Yes, I looked at that thread... thanks for the link... they do have good photos there... The problem seems to be that there is no standard way of comparing skimmers... no one will admit they bought a piece of crap, unless it is really crappy, so everyone is saying good things about the I-Tech skimmers... maybe they are the next coming of christ... hard to tell.
Hurricone Skimmers have some pretty amazing ratings listed, if they live up to the hype, they will dominate, but again, marketing doesn't always equal reality.
I have ordered a Hurricone CAT2 for my system... and will be ordering an MR-4 and hammerhead combo as well. I am also looking at a reeflo Orca 200 as a third skimmer.
NO, I'm not going to run all three skimmers.. lol, I'm going to sell off the two I do not keep. I'd like to run the I-tech 400 as well, but their price is high and there would be a large loss on resale. Maybe once I get the other skimmers in and setup, i can convince them to give me a special price to be a part of the testing....
Do not expect updates on this for some time, the skimmers won't even be in my hands for at least 2 weeks... I'll photo-blog the entire setup and tests, figure out test-baselines, etc... see how much of a real-life comparison I can do with the help of my LFS.