The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

I am going to try and get some pictures up of my tank this week before I add my new corals this weekend. I have a problem. My MH keeps coming on and going out. I took it off the timer to see if it might be that or if it was the ballast or the bulb. Can you guys think of anything to test which one it is,
Kelso1980 thanks for the comment. My only advise would be to put them in a spot with low to medium current, medium lighting, and far away from any corals that you intend to keep because the ric will win the battle. Good Luck..

P.S. Bring your wallet because they are pricey....
i havent been online in 2 days and wow, THREE new pages!!

sdoggssf- very nice ric garden=sweet. nice to see another 54, cant wait till my SPS grow in like yours.

kelso1980- love the new aquascape. dont think ya need to remove any. its nice n open. if any thing maybe put a small island near the front. oh, or a clam.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14135590#post14135590 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by btb72
My MH keeps coming on and going out. I took it off the timer to see if it might be that or if it was the ballast or the bulb. Can you guys think of anything to test which one it is,

Both can do this if bad. Try a different bulb first.
Misled, no one commented yet (that I saw) on your electrical. Looks awesome to me. I like the organized look. Where do you get those boxes? Do you bend the metal yourself, or have it made? I'm very interested in how you got this looking sooo nice.
Hookup, they are made of wood. Tried using larger plastic boxes but they don't work well when so many things have to fit the coverplates. This is what it looked like before I cut it to fit this tank.


I have plastic straps, that I'll run under the bottoms to keep the wires straight.

very neat job jesse, i should sort mine out reall as well, i need to make room for a future fudge and the electrics are a right mess:lol:
I gotta agree w have a nice thing going over here w this thread.

Hey Michael, did you look into speaking w the mods to see if they can lock this thread on the top part of the forum for people to be able to find us, since understandably, they cant give us our own thread, let me know what they tell you.

One of the many things I love about living in Fl is that Ricordias are not that pricey, I started a ric garden & a shroom rock. The store by my house, sells them at $10 per ric, regardless of color, size or how many mouths. So when ever I see a color I like or a Ricordia w 3 or 4 mouths w like a 2-3" diameter, I jump on it for my ric garden for only10 bux!!

I see some of my recruits have posted their pics, Nice job Sdogg!! I really like your tank, I want to turn my frag area into a fuge, but I dont know if it is worth it?? I dont know...

cczarnik, I like your tank, It look nice and spacious, some thing I am a fan of.

The very next thing I'm tackling in my tank is modding my canopy for easier access to my tank. I can access my entire tank w the way my rocks are set, but my canopy inhibits me, that has got to go, it defeats the purpose of having no rocks touching the glass...

gawf4fun, you have some really nice color in there, I love the flame, Im contemplating one, but am unsure as I already have a few angels in there, I'll see, i have time.

Michael, Im like you, I dont like Koraline growth on my glass, so I scrape it off.

Jesse, the tank is looking good, your almost there.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14137065#post14137065 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bernie21

Hey Michael, did you look into speaking w the mods to see if they can lock this thread on the top part of the forum for people to be able to find us, since understandably, they cant give us our own thread, let me know what they tell you.

dont think its worth asking buddy, theres already 4 stickys and they wont think theres enough interest for the vast majority of peeps on here to make it a sticky, we will just have to keep it going for now and see how many eventually join and re-assess again another time, i thought my other thread running would have been a good bet but thats got no chance either:eek: thought that one was a good idea myself as well:lol: still i suppose you can only say hello to newcommers so many times cant you:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14137136#post14137136 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Michael
still i suppose you can only say hello to newcommers so many times cant you:D

Ya Think!!!!!

"gawf4fun, you have some really nice color in there, I love the flame, Im contemplating one, but am unsure as I already have a few angels in there, I'll see, i have time".

Thanks Bernie21, I'm trying to focus a little more on adding SPS to enhance the color more, but I've heard and read that softies have a negative effect on water quality which may inhibit my SPS coloration and growth. We'll see how it goes.

The Flame Angel is new. I've never had one and was concerned about coral snacking, but my LFS ran a great deal at $25 so I figured I'd pull the trigger and see how he does. It's early days, but so far so good.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14137270#post14137270 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MasterDrazhar
Hello, Add another for the corner tank crowd.

Running a 54 Gallon non-drilled corner tank. Been running for about 3 weeks or so now. Setup/

I'll have to start back at the beginning of this thread to catch up


hi-draz, welcome aboard, the link doesnt work for me mate, quick tip heres what i do, when your on photo bucket move the cursar to the pic you want to show and a bar will appear under it, click on the img bit at the bottom of the bar and paste and copy to the post you are writing ,the picture should then appear and not just show a link, if your unsure about paste and copt another way once you have highlighted the img link is to press ctrl and c together on the computer and then ctrl and v together to put the photo on the post, this is a cheats way, but works as well
Thanks Michael for checking, hopefully if we get enough members. We should do a club count and see how many we have so that when we reach a large number we can try again.

MasterDrazhar, welcome aboard, Im surprised Michael didnt blast you w his welcome sigh, lol. The link isnt working for me either, but if you do what Michael said, it'll show.

gawf4fun, I too have heard that, so Im keeping my softies to a minimal (An ORA Toadstoal & a simple colt), the rest LPS and SPS. I have seen several successful tanks and certain TOTM that are mixed tanks. I wouldnt worry about the flame to much, you got a GREAT deal (They're $50 everywhere I've seen them) and although they're hit or miss w the picking, the bigger the tank, the less damage & they are one of the better "reef safe angels".
Ok I wanted to explain something I hit on earlier. My overflow will feed my skimmer directly. I know my skimmer, (asm g-3), pulls more than my overflow will be putting out. That was the reason I wanted to do the recurculating mod. Because of lack o room this wasn't possible. This is my solution.



This requires all water to flow through the skimmer, then to the fuge.

IT FITS!!!!!

Wow Jesse, nice setup... i've wanted to have a total-flow into skimmer system but just havn't worked it out...

but i'm confused, how does this solve you problem of not having enuf over-flow volume to feed the pump?

And, what are the two holes in the elbow for? Obviously water will escape there and make a mess, unless that is underwater and then allows your sump-water to also get pulled in and...

WOW, I get it, I think. That is a very impressive MOD to make a pseudo-recerc! WOW! WELL DONE!

That's funny. I like the way you talked yourself through it. You are right, it's under water. The holes will allow the skimmer to draw enough water, even if it's not comming from the overflow. Since the overflow water is already in the pipe, all of it should get sucked in.
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Yeah, i was confused and did type my way thru.. then figured I'd leave the post... made me laugh at myself.... haha