The Reef Central Corner Club Thread

Sharing with the corner club...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14699967#post14699967 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HumanIMDB
My Dad took pictures of the canopy he is building for us today:
<a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a><a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a><a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a>
<a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a><a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a><a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a>
<a href="" target=_blank><img src="" border=0></a>

The inside still needs to be painted with white epoxy and the doors need to be hung but it's just about done. :D

Guess it's time to order the Coralvue Lumen Bright Mini! ;)
Good links Hookup! That DIY LED fixture is pretty awesome. It's really probably not something that i would go with, but if someone's looking for that, it seems to be the way to go! I prefer the look of MH over anything else, and i think i'll always run this on all my tanks. I know it's hotter and costs more to keep running, but it looks so sweet.
i like leds, and think they could well become the future, ive seen a few diy jobs, most pretty poor, but some are great
The LED system would solve a lot of CORNER tank issues... you could design an LED pattern that would cover the entire tank evenly.... which is something that most of us struggle with...

That being said, until some one can do a spectral analysis on the output of LED systems, and show that they are capable of meeting the needs of corals, for me SPS specifically, MH are going to stay...

Now what was really interesting, was the second article... which, after the first two pages of reading, is claiming that sufficient PAR will be better than correct spectrum for growth and health of corals... There's a lot more thread to read on that one, but when you combine the two threads, with info thus far, LED's can get you sufficent PAR (250w MH equlivilant) then it should be sufficent...

I'm not saying it will produce the mind-blowing colors like some spectrums, but again, looking at the LED thread, it also appears that you can get LED's for many spectrums and as such, create a completely custom LOOK to your lighting solution, i.e. balanced spectrum, and achieve sufficent PAR...

It's got me very interested... for two reasons.. first, as above, if I can design a lighting system that hits all of the tank evenly, then that means more corals for me.. and second, LED systems, in theory, can last for years and years... again, no one has done a proof-positive that the PAR levels are sustained, and that the spectrum of light hasn't shifted in LED's... just that they are "on" for 50,000hrs... obviously not enuf data yet to make me switch.
Well me either, and with price of that DIY at almost $700, I could make a MH/T-5 setup with way more wattage. As i said before, I personally will probably never retire the use of MH lighting for my own tanks, but if i knew someone who was setting up a DIY LED fixture, I'd be extatic to be a part of the build!
My 92 corner

My 92 corner

I cannot believe it took me over a year to find this thread!!! I have gone through several designs and ideas trying to figure out how to put together my 92 tank. As of today a lot has already been done but it would had been great to see this before. Please add one more member to the Corner Tank Club :)

I guess the only "unique" thing in my tank is the Close Loop for water flow.

Here are some of the pics from my setup since I started over a year ago:

After I drilled the Overflow hole.


Close Loop layout


Return through Sea Swirl

First Lighting solution
1 400W 20K - 2 24" 75w True Actinics and 3 Moon Lights


First Rock design


After removing some rock for better flow


Water Flow Diagram

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This is the latest iteration of the lighting. You can also see the ventilation solution. Cool air coming from outside through the tube on the right. Exhaust on the left. I need to add 1 more fan. The exhaust is a computer 120mm fan. Virtually silent and have LEDs to boot!

One of the main objectives was to make the display tank as quiet as possible.

The sump, skimmer, reactors, etc... are all behind the wall in the furnace room.

Thanks Esquare.
That was one of my main concerns. I wanted ventilation but I didnt want any light flooding in the room. The current fan setup is the bare minimum to keep things decent. I have it a bit unbalanced because I put more fresh/cool air in than I do exhaust warm air out. Once I put a second exhaust fan I think it will be balanced.

As of right now the canopy with all the lights on gets to 87/90 F

The water hits a max of 79. But I use 2 fans in my sump.

I am still playing around with the whole temperature configuration. Everything is controlled through a Neptune Systems ACIII.

I need to decide if I want to lower the average temp of the tank to 76 instead of 78 and have the controller start the fans in the sump earlier.
Thats a very nice build! I really like the closed loop pluming that moves water from the front of the tank onto the rocks. Great idea!
You can't really see in the picture but output 3 the one on the left wall has two loc-lines and one of them faces the back corner with a flat flare, providing flow behind the rocks which was one of the areas I was worry about not getting any flow.

It did create quite a cloud at the beginning (I am using sugarfine sand) but I have it dialed down now to where the water is pretty clear and I am not getting anymore sand in the water column.

The Close Loop has the intake, 1" bulkhead, in the right wall of the tank, about half way down. From there it goes with 1" pipe into a Little Giant 4 pump, that feeds an Ocean Motions 4, into the 3/4" flexible PVC back to the top tank. The flow starts in the bottom right, splited in two loclines, one towards the right wall one towards the center of the tank, then goes to the flat lock-line on the right, that spreads it evenly towards the left side, through the center of the tank. The third one moves water towards the back corner and towards the left side of the front glass, and finally the 4th one in the bottom left has the funnel type locline that increases pressure and directs the water towards the overflow into the sump.

The return from the sump is a Mag 9.5 with barely 2 feet of head pressure and one 90 degree elbow into the 3/4" SeaSwirl that it is perfect (imho) for corner tanks, it moves the water 90 degrees from left to right to left, constantly.

Finally, there is a Tunze powerhead (I took the Koralia out, it was only a Koralia 1) in a custom made device that moves the whole powerhead 90 degrees from left wall to front glass. The Tunze is in a timer on the ACIII for Random 5 mins ON 5 mins OFF.