forward to meeting you as well.

Michael, I am with you on the coralline, but I found it to hard to keep up with the sides without moving rocks around so I got lazy.