The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Also, I was wondering what other corner reef er s did about mounting thier light under thier canopy. I need to sit my fixture on the glassss top amd move to feed or access coral. How do others have thier lights set up with canopy ?
Seagals, give some info on your overflow, such as how much flow, what kind of drain, (gurggle buster, durso, or whatever). Take a pic or it if you can. You can look in my blog to see how I did my lights.
Thanks Jesse, I an new hear so I have to figure out the photo upload process but I did check out your blog , good stuff, nice set up. I have the same type of overflow you do but I did notice from your photos your durso is higher thanks mine. My durso sits below the top of the glass. My noise problem its the waterfall issue, no gurgling, flushing or air just waterflowing over the wall into the durso area its about a 2-3" drop. Do you think if I raise the durso it would lessen the waterfall hieght and water.crashing sound?
Jesse, I lighting as well cool solution but my canopy sits on the tank, which btw helps dappen the overflow noise. I will post photos when I can. I was thinking of some kind of hinged arm that is bolted to the wall and attached to the light. I was wondering what others did so I wasnt reinventing the wheel.
Yes, that should help. If you remember the design before you put your rock in there's also openings halfway down the overflow. This helps pull water from lower into the tank also. On mine they kind of flow into each other. Your's are probably crashing into each other, then falling again. Also, how much flow is going through it??
Jesse, I lighting as well cool solution but my canopy sits on the tank, which btw helps dappen the overflow noise.

Once it's set right, it won't make any sound. Mine's in my living room, and the Mrs. wouldn't allow it if it did.
Alright, drilling the tank is fine so I'm gonna be ordering a glass holes kit and modding my stand to get either a 10g or 14g tank to fit under it and start drilling and making baffles. I'm thinking of getting a select a watt ballast so I can go 175/250 watts of metal halide. I may start with a 175w as I hear they are pretty good but I want to make sure I have enough for clams on the sand bed.
i decided to re-setup my 36g corner tank. i was going to drill it but with the limited space under the stand i just decided to do a HOB skimmer. i ordered a Bubble Magus NAC5E yesterday and should be here friday. im painting the back of the tank black today then i'll start filling it. lights are going to be AI Sol LEDs.

Hey guys, I have a 52 corner bowfront reef. At the current time I am using a HOB refugium with a skimmer included. It gets pretty ugly to look at and I really want to move to a sump underneath. We all know how much room is an issue under our stands so I was wondering what is a good unit to use that will fit under there? Don't really have the time to build my own so was looking for some suggestions of what others have used. Thanks.
You're in the right place, but I built my own stand so that I could fit my sump in the stand. You'll have to measure the room you have and go from there. I think there's a pic of my sump in my blog you can see, but like I said, I built the stand and doors around it. Besides using an aquarium, you can use pre -made sumps, build your own acrylic sump, or use foodgrade Rubbermaid tubs.
If I trim the back panels a bit I will be able o it a 10 or14 gal tank in the stand. I believe the 14g will work better. Is there anyone out there who has turned 10g tanks into sumps? How much room is there for a skimmer? Micro bubbles, etc.?

I really want to do it right as I have no experience with making them, especially that small.

Anyway I got a bi-color dotty back and my lfs will order me 2 30" aquaticlife linkable t5 units for $75 each! I gotta see what deals I can get for a good light over the corner tank.
Any suggestions for a 36g corner bow?


I found a crazy orange crab in it today, it looks like a mithrax crab as it looks almost exactly like a emerald except has brown claws and orange/white body and legs. The sucker is sketchy and no way it will stick around for me o take a pic.
Thank you it's a 15k hqi (xm) and 4 current t5 .
I seen your tank fts, looks great. I'm thinking of pushing my rock toward the back like that.
I couldn't find your sump pics but I'm gonna go for a quick walk and look again.