The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14612781#post14612781 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bigbenji
I didn't even know they made water alarms, I gotta get one of those. Oh, and nice Kinkade.

bigbenji, the water alarm is called Leakfrog water alarm. You can google that and order from many places online for about $13. When it senses any liquid, it sounds an alarm that will make you jump:)
My next equipment added was a Geo calcium reactor. Because of the pentagon shape footprint, I have a little more room to place the reactor in front of the sump and still can close the door completely.


I also added a DIY coiled denitrator using 25 ft of airhose inside a section of 4" PVC pipe. These plus a 14 lbs CO2 canister pretty much occupy most of the space underneath my tank.


I have been battling hair algae, cyanobacteria and low PH for several months. I have heard some people have great success with algae turf scrubber (ATS) so I decided to give it a try. This ATS has been running for 3 days and I hope I can see some results in 2-3 weeks.


As far as lighting, I have a Sundial 250W MH HQI sitting in the center of the top about 10 in from the water surface. I also added a 150W HQI to the left of the 250 so I can place some SPS on that side of the tank. In addition, I have 2- 36 in 78W T5. When everything is on, I have a total of 540W. Photo period is as follow:

Dual actinic and T5: 11.30a to 11.30p
250W Phenoix 15000K: 1p to 11p
150W 10000K : 4p-10p

Finally a short video of my tank from last night. I would like to thank you all for allowing me to share my 92 corner tank with you.

biowerks nince tank, really colorful, good job! Its tough to get a variety of color w softies, but there you go, you seem to have nailed it!
SimonSKL nice tank & build, I really like how you made it into a pent but w a round front, pretty crafty if you ask me!!

Either way guy Welcome & thanks for joining our lil club. We love to have your tanks here!!
Yes, I looked at that thread... thanks for the link... they do have good photos there... The problem seems to be that there is no standard way of comparing skimmers... no one will admit they bought a piece of crap, unless it is really crappy, so everyone is saying good things about the I-Tech skimmers... maybe they are the next coming of christ... hard to tell.

Hurricone Skimmers have some pretty amazing ratings listed, if they live up to the hype, they will dominate, but again, marketing doesn't always equal reality.

I have ordered a Hurricone CAT2 for my system... and will be ordering an MR-4 and hammerhead combo as well. I am also looking at a reeflo Orca 200 as a third skimmer.

NO, I'm not going to run all three skimmers.. lol, I'm going to sell off the two I do not keep. I'd like to run the I-tech 400 as well, but their price is high and there would be a large loss on resale. Maybe once I get the other skimmers in and setup, i can convince them to give me a special price to be a part of the testing....

Do not expect updates on this for some time, the skimmers won't even be in my hands for at least 2 weeks... I'll photo-blog the entire setup and tests, figure out test-baselines, etc... see how much of a real-life comparison I can do with the help of my LFS.
Reefscape15, wow.. cool fish... what is it, do you have it in a reef? It looks like some kind of frogfish, which I thought would wipe-out your inverts and small fish...
So I added a few more fish. Now along with the tang, there's a sixline wrasse, 4 pajama cardinals and a rainfords goby. I love this little guy.
so i am trying to find a place to put my co2 tank for my reactor... i wasn't thinking there was any reason that the tube for the co2 could be 10-15 feet. but do you guys know anything about this? THanks
benji i've posted pics a long time ago... i think in the first10 pages or so of the old thread before it split... (even though i need to update, real bad...) I lost misplaced my card for my camera so I am sorta stuck on what I can do right now picture taking wise... I'll try to find the page
its pg 13 jsut in case the link doesn't work... but i've added 19 new frags since the pics were taken, a ca reactor and po4 reactor in the sump... So i think its past time to snap some new ones
Bigbenji - I have a K-1 and K-3 and i don't think it's enough either! I'm adding a modded K-4 (3000gph) and modding the K-1 and 3. If your going to buy new powerheads get Vortechs if you have the money, if not i'd get 2 K-4's.

Hookup - Yes your right, it's a Wartskin Angler (Frogfish). It is in my reef tank (i'm down to only one tank now), and yes it does eat everything! I've had it just over a year now, and in my 20 gal when it was only about 2" it ate a 2" Black Saddle Back Clown and 3" Yellow Watchmen Goby, Emerald Crabs and a Sally Lightfoot Crab. He's about 3.5" now and i have a 3" Bi-Color Pseudochromis thats been in there with him the whole time. It does suck not being able to have shrimp or anything for Aptasia or parasites, but I can't get rid of him now!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14608085#post14608085 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by SimonSKL
Flipsideleo, I didn't know I was that inspiring. Thanks! I dug up some of the pictures that I took during construction.

You're very welcome, sir! Yes, I absolutely love your tank and how humble you are at creating that work of art! Me and my wife have gawked over your build-up since I found it... Of course, all I was able to salvage from that night of intense 92g research, was a couple of pictures I saved of your build. I think I have them on my photobucket account, but I'm glad you posted your build here. Now, I have more material to copy. :) :lol:

I love the video you posted, too! It sure has come a long way!
Jesse - Awesome addition to your tank! I love all the small gobies, and if i didn't have that Angler, i'd have my tank filled with them! I think the Hi-Fin Banded is one of my favorites. There are some very cool Perchlets and Basslets that are very small, maybe Clown Goby size, but they are hard to find. My Wife's Brother lives in Colorado and has a shop out there and he has a lot of them in stock. He's only got maybe 15 small tanks for fish, but he keeps mostly hard to find nano fish. When we went out to visit he had a Pecock Mantis Shrimp which was totally awesome, and a Golden Rhomboid Wrasse which was amazingly beautiful! He said his price on the wrasse was $350!!!! If i had the money for a pair, i'd definately get them!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14633001#post14633001 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
So I added a few more fish. Now along with the tang, there's a sixline wrasse, 4 pajama cardinals and a rainfords goby. I love this little guy.

Oooh! Very nice, Misled! I also love how your rock is already getting coraline on it! That's a happy tank, right there. :bum:
Jesse I love that fish I used to have one, tough fish to keep though so GL!!! Your tank is coming out nicely!!
Now that I have my lovely Angels, Im going to fill the tank w gobys and blennys, just to have a a ton of fish but not that much of a bioload!!