The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14647652#post14647652 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Misled
not much to see, yet.


man thats a clean tank, love all the frags, in twelve months time its going to be awsome, totm jan 2010:)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14650843#post14650843 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by goofball310
Here's my 65 corner from 6 years ago:



very very nice, you have a similar tank to rocketlily, thats very nice as well, thanks for showing the pics:)
Whispre - that fuge looks about the same, but it might be a little bigger than mine. I love your set up though! That extra space in your stand is such a great idea!

Goofball - I love your corner tank! I'm assuming that you've taken it down already, but it's lovely anyways
Jesse - I'm very interested in what your going to put in that cave in the center of your tank? It looks like a perfect little shaded spot for maybe an awesome Acan or some super crazy shroomz or something! Just curious if you have anything planned for that specific spot, or just waiting to come across something
I always wondered how efficient the HOB refugiums were?
In your experiance are they worth the money invested to them?
I run my refugium light on at night off during day which helps balance things out... you can look at it and see the seemingly thousands of 'bugs' swimmint/crawling around in it, and my tank has pods all over the place... I'd say it works great. I just filled mine with smaller live rock rubble.
Whispre, nice cabinet! I really like that extra space behind the tank. It allows you room to put all kinds of "toys" both behind and underneath the tank. It also makes the 54g tank a lot bigger with more depth!

How do you like your AquaController? What equipment and parameters are you monitoring and controlling with the unit? I am thinking about get a controller but not sure which one to get.

I did not get the pro version, just the AC3... so I'm monitoring temp and Ph with it.

I controll the:

closed loop


2 heaters
hood fan
phosban reactor

I also use it to shut down all pumps and ATO unit during feed cycle

I like being able to control it from internet, and able to download data and chart it. I use the aquanotes to chart water params (temp and Ph are auto, the rest I can manually enter into database as I test) and track inhabitants.

Umm... I love it.
Wow that controller sounds pretty amazing! I only have HOB stuff so i guess it wouldn't really do me any good, but all my lighting is on timers. As for the HOB fuge, it's better than nothing, but i wish i would have gotten one with a skimmer for the intake. There is a layer of detritus on the sand, but it doesn't affect my parameters at all. IT's just unsightly, but you can't really see my fuge anyways. There is TONS of pods and about 6 varieties of caulerpa growing and a ball of chaeto. I put a few small pieces of rock in and the algae became attached to it which is kind of cool. I put a handful of tiny brittle stars and 2 Nassarius snails in to hopefully clean up the detritus a bit. If you have a sump though, you can use your return to feed your fuge and just have that overflow into your tank. I wish i could've done something like that but i don't have room for a sump.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14654090#post14654090 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Whispre
my return from the sump would push waaaay too much water through my fuge.

Since my sump & fuge are all underneath the tank, I don't believe many pods survive and make it to the tank after they pass thru the return pump.

My flow rate thru the fuge is about 60gph or about 1/10 of the return rate to the tank. Isn't the overflow of the corner tank is rated at a max of 600 gph?
I don't remember what it's rated at, but I suspect that even 60gph would be a lot pumped through a 2.5 gallon hob fuge lol. and I believe my sump/return pump is pushing something like 200gph
Well, you maybe could T off your return line from the sump and just add a little bit of water into the fuge to overflow into the tank. I always wanted to somehow rig up my skimmer to dump into my fuge and then back to the tank, but they're both HOB so i doubt it would work
You're right of course, I could... however I just think sticking a little powerhead on the hob fuge intake is simpler and easier.
My only thought on doing this is that you'd have your cleaner sump water feeding your fuge instead of taking it out of the tank. With a hang on, it will end up just sucking crap out of your display. I think it would keep it cleaner if you could run your sump output instead of the display water to feed it. Anyways, regardless of what you do with that fuge, i think your setup is going to lead you to a GREAT tank! I love the corner bow's, and they make totally awesome reefs!

On a side note, i purchased a False Lemonpeel at my LFS tonight! I've been in serious need of an algae eater for quite some time now, and i guess this was the best thing that i could come up with in a short amount of time. He's been hiding so far, but i'm expecting him to be swimming through the tank in no time.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14656509#post14656509 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by sdoggssf
There has been some nice corners posted lately....
I just took a few pictures of the 54 earlier today.




Wow! What a beautiful tank and colorful SPS! It sure looks bigger than a 54g tank. Tell us more about your set up, stand, sump, light.... etc.
yeah outstanding, it shuts up all the folk who slam corners, just superb, maybe 1 day mine will grow up like that