A thread just for people that spend most of the time in the corner? Sweet!
Here is my quick run down. Pics almost in order. They were not my 1st priority at the time.
After months of research I contacted Truvu to build my 100g pentagon and stand.
They were very fast at responding to questions and even asked some I forgot. Example, "What size sump will you have? We want to make sure it will fit through the door." Good thinking! A true custom stand! Measurements sent, down to the mm. Lets get this right after all.
DIY sump, return pump, and Coralife 220 skimmer, wet test.
Tank and stand just arrived from Truvu. A month late but at least its in the 4 pieces its supposed to be in. And stand was custom made for the tank and sump, so setup should go fast right? Almost. After installing the bulk heads to the tank they did not line up with the holes provided in the top of the stand. At least its wood and i was looking for a good excuse to get more wood tools anyway.
Look how nice and square the corner is! I wonder if my house is built that way?
Oh and that "custom" door? 1/2" too small no matter which way I turn it. Well guess I'm going to buy a sump. Eshopps R-100 just fit tight squeeze but it will work.
No way to get AC into the stand. Maybe they thought I perfected Tesla's wireless power delivery system. Well I needed a new Dremel anyway... I guess. Vertex 360 arrived but the lid for the canopy is solid. Well I needed a new circular saw anyway. :headwally:
Oh and seeing as how it was late my live rock had already arrived so my DIY sump was curing that in the mean time.
Truvu's response to all of the handy custom work they did? "We are very sorry" I was hoping for more but o-well might as well just go and :deadhorse1:
OK rock and sand in and ready for water!
Figured out the "new" plumbing, and installed 2 fans (1in/1out) to keep mold out.
Everything running no leaks and water cleared up in 24hrs so the wait for the cycle is on!
Might as well put that DIY sump to use... I think a QT tank should work.
Well that was fun! What do y'all think?