Hello Boys, just found this thread tonight and enjoyed reading to this point. Great stuff in here, much that you have to have experienced to really appreciate. I too suffer from big sump envy!
I bought a used acrylic pentagon corner tank about three years ago because I loved the shape and look of the tank's depth of field for viewing. The dimensions are 48" from the corner tip to the front edges, 11" for the side panels and 54" across the front panel. The depth of the tank is 24" (a pain in the butt for corner cleaning). I haven't done the math to confirm it, but I was told it was a 180 gallon, so that my story and I'm sticking with it.
I traded my old hot tub to my UPS man at work who does woodworking and used to build stands and canopies for a LFS. He did a super job. The stand has a flat back leaving even less room for equipment, though I've managed to cram a good amount of stuff underneath including 30 gallon sump, external protein skimmer, calcium reactor, auto-top off and phosban reactor. The only thing that didn't fit is my 1/4HP chiller which sits on the right side of the tank alongside the closed loop pump. (which after reading the last line, I realize didn't fit underneath either). I don't have a picture of underneath the stand but will take one and post so you can appreciate the same cramps that I have. LOL
Anyway, here's a few pics of the canopy, stand, and tank early after setting it up and with my initial rockwork after about 5 months.
I re-worked the aquascaping just over a year ago to create better flow and to give more room for adding corals. Here's pics of the new aquascaping from a year ago and then more recently after a year of filling in and coral growth. I'm pretty happy with the mixed reef look, just thinking now that I need to upgrade my flow by adding a Vortech.
I'm really looking forward to seeing and hearing from more corner reef owners here on RC. If anyone has feedback on Vortech' pumps and their use and positioning in pentagon/corner tanks, I'd love to hear it.